A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1275: Level 1 Thunder

Gao Yang and they withdrew about 1,200 meters. They had moved from the building that was originally located on the south side of the e97 highway to the ambush, and moved to the open space on the north side of the e97 highway. A forest formed by shrubs and small trees.

The next step is to wait. In order to ambush the Iron Lady, Gao Yang has been waiting for a long time, but in the end this time is still different, because the whole plan can be completed, it will be proved in the next few hours until dawn.

There is no shooting range, so high they are at the back of the building, only the Madonna of Steel has a small gap before entering the ambush circle, and can shoot in a short time, but if you do that, the Madonna of Steel will definitely not enter the ambush circle again. A little, so a small shot is useless.

Now there are two things that Yang Yang prays for. One is to pray for the Madonna of Steel, and the other is to pray for Russians to stop interfering.

If Our Lady of Iron and Steel did not come, then the result is needless to say. If the Russians again engage in full-band jamming interference, the whole plan will only be in vain. The reason is that the dozens of explosion points set by Directional Ray and Raphael are all remote control Detonated, without the radio, those directional mines became scrap iron, and now, the eyes and ears of the ambush circle are only left by Jensen ’s drone, although they can raise the position of their hiding place to see if the Our Lady of Steel has entered. The ambush circle, but the situation after entering the ambush circle can not be seen.

In fact, it is no longer possible to call the ambush circle, it should be called the minefield, because the people who promoted them have all been withdrawn. Only the directional mine and c4 can be left to play.

If you do n’t shoot, you do n’t have to aim with the gun all the time, Gao Yang is annoying to stay, and for the entire Satan, only Cui Bo keeps his eyes behind the sight, even if he does n’t shoot, he will keep aiming like this. . A sniper is a sniper. Even if everyone else is annoying, Cui Bo will not feel bored.

From three o'clock to four o'clock. Then it was five or six. And at seven o'clock the sun should come out, Gao Yang does not think that the people of the Iron Madonna will come to the virtual deity after dawn.

The sky first entered the darkness completely, and then a flash of light appeared in the east. Just before the sun came out, Jensen finally said in an excited voice: "Someone is coming!"

Jensen's drone has reached the limit of height to prevent it from being discovered by the Iron Madonna. After the height is too high, what is captured by the night vision probe carried on the drone is not very clear. But still very much saw at least more than twenty cars parked outside the ambush circle that raised them, almost behind a building about two kilometers away.

At the most critical moment, Gao Yang was not nervous. He waved and said to Raphael: "Skunk, look at it."

The Iron Madonna did not rush to attack, because the false information given could not clearly indicate the specific location of the angel mercenary ’s hiding place, that is, where the traps of Satan ’s men were, so the Iron Madonna needs to scout to find the angel first The specific location of the mercenary regiment.

Any good player in the war can see at first glance that there is the best position. Gao Yang they think that the good place to occupy, the Madam Iron and Steel can naturally be seen, and such words. It is much more convenient when laying traps.

After getting out of the car, the Virgin Mary was divided into eleven teams and started to move forward slowly. After reaching the periphery of the building they occupied, most of the people stopped, and then the three groups broke up and pulled After a long distance, he started to move inside the building, while the rest stopped outside.

Andy He whispered: "It's cool to have a lot of people. Look at others. The manpower for investigation is too abundant."

Three teams. Each team was about fifteen people, and quickly separated towards the building area without much distance. Once again divided into small groups of two to five people headed forward.

The smallest group has two people and the largest group has five people. The team of two quickly found a place to stop and hide, and the remaining group moved on.

Gao Yangsheng said: "They are very careful. The sniper team is occupying the highland reconnaissance position. The reconnaissance team continues to search, and they will judge the terrain immediately. I guess they will focus on our ambush circle."

Sure enough, after a few glances after approaching, judging that the building where their ambush circle was located was the most suspected building, the investigators of the Iron Madonna quickly moved closer.

Covering each other's progress, but only before entering the minefield, the investigation team of Our Lady of Steel suddenly stopped.

"What's going on? What did they find out?"

Grolyov couldn't help getting nervous, and his voice changed, but soon, Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Many people are taking advantage of it, they are starting to send heavy firepower, oh, they have sniper groups."

More than 20 people who stayed in the periphery and did not enter began to move. Based on their movements, it can be roughly guessed what they were doing, especially the snipers were the most obvious. Two people in a group, sneaky occupied the most A good shooting position is not what a sniper can be. As for heavy firepower, whether it is a heavy-bore rocket launcher or a direct shot recoilless gun, it can be recognized at a glance.

"Wow, Our Lady of Steel, really worthy of Our Lady of Steel! They have twelve sniper teams. If the two members of the sniper team are snipers, then they have twenty-four snipers. If there is only one sniper, There are twelve of them, too, too much! "

Gao Yang wiped a handful of nonexistent sweat, and said with guilty conscience: "Fortunately, we withdrew, if we stay in place, Faker, if we are dead, how can we retreat!"

Frye whispered: "It's okay, boss, you can beat them twenty snipers."

Gao Yang said angrily: "Go, don't talk nonsense, let alone more than twenty snipers. I will be dead with five snipers on the opposite side. Look at their shooting range. Any one is threatening. Only five snipers can take care of this, plus the deputy shooter is ten people, Fak, too extravagant, too extravagant! "

Our Lady of Steel was very cautious, and had roughly ascertained the terrain. After the cover and support work had been done, the investigation team began to continue its operations.

"The vanguard entered the minefield and the wife of the medicinal woman must not be bullied! Absolutely kill the area!"

Raphael was very excited, because this ambush would definitely not return without success.

"Several people?"

"Uh, there are only three, okay! Now there are six, they are dead!"

Gao Yang arranged the minefield very large. A fan-shaped area with a length of 100 meters and a width of 200 meters was the absolute killing range. As long as they entered the building, they would definitely die.

The two three-person groups approached slowly, and then the three five-person groups followed up, slowly entering the minefield.

Although there are many people coming from the Iron Madonna, it is these few people who can deal with it. The rest have not stepped into the minefield.

Seeing that the investigation and assault team of Our Lady of Steel is about to enter the building, and the followers still did not enter the absolute killing range, Raphael whispered: "Twenty-one people in the absolute killing range, three people in the area that may cause damage outside are in one. Near the bombing point, they were also dead, and five others were on the edge of the ultimate killing range. They may be dead or wounded, or they might not, depending on their luck, but people in other places will not suffer any harm. How, Are you waiting? "

Gao Yang thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Do all the explosion points in the absolute killing range have to be detonated?"

Raphael said in a deep voice: "No, sixteen groups must be detonated, and six groups of explosive points remain."

"Very good, wait no longer, all the explosion points that can cause damage are detonated, kill them, other explosion points, etc., maybe there is hope that they will cause secondary damage."

Come to Phil, he said with a deep voice, "It's really exciting, this is my biggest handwriting. The boss, is it made of a kind of serial explosion caused by someone triggering a mine, or does it matter?"

Gao Yang said without hesitation: "Cluny is still useful, so we need to help him cover up some things, try to make it like a serial explosion caused by lightning strikes instead of being controlled by people."

"Let me see, when they detonate when they act, it ’s like stepping on a mine, um, tyrannosaurus, postman, toad, worker bee, after hearing my instructions, start the detonator you ’re responsible for as quickly as possible. , Do you understand? "


"Get ready, detonate!"

There are so many explosion points that it is impossible to control with only one initiator, so there are also many initiators. A combination of explosion points share one initiator, and there are dozens of them. The first detonation needs five people as soon as possible. Just press a few detonators that you are responsible for.

The explosions did not sound at the same time. Raphael detonated a explosion point first, and then ordered others to detonate ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ First, after a loud noise, followed by a particularly short explosion, it sounds like It looks like machine guns are bursting fast, but the sound is louder than many times.

After a series of loud noises, the ground was already dusty.

The explosion was over, and the violent explosion sound returned to silence after the echo stopped. There was no gunshots, no shouts, and no sound.

People within the killing range are dead, and the corpse is unavoidable, if the Lady of Iron and Steel didn't prepare the **** shovel and broom.

People outside the killing range will not shoot randomly if they do not find the enemy, even if all other people have died, they will not shoot randomly. So there are many living people left by the Iron Madonna, but they have not fired. A shot.

As for Satan, looking at the battle lined up by the Iron Madonna, they would shoot only when they were crazy. At this time, exposure would amount to death.

Very far away, even if I shout loudly, I am not afraid of being heard by the enemy. Gao Yang said with regret: "Unfortunately, have we adjusted the power of the minefield too much? All of it has become debris, and there are no wounded Stay, otherwise, the Iron Madonna might even enter the minefield in an attempt to rescue the wounded or something. "(To be continued)

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