A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1270: Python

For such a thing as playing the grass to startle the snake, you only need to make a big enough movement, anyway, the purpose is just to startle the snake, not to catch it.

Gao Yang, Irene, Andy Ho, and Frye, the four of them drove a car and headed into the city.

There are not many people, but the equipment is well-equipped. Gao Yang does not expect to meet Victor. His plan is to shoot a few shots in a more critical place, even if he fires two rockets.

The weather was still cold, and it was early in the morning, and no one on the street could see it, and the dim street lights were still working. They did not need to turn on the lights, and they swung them directly to the city hall.

Although the road from the city hall was straight enough, the distance was not close. Although the speed was not slow, it drove for more than twenty minutes. After running to the vicinity of the city hall according to the GPS instructions, Irene suddenly reached out and whispered: Where, City Hall. "

Feodosiya ’s city hall is an old building, at least a hundred years old, and it ’s dark at night, and no one will live in the city hall at night. The whole building is black with lights.

After driving the car, Irene parked in a shadowy corner and whispered: "Is it meaningful to play this place? Victor will certainly not live in the city hall even in Feodosia, we are in Can you scare Victor if you fire here? "

Gao Yang looked around. There are many tall buildings. They are located in the most prosperous area of ​​Feodosia. There are also many neon signs on the mall and hotel, but Irene is right, this The prosperity of the place is prosperous, but the possibility of Victor hiding here is really not very big.

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Yang waved his hand and whispered: "Just hit it here, we don't know where Victor is anymore. If there is a date, there is a date."

Ai Lin said confused: "Jujube? What do you mean?"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "It doesn't mean anything, just let him know whether Victor is here or not, we're doing it here."

After speaking, Gao Yang stretched out his hand and pulled the pistol out of his waist. Whispered: "Come on, get ready to run. Run quickly after finishing, don't be blocked by people."

Fry copied a rpg-27 bazooka and said eagerly: "Come on?"

"One shot, no, two shots, louder."

Frye embarrassed: "Where should I fight?"

Gao Yang looked at it and whispered, "You can't indiscriminately injure innocent people, find a place where you can't hurt anyone. Um, just plan on the wall of the city hall. Even if the wall is broken, someone will pay for it It ’s necessary to repair the walls, glass and other things of the people. ”

Fry chuckled and said, "I'm going down."

Andy Ho picked up the machine gun and smiled: "There must be a machine gun too. I will go down and hit a drum."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Wait a moment, I will shoot a machine gun, and when I say it is too short, I usually shoot it one shot at a time. I haven't shot it very much. Let me have a burst today. Addiction. "

Andy Ho shrugged his shoulders and picked up one of his ak74 rifles. Laughed: "Then I won't even use the car."

Irene drove. She pulled a handful of ak74u from her leg and held the gun with one hand: "Are you going to start?"

Gao Yang got out of the car, picked up the machine gun from the rear seat and held it in his arms, while Fry had got out of the car and carried the bazooka up to the side wall of the city hall.

After opening the gun machine with a loud bang, he smiled and said: "I didn't expect the spare machine gun brought by Big Dog to come in handy here. Prepare and fire!"

With a snap, Fry shot the rocket out. After the rocket hit the outer wall of the city hall, a huge explosion erupted, and Gao Yang had already opened fire.

No need to aim at all. Gao Yang probably held the gun and hit the bullet on the whole wall. After hitting a single shot habitually. Gao Yang reminded himself to just hold the trigger, but his long-term habit made him hit the short shot and then released the trigger.

Eileen held a gun out of the window with one hand and shot into the sky. Andy Ho was sitting in the car and shot directly into the sky. After both stopped the shooting, Andy Ho looked at Gao Yang and smiled, "Haha ! Fool! You wo n’t even hit it! "

Gao Yang put the gun up, stretched his **** at Andy Ho, then put the gun down with both hands to hold the gun, and pulled the trigger to sweep out the bullet.

Erin and Andy Ho also started to fire, and Fry had taken the second bazooka off and was about to hit the wall.

Gao Yang's drums were loaded with 75 rounds, and Irene and Andy Ho's magazines were 30 rounds, so when their two guns stopped shooting almost simultaneously, Gao Yang was still shooting at the wall.

Irene and Andy are changing magazines, and Gao Yang is still shooting, so he stands by the car and scans back and forth.

While being addicted, Irene turned and smiled at Andy He: "Boss ..."

Irene hadn't finished speaking, but Yang Yang jumped up like a scorpion, and then turned and threw the machine gun into Andy Ho's arms in the back seat, shouting: "Run! Run! Attack, drive! "

"Fak, it's so hot!"

Andy Ho's men subconsciously picked up the gun that Gao Yang threw at him, and they touched the barrel directly.

"what happened?"

As soon as Irene's words came out, with a snap, a bullet hit Fry's toes and wiped out a spark.

Fry froze for a moment, then immediately shouted: "Fak! Run!"

Irene didn't succeed on the steering wheel, but her feet were on the clutch, and the car gear was not picked up. Irene directly let the car go forward as soon as the clutch was released, throwing the gun and Andy Ho's high running Two steps directly into the passenger seat.

Fry was running to catch the car, and he was shot. He certainly couldn't stand there. He threw the bazooka into the car first, and the bazooka directly hit Andy Ho's lap, and then flew directly into the car.

Watching Fry get in the car, while Fry's two legs were still pedaling outside, Irene directly hit the throttle, and the engine roared and rushed forward.

After Fry finally sat down, she slammed the door and shouted, "Okay, hurry up!"

The car sprinted forward, listening to a few clicks, and the rear windshield of the off-road vehicle shattered directly. The bullet came from the side. After drilling a few holes in the car, it shattered the glass on the trunk door.

"Machine gun. Heavy machine gun! What the **** is going on?"

Gao Yang shouted: "Fak! We won! We caught a big shark by fishing!"

Fry shouted: "It was the grass and the snake that frightened the python! And it swallowed us, Fak!"

"The bullet wiped my trouser legs. I did it! The bullet was shot from the building next to the city hall, Fuck. Fortunately, it was far away, God bless! My mother is scared to death!"

Gao Yang's expression is actually a bit wrong, because now he is not afraid, but shocked.

I was going to shoot a few shots into the sky and then ran away, but it was originally a matter of hearing that there was a counterattack. If it was not Gao Yang, I had been on the battlefield for a long time. If the bullet hit the trousers and made him react in an instant, he might still be standing there waiting to be beaten.

The speed of the car was already fast. Gao Yang twisted his head back to see if anyone was chasing him. He felt that even if he won the jackpot, no one would chase it. But when he turned his head back, he saw Andy Ho said with a stunned face: "We really won the jackpot, two cars, no, three cars came!"

Andy Ho shouted at the same time. Shooting the machine gun one shot at a time, then shouted loudly: "Change bullets for bullets, bullets let me run out!"

There was a moment of chaos in the car. It's no wonder that the gun was secretly used to empty the gun. Who knew it would be shot by someone.

Andy hastily changed the drums of the rpk machine gun, and the car behind him has already started shooting.

Fry looked out of the rear window without glass, and then he shouted: "Damn it! Machine gun, wow! How to play so accurately!"

The bullets didn't fall on the car soaring their cars. It was not so easy to shoot in high-speed cars, but the bullets from the back did not leave their cars. The tracer flew past four or five meters recently. Scared Frye so loudly.

Irene shouted: "Sit down!"

After a quick stop, Irene drove suddenly into a narrow street. But after running for a short time, Gao Yang felt that he should be able to get rid of the chasing soldiers soon. The following two cars were chased, and the distance was shortened from at least seven or eight hundred meters to less than five hundred meters.

"Their car has been modified, Fak! They are cars, why can they still have heavy machine guns! This is not fair!"

Frye shouted again,

Andy Ho immediately shouted: "Not a heavy machine gun, but a 7.62 mm general machine gun!"

Frye said sadly: "Are you still comparing me with me at this time?"

Irene is driving a Toyota off-road vehicle with a history of at least 20 years, a four-speed manual, painted with the general paint of the Ukrainian Army, and Gao Yang ca n’t recognize the model. The body is tall and has a bad road or no road The place has advantages, but there is no advantage in running in the urban area. If you run slowly, you will definitely roll over if you turn too fast.

The chasing soldiers in the back drove a car, let alone run faster than corners. Other people's machine guns were still mounted on the roof of the car, making shooting easier.

Andy Ho finally built a machine gun, and then a series of bullets were shot out. His luck exploded. On the off-road vehicle dangling the bullets from left to right, Grolev would inevitably miss the shot ~ www.novelmtl .com ~ But Andy Ho's frightening bullets swept directly on the front windshield of the car behind.

"Yeah! Oh, Shet! Bulletproof car!"

The surprise lasted for just a moment, Fry changed from surprise to startle, and then a series of bullets hit from behind, and immediately opened a few more holes in the roof.

The car behind must be Mongolian. Fire at high speed. As long as it hits, it will be Mongolian.

After a few more shots, Andy Ho shouted: "It's coming again!"

Gao Yang, looking hard back in his head, suddenly shouted, "I know that car! I know! It's a bullet-proof car for the signal flag. It's a bullet-proof car for carrying out important personnel protection and defense tasks! They are Russians!" Hell Russians, we really caught a shark! "

Fry shouted: "No, it's a python!" (To be continued)

ps: After two days of rest, it is considered to be a half-blood resurrection. Although it is not the best state, it feels good.

In addition, I strongly strive for monthly tickets.

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