A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1272: interference

Although it seems a little strange that the garbage truck appears early in the morning, since it is a garbage truck, there is no threat, and the most important thing is that although the garbage truck is launched, there is no sign of catching up.

I didn't know if the plan to fight the grass and the snake was completed, but the four people were beaten by chasing soldiers, but they were completely scared to become a bird of shock. When they saw a car and lights, they were scared.

It was found that it was a garbage truck. All four were relieved, waved their hands helplessly, and then pressed the headphones in their ears, breathing, and then loudly said: "Here is the bigfoot, call the baby penguin, Please answer when received ... "

"something wrong!"

After four people shouted in unison, Fry shouted: "Why didn't I hear any sound in my headphones!"

Gao Yang lowered his head and checked the walkie-talkie that was not on his chest. He wondered: "Is the microphone damaged by the shock just now? Shouldn't it!"

Intercoms are not rare, but they are absolutely high-tech, and they are smart. They do not need to be controlled when using the throat microphone. As long as the muscles of the throat vibrate, the voice can be transmitted, and there is no drawback of the sound distortion when the throat microphone , Because there is a pickup to supplement, and the microphone with automatic pickup will not transmit the gunshots and explosions, otherwise the gunshots and explosions will make them noisy, and there is no need to talk.

As far as the communication distance is concerned, the function of automatic frequency hopping, anti-interference and anti-eavesdropping is the basic performance. How can the most advanced small wireless communication equipment in the US military and special departments be so easy to break?

But now, there is something wrong with their radio.

"Working abnormally! The radio is continuously hopping!"

Gao Yang's intercom can perform automatic frequency hopping a thousand times in one second, and all intercoms are performed at the same time, that is to say, they encounter interference while talking. The frequency hopping work is completed without affecting the communication at all, and the conversation will not be affected in any way, if there is no reminder from the intercom. No one will even find out.

The walkie-talkie is continuously frequency hopping, but no signal is received at hand. There is only one possibility.

"Full-band jamming interference!"

After seeing the abnormal red light on the intercom, the four people shouted in unison.

"They have reserved a communication band for their own use, but this band must be replaced very quickly. Our radio cannot keep up with the changing rhythm, large interference equipment, and it is very advanced!"

After Andy Ho shouted, Gao Yang and Aileen shook their heads together, then Aileen said with a calm face: "No. Full-band blocking interference will also affect your communication, and NATO troops may Take the method you said to ensure your own communication, but here is Crimea, it is only the Russians who will release the interference, and the Russians are not so advanced, the Russians are simple and crude, so they will take simple and crude but extremely effective Way to ensure smooth communication. "

Gao Yang had already taken out the satellite phone, but when he dialed it out, he heard the busy tone. He shook his head and grumbled: "Wired communication. The solution of the Russians, the optical cable, the telephone line. Even if the Russians used I ’m not surprised that it ’s a phone call. As for wireless communication, do n’t use it and think about it. ”

Andy Ho patted his head and said, "I don't know what to say. The intercom is just fine. It seems that we just scared a lot of people just now. They all started to interfere with the communication."

Irene hurriedly said: "What should I do?"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "What else can I do? Running back, we don't have a landline."

Frye said angrily: "On the Internet! On the Internet, they can't cut off the Internet so quickly."

Andy looked at Fry with the eyes of idiot German: "I want to go online. But you have to be able to get on the Internet first, man. Does your mobile phone have a signal? Or do you plan to find a desktop computer now? By the way Notify others first and find a computer next to the wired network to sit in front. "

Fry stuck out his tongue and said embarrassedly: "Sorry. The brain is short-circuited."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "There is no way. Go back. We shouldn't delay anything. Haha. I don't really know if our luck is too good or too bad. I still feel that way. Happy. The boat was drawn with a heart to go fishing, but it was a great white shark whose hook was pulled out of the water, which felt terrible. "

Andy Ho shrugged: "I don't think it's a great white shark, it's a blue whale. We caught a blue whale."

Fry said seriously: "The whale is not a fish, it is a mammal, the head told me, and the shark is indeed a fish, the whale shark is the largest fish, so, strictly speaking, it is correct to catch a shark by fishing It is wrong to say that you caught a whale. "

Andy Ho said angrily: "Now do you want to discuss with me the question of whether a whale is a mammal or a fish? We just found a wall and shot it, but hit everyone who was looking for it but couldn't find it. On Victor ’s head, what is the probability of this happening! One in a million? One in ten million? Such an unlucky thing has caused us to encounter, I just want to express this in terms of the size of the whale When the probability is so ridiculous, you still discuss with me whether Victor should be a whale or a shark! "

"Then you still have time to tell me that the 7.62 mm caliber is a general machine gun, not a heavy machine gun! Man, I'm so scared to pee my pants, do you still want to worry about whether the heavy machine gun or the general machine gun is shooting at us?"

"That's a matter of combat. A heavy machine gun bullet will hit us in two shots! And a 7.62mm bullet will only knock us out of the hole, can this be the same?"

"Is there any difference? Do we have bullet-proof inserts? No! No matter what the gun is on, it is always dead. Is it hard to see if it is dead or not? Is there a difference?"

Gao Yang turned his head and shouted at the two of them: "Shut up! You are annoying!"

After shouting, Gao Yang said to Irene: "Turn off the lights and use night vision."

Irene immediately turned off the lights and smiled: "Sorry, I forgot."

Gao Yang tried it again with a satellite phone, and if he didn't make an accident, he couldn't dial it out. After putting the phone down again, Gao Yang said frowningly: "Damn, how can I tell Clooney this time, guys, we are in trouble."

Eileen sighed and said, "Yeah, the trouble is still very big, we can't contact the outside world anymore, which is not good, oh **** Russian guy, this is also Ukrainian territory anyway, so they proceeded so brazenly. Disturb, it's a rude and rude bastard! Bastard! "

Fry coughed softly and said, "Don't say it in front of the big dog."

At this moment, Andy Ho suddenly shouted: "There is a signal!"

Aline immediately hurriedly said: "Testing!"

Gao Yang heard a few words, accompanied by a very strong electromagnetic sound, he heard a vague voice, so he was extremely excited and said: "Do we leave the interference area? Test sound!"

Andy Ho said excitedly: "Can you hear, oh **** it! Not good again!"

Gao Yang stunned for a moment, and then he sighed helplessly: "We may have left the interference range just now, but it is obvious that now we have entered the interference area again, eh, what does this mean? This shows that the interference equipment is not us The guessed large equipment, but small equipment, the interference area is limited, but the Russians have arranged a lot. "

Irene spread his hands and said: "This is Ukraine after all, not Russia, how can Russia ship large equipment? Small equipment is much more convenient."

Andy He laughed: "Don't worry about big or small. In short, our communication is cut off, there is no difference in the size of the device, so don't worry too much."

Fry pointed to Andy Ho and said loudly: "Ha, haha, you are here again, you are lifting the bar again!"

Andy Ho said angrily: "Do you have nothing else to do except to pick out my speech problems?"

Gao Yang shouted helplessly: "You two shut up! Irene, how long can we go back."

"It's not too far away, but I think it's better to go around, so we have to take twenty minutes."

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered: "Okay, in twenty minutes, the Madonna of Iron and Steel can't open the door so quickly. It's acceptable. It's so cold. You can close the window. We shouldn't need to drive the car. The window is ready to shoot at any time. "

Crimea was still very cold in February, and it was uncomfortable to keep blowing cold wind.

The window is not electric yet, and you have to shake it up with your hand. While Fry was shaking the window, he suddenly said: "Fak, another garbage truck, but this time it won't scare me."

Elin said in a deep voice: "I didn't see the light."

Fry smiled: "On the side, the street we just passed is not far away from us, no lights are turned on, but someone is moving, oh, I just saw it casually."

Andy He smiled and said: "Look at you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Can garbage trucks scare you now?"

Gao Yang's heart flashed, and suddenly shouted: "Garbage truck!"

Gao Yang seemed to discover the shouting of the New World and made others stunned, but Fry immediately shouted: "Yes! A garbage truck with black lights but someone moving!"

Irene hurriedly said: "A garbage truck that can be moved around in any corner without causing any doubt, and the next jammer can be installed, even if the Russian electronic equipment is too bulky!"

Andy Ho said excitedly: "Although no one will stop the Russians from doing anything in Crimea, the activities are convenient, and the activities during the day and night will not cause anyone to doubt, no matter whether it is Ukraine or Russia, no one will be happy to climb Enter a stinky garbage truck to check something, so even if they are moving on the Ukrainian territory and several garbage trucks are running around the city, they will not be able to track down the source of the interference, even if the direction is roughly determined, no one will Will check a garbage truck. "

Gao Yang shouted: "Stop! Go back and get rid of that garbage truck!" (To be continued)

ps: There is only a problem with the garbage truck, it has been guessed, it is too unsatisfactory ...

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