A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1276: This is over

The Iron Madonna is actually wounded. There is a group of five people on the verge of the explosion. These few people have good luck. They may or may not die, and under the premise of all luck, they are really not dead.

The five people rolled back and forth in a row. Obviously, at least two of them were seriously injured and the mobility was inconvenient. The other three appeared to be not seriously injured, pulling and pulling to help the two more seriously injured. withdraw.

It is impossible to cause a second killing, because Our Lady of Steel does not need to send people into the danger zone to rescue the wounded, which makes Gao Yang regret.

"The assembly could not be killed twice, and all the remaining explosion points were detonated. Pay attention to the timing and create the illusion of which five wounded people triggered the fuze to cause the explosion."

Gao Yang was interested in Clooney. At first glance, there was no good chance of causing secondary damage to the enemy. The first thing he thought of was the evidence of destruction.

If the unexploded explosion point is left untreated, then the person of the Iron Madonna will know what is going on as long as the directional mine is detonated remotely, so to detonate the remaining explosion point, you have to seize the opportunity, because if If no one enters, and then detonates all the remaining explosion points in the minefield, it will also reveal that the directional mine is controlled by human remote control.

"Understood, everyone listens to my instructions!"

Raphael knew the location of all the explosion points. When he saw several wounded people approaching a explosion point from the ground, Raphael shouted, "Detonate!"

With a loud bang, all the remaining explosion points exploded at almost the same time.

If Our Lady of Steel has time, as long as you slowly investigate in the minefield, you can find a lot of traces to find out the answer. Whether it was a mine that caused a serial explosion, or was monitored by a remote control to detonate. These things can not be concealed by the blasting expert. eye.

But the problem is that Our Lady of Steel cannot have time to investigate slowly, the reason is simple. This is Crimea, not a place where the Virgin Iron can move freely, it is orderly. After just making a big move, all mercenary regiments had to withdraw quickly.

The second explosion was loud. But the effect is not good, the biggest effect is to turn the five wounded into five dead.

Quiet again, no one shot, quietly, like a normal early morning on the edge of the city instead of the battlefield where the big explosion just happened.

Raising them, they didn't move, they just watched Our Lady of Steel through the drone.

The sniper did not move, heavy firemen withdrew one after another, and the assault team advanced to build a line of defense. But then there was no more action from the Iron Madonna.

Gao Yang said with confidence: "They have to withdraw, and someone will come soon. If you don't leave, there will be trouble. Now it's up to the people who watched Our Lady of Steel to withdraw their invincible dad."

An east-west highway, going east, must pass through their hiding place, which means that Satan has the opportunity to fight an ambush. If the Virgin Mary walks west, which is the direction of the retreat, he will ambush with Satan. Ran counter to each other, and naturally ambush could not be achieved.

The absolute killing area is the absolute killing area. It is because Raphael uses most of the c4, so even the corpses do not have to be collected in the absolute killing area, and they are all in a fragmented state.

As for the absolute killing area. Even if the people were killed, the body would remain at least intact.

After waiting for a while, the Madonna of Steel finally began to send people into the corpse. After waiting about five minutes to bring the eight corpses on the outer periphery, the men of the Madonna of Steel suddenly began to retreat across the board. After they all withdrew to reach the safety zone, the Iron Madonna returned to the car with ease, and then left. Rushing in the direction of coming.

Satan did not fire a shot, nor did the Iron Madonna. The battle is over, if this ambush can be counted as a battle.

It's super simple to lure the Madonna of Steel into the minefield. It is the problem of pressing the button, but in order to be able to press the last button, they promoted that they paid a lot of energy to prepare.

In order to make it easy to finish, no matter how complicated the process is, it is worthwhile. If the preparation and the process are very simple, but the final blow is very complicated, it means that this is a failed action.

As a result, they were able to kill twenty-nine of the Iron Madonna without direct contact with the Iron Madonna. A great victory was enough to cause a heavy blow to the Iron Madonna.

Gao Yang squeezed his fist and waved vigorously, then whispered: "Withdraw!"

This is a perfect ambush, no matter how complicated the process is, but the result is the kind that Gao Yang wants most. No one is injured or killed, causing serious damage to the enemy. It can be relaxed and easily withdrawn from the battlefield as if the outing ended. It ’s perfect.

When he got into the car and let the car drive out to the east, Gao Yang called Nate Schumacher, and when someone connected, he smiled and said, "Man, tell you a message, we killed Twenty Nine people, just now. "

"Only twenty-nine? You gangs of waste! But you are setting a trap on the Madonna of the Iron and Steel, and you have n’t wiped out the Madonna of the Iron and Steel? Not bad, if we do it, we can kill at least half of the Iron Madonna, at least! "

Gao Yang was too lazy to fight with N. Schumacher, who wouldn't brag, these people who really do things are naturally at a disadvantage, so he said: "Now the Madam Iron and Steel must hate you, don't say I didn't remind you You ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Be careful in the future. "

"Just kidding, are we afraid of the vengeance of Our Lady of Steel? Also, Victor is scared away by you, and it is unlikely that he will be found again. We have given up to hunt down Victor, now there is no need to keep in touch, this The number will be discarded after hanging up. If there is nothing else, just like that, I ’m going to do something big. "

Gao Yang has nothing to say. He sighed and said helplessly: "Are you going to play missing again? Okay, then, buddy, good luck, goodbye."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang then called Clooney, and after Clooney answered the phone, he said with a deep voice: "Everything is over, we have just killed twenty-nine Virgin Steel, I have tried to protect Do n’t be suspiced by the Iron Madonna, it ’s up to you. "

After briefly speaking with Clooney, Gao Yang called Donny Jr. on the third call.

"The cage operation was successfully completed, and now we are heading to the evacuation point, man, to notify the respondent that we are going home." (To be continued)

ps: That's right, ambush is over, because ambush is not a thing at all, the next point is the focus, haha.

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