A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1279: Intelligence officer

Gao Yang immediately took his gaze back. He thought it was indecent to stare at the portrait of a woman's fruit, especially since the woman was still sitting beside him.

Ai Lin said enviously: "It's beautiful, it's really beautiful."

Christina smiled: "You are a friend of Yake, if you want, I can help you draw a portrait."

Ailing said excitedly: "Really? Great, how long can it be completed?"

Gao Yang coughed up together with Yake on the 13th. After the three people's dry cough was over, Yake waved his hand and whispered: "Christina, I'm leaving."

Christina's face turned white all at once, completely white.

After releasing Yake's hand, Christina picked up the cup in front of her and took a sip, then panicked: "God, it's too bitter, the coffee is too strong, I'll get some sugar."

No sugar was taken from the small dish on the table. Although the small dish was in front of him, Christina stood up and walked to the front of the closet, took out a jar of sugar cubes, and then turned to Yak with a casual tone: " Do you want to leave? Oh, you probably walk for a few days. "

After putting a large jar of sugar on the table, Christina didn't sit back on the chair, but her hands on the table were clenched tightly, making her joints pale.

With a sudden expression of impatience, Yack pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, snapped it on the table, and pushed it in front of Christina, shouting: "Put it away."

Christina took the paper, shuddered and opened the folded paper, and trembled, "What is this?"

Yake took a sip of his coffee and said impatiently: "This is ten million dollars. The password is your name. Call the above phone. You can transfer money to any bank account by saying the password. Transfer to your personal account and you can withdraw the money, remember. Every time you transfer less, you will be targeted. If I have time, I will transfer all the money in this account to you Personal account without paying taxes, maybe, I will tell you if I change it. "

Christina Qiang said with a smile: "Okay, I'll keep it for you, don't worry, I'll deal with it when you come back. I don't know much about it."

Yack suddenly angered: "What is for me. Didn't I tell you that it is yours?"

Gao Yang took a sip of the coffee, which was bitter and difficult to drink, but he seemed to find something rare in the world. He picked up the cup and refused to put it down, and devoted himself to tasting the coffee.

Christina froze, her face was paler, and she didn't have any blood, and after yelling at Yake, she sat down helpless. Then cautiously said: "Dear, I'm sorry."

Yack said angrily: "Why do you apologize? Why do you apologize to me? Don't you understand? I won't come back! I said I was leaving, and the purpose of the money I gave you was to be happy I dumped you. Isn't that enough money? Isn't it enough? How much do you want! Say, how much do you want! "

Christina bit her lip tightly, and then she suddenly turned her head: "My dear, I'm sorry, you don't have to be like this. If you want to go, then you can go. I will wait for you to come back. It doesn't matter. I It ’s nice to be alone. You and I will wait for you to come back. You just need to call me, oh. Sorry, if you are not convenient, you do n’t need to call. Really, I ’m fine, what ’s wrong with me? nothing."

After glancing at Christina in disgust, Yake said in a deep voice: "I will not come back, you should understand, you are just one of my countless women, don't think too much, well, so be it . "

The tears on Christina's face flowed down, and she said startled, "But your painting is not finished yet."

Yake stood up and said in a deep voice: "Let that painting go to hell. What I hate the most is painting. Since my childhood my father forced me to paint, I hate to paint any painting."

After speaking, Yak said to Gao Yang, "Don't leave yet? Do you want to drink this extremely difficult coffee before you leave?"

Irene wanted to say something, but eventually shrugged and stood up, so Yang Yang could only put down the glass.

Gao Yang wanted to say something, but this was Yake ’s private matter. No matter what decision Yake made, he could only respect it and was not qualified to raise an objection.

On the thirteenth, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "People who have been blinded by love, alas, let's go."

Acker took a big step and walked. When he reached the door of the restaurant, Christina suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Yake stopped and said impatiently, "What are you doing?"

"Do you really love me?"

Looking at the trembling Christina, Yack said impatiently: "I said, you are just one of the countless women in my life, this answer is clear enough."

Christina reached out and grabbed the paper representing $ 10 million in front of her, took it in her hand, knead it, and suddenly threw it towards Yake, then shouted with exhaustion: "Get out! Take your money and get out of my house. With your friends, get out of my house and get out!"

Yak didn't look at the paper ball Christina threw at him, and turned away, but on the 13th, he said with dissatisfaction: "Idiot who has been blinded by love, can't you change the method? Do n’t you know how embarrassing we are? "

Hearing what the thirteenth said, Yake said angrily: "Shut up, you idiot!"

Gao Yang didn't know what Yake thought. After grinning embarrassingly at Christina, he quickly prepared the thirteenth and pedaled down the stairs.

Gao Yang heard the sound of a violently falling cup in the restaurant behind him, and then Christina rushed out, tearing the paper ball that Yake didn't pick up into pieces, and shouted: "Go! Hurry!"

Yake said nothing, but walked to the door, first opened the glass door inside, and then pulled up the outer roller shutter door, motioning them to hurry and leave.

After Yang Yang and several of them left, Yake pulled down the rolling gate from the outside, and then when four people were about to leave, they listened to the cracks in the upstairs window throwing things down, first an oil painting, but the oil painting I painted the thirteenth, followed by an easel, then brushes and palettes.

Gao Yang and Irene just helplessly watch Christina throwing things down the window, and murmured to her on the 13th: "Wait a minute, I have to take my portrait."

Finally, Christina lifted up the unfinished portrait painted by Yake, but after throwing it several times, she finally hugged the picture to her chest and cried, "Yake, I'm sorry, Don't abandon me ... "

Yake turned indifferently and left.

On the thirteenth, he shook his head and said, "It's boring, a silly woman who can't extricate herself in love, an idiot who thinks he has found a solution. Can this solve the problem? Of course not, but they still do it? Why? Because they are dizzy. "

On the thirteenth, he muttered to himself like a philosopher. While looking at Yake ’s back, Christina started crying loudly, crying with the painting on her back, and after picking up her portrait under the window, the thirteenth turned slowly. They walked slowly towards the high.

Put the oil painting he held in Gao Yang's hand and said impatiently on the thirteenth face: "Come on, how long do you want to see this kind of vulgar drama? Man, I'm still hurt, you're nobody Are you going to help me? "

Gao Yang held the oil painting in one hand and held the number 13 in one hand, and sighed: "This kind of feeling is really troublesome."

On the 13th, the three didn't move fast, so all three walked slowly, and Christina's cry reverberated on the street. Until the three turned around the corner, they could still hear Christina's desperate cry.

Turning around the street corner, Yak leaned on the corner wall alone and said dissatisfiedly: "You are walking too slowly."

Gao Yang was very depressed and said: "Fak! What are you guys doing? You didn't say you want to leave in this way! What the **** are you thinking about? Can you have something new?"

Yack exhaled and said, "I can't help it."

On the thirteenth, a mocking face said: "British gentleman, your method is old-fashioned and useless."

Yack exhaled, pointed his finger at Christina's position, and said to Gao Yang: "Actually, I also regret it. If you say you don't want me now, I will go back and comfort her, and then stay here to live. Ken? If you ca n’t find something better than me, shut up. "

Gao Yang said without hesitation: "Okay, go back, I don't want you anymore. I would rather go to find an intelligence officer than to see a woman cry so miserably."

Jacques froze for a moment and said, "Why don't you guys take the usual path? Please, you and Christina just met. You gave up the best intelligence officer in the world for a woman who has nothing to do with you. ? "

Gao Yang shrugged and said: "I am like this, it is normal for you to understand the thinking of the Orientals ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Just like I still can't understand some of the thinking patterns of Westerners, there is also a reason. Christina It has nothing to do with me, but she has a relationship with you. I think you will regret it if you just leave. As a friend, I think I need to help you correct the mistake. "

Yake smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay, I take back what I just said, I can't go back, I don't want to be tied to a place to spend the rest of my life, so you treat me as if I haven't said anything, continue to let me be you The intelligence officer is ready. "

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Why can't you change a method? Why do you make everyone so painful, Christina is willing to wait for you, then you let her wait for you, we are not fighting every day without rest Would n’t it be nice to come back to her when you rest? Why not?

Yake was silent for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Man, people like us, are not qualified to make any promises to a woman. As a mercenary, if you love a woman, just ignore her! Now, I just want to know if I am still your intelligence officer? "

Gao Yang shrugged: "Of course, you are now our intelligence officer."

Yake smiled and said in a deep voice: "Very well, can we go now? Boss!" (To be continued)

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