A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1271: Feel good

Seeing that she was about to be caught up, Irene did n’t dare to drill into the alley. The unfamiliar terrain was a reason. If you saw the alley, you would get into the dead alley before you die. Even if it ’s not a dead end, as long as it is not enough If you are wide and can only go forward, you can aim at the car as soon as the car behind you stops.

The shooter in the carriage behind was not a vegetarian. He ran to see his luck, but stopped to fight. There was no reason to miss.

The machine gun couldn't be hit. Except for the shuttle that was initially blinded by the character, Andy Ho's bullets never hit the chasing soldiers, not to mention it was useless.

The bazooka dared not fight in the car, and the whole car died faster, and no longer had to run.

Gao Yang shouted helplessly: "Run on the bad road, run on the bad road!"

"You still use it!"

Irene shouted politely, and she was already trying to run towards the road that looked uneven.

The car behind is close to within 100 meters. If the distance is closer, the machine gun shooter behind will not have to be blindfolded.

Gao Yang's brain was turning wildly, watching the chasing soldiers getting closer. Although Irene temporarily hid in a turn, he would have to be bitten again within a few seconds.

Fortunately, after turning one corner after another, Irene made a sharp turn again, and the two wheels on one side were off the ground, almost turning over, but the wheel finally landed and continued to run.

Gao Yang shouted: "Grenade, grenade, throw it back when you meet again!"

"I have, I have!"

Fry shouted and pulled off several grenades. When the car behind appeared again, Fry pulled out the handle and threw the two grenades out.

The grenade of the trigger fuze landed on the ground, a white light flashed, and the car running behind suddenly turned sharply. He rushed to the side and hit a billboard on a bus stop on the side of the road.

Fry threw out a blasting bullet and a shock bomb, and the flash of the shock bomb made a big contribution.

"Yes! Frye, I love you!"

Gao Yang and Raphael shouted in unison, but Fry shouted: "I am a shock bomb. Who else has it!"

Gao Yang did not, because he was not a commando. This time, I was not prepared to take on the role of assaultman. Andy Ho was put into the assault group, but he was not the first echelon, and this time he was fighting in an ambush, and when he came out, he flashed when he was ready to shoot a machine gun. So much, even Andy did not bring shock bombs.

Irene shouted: "I have the latest chapter of the online game rookie crazy! It's hanging on my chest!"

Gao Yang stretched out his hand and ripped the shock bomb from Irene's chest, and was busy. In a terrible moment, Gao Yang ’s first reaction turned out to be a good feel. As for what feels good, it is not a grenade.

A car was chasing behind, and a few shots on the roof fired again. Andy shot at the back, but the bad road chosen by Irene was now meritorious, and the bumpy pavement was nearly tens of meters away. The two cars could only shoot the bullets, but they didn't know where to go.

Gao Yang handed the shock bomb to Fry, and Fry pulled out the pull ring, just when he raised his hand and wanted to throw it. Irene pressed a speed bump.

The car all flew, and Fry flicked his shock into the trunk of the buggy.

The trunk and compartment of the off-road vehicle are open and integrated. What this means means that they want to eat hard in the narrow space of the car.



"Second Olympics!"

Gao Yang was wearing earphones on one ear. He subconsciously covered his right ear, and then leaned over and stretched his left hand to cover Irene's right ear.

Fry and Andy Ho also had the same reaction. Fry covered her ears and closed her eyes and buried her body behind the seat. Andy Ho threw the machine gun and covered her ears and closed her eyes to hide her body behind the seat.

A loud bang, super super loud, the effect of the shock bomb is that the strong flash makes people temporarily blind. And the noise can stun people, can stun people. It must have been super loud.

Fortunately, the shock bomb is also triggered and delayed fuze. When Fry intends to throw it out, he intends to let the shock bomb explode in the air. So I put the shock bomb in my hand for two seconds, but finally there was still a little time, and there was some debris in the trunk of the car. The shock bomb fell into it without triggering the fuze.

Gao Yang they escaped the disaster for many reasons. First of all, the windows on the door were all opened, and the glass on the rear door was also smashed, which prevented the sound wave from being particularly concentrated in the small car. Gao Yang responded quickly and completed covering his ears to protect the cochlea within a second.

Finally, she was not stunned in the car by her shock bomb, but Irene did n’t know what happened behind her, so she did n’t close her eyes. Although she did n’t look directly at the shock bomb, the shock flash was blocked by the seat For the most part, the front windshield is reflective, and Irene is staring closely at her, fearing that she won't be careful.

People will completely lose their sense of direction after being blinded by strong light. Irene's hand shook, and the car would be biased. Fortunately, Yang Yang reached out and grabbed the steering wheel, and the car kept straight after a small swing.

"Damn it! What's the matter!"

Irene screamed and immediately closed her eyes. Gao Yang shouted for the steering wheel and shouted, "Don't slow down!"

After four or five seconds, Irene opened her eyes and after a moment, she said anxiously, "I'm fine."

Gao Yang ’s right ear is okay, but the left ear is buzzing. Although the earphone is plugged in the ear, the earphone does not have the effect of covering the ear with the hand after all.

Fry shouted, "I'm sorry! My hands slipped! Is there anything else?"

"What am I doing so much!"

Fry threw out two blasting bombs, and the car behind was less than ten meters away from them.

"Oh oh, no! Anxious brake!"

The bullets in the car behind hit a few holes in the roof. Although there were no hits, none of the bullets in the back were distorted because it was too close, even if Irene shook again Not very useful.

However, the machine gun stopped shooting the wizards at this critical moment.

Irene braked quickly, and the car behind hit the buttocks of their car directly, but because the distance was too close, Irene's car had not stopped, so the impact was not very serious.

Irene stopped forward, but Yang Yang's head was clenched on the front windshield, because Irene was wearing a seat belt, but Gao Yang didn't. As for Fry and Andy Ho, they hit directly On the front seat.

A front windshield in front of Gao Yang became a cobweb outfit with a snap, but Gao Yang's head did not bloom, because he wore a helmet. If there is no helmet, it goes without saying that it must have ended in blood.

The impact was not particularly strong, but the car behind was drilled underneath their car, to be precise, it was put on the roof.

Fry didn't drop the grenade this time. He pulled the two grenades out of safety and shouted: "Continue to run!"

Irene kicked the throttle, and the benefits of the four-wheel drive were revealed. Although the car's buttocks were completely riding on the rear car, but the two front wheels blew out the blue smoke, and the car rushed out again. .

After the car landed heavily, Fry leaned over and threw the grenade. One grenade crossed the roof of the car, but the other fell out of the roof where the machine gun was placed.

Gao Yang's car drove forward no more than five meters, and there was a flash of light in the car behind, and then the car never came back.

Watching the flashes in the back of the car, Andy Ho and Fry immediately collapsed, soaring up and reaching out to give Fry a heavy shot, shouting: "You saved us again!"

"Aren't there three cars?"

Andy said weakly: "Which is a passenger car, it's not running as fast as ours, get rid of it, Faker, I guess we are the mercenaries closest to Victor, I bet it is definitely ! And, guys, this is the most **** and dangerous experience in my life, "

Frye said disdainfully: "This is nothing. When we were trapped in the Aziziya barracks, it was more dangerous than this time, but this is indeed the most bloody."


Gao Yang and Andy He Qiqi expressed their feelings with a nasal voice. In this fight, in addition to injustice or injustice, they only want to make a little noise. Whoever really knows to provoke Victor ’s guards Came out.

There was an apprehensive sigh of excitement: "Hurry back around a few bends, if the Madonna of Steel does not come, we will withdraw, this ghost place is too ridiculous."

Eileen let out a long breath and turned his head to look at Gao Yang, and said helplessly: "I don't know how many mercenary groups are looking for Victor ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But the result made us come across, Is this luck too good or too bad? "

Frye laughed: "Actually, I think if we don't poke this horse honeycomb, but let the Madonna of Steel directly confront the people of the signal flag, will it cause them more casualties?"

Gao Yang shrugged: "It may not be a flag, but it may be Alpha. Their car is the same, but it must be the Russian troops. It can't be wrong. Ha, Russia really shot, no wonder Victor is so confident, but Being so distracted by us, I do n’t know if he decided to leave Ukraine or stay here. "

At this moment, Andy Ho exclaimed: "There is a car behind!"

Behind the lights of the car, the four people who were already the startled birds looked back together. Irene just had to glance at it and had to continue driving, while the remaining three people looked at it for a moment before they were relieved.

After Andy He let out a sigh of relief, he suddenly yelled and said, "What are you doing when the garbage truck comes out so early! Fool, want to scare me!" (To be continued)

ps: Still ask for monthly tickets, brothers and sisters, give me some face, I have asked for monthly tickets twice a day, how rare.

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