A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1269: Frightened Snake

After the pit is dug, the next thing is naturally to wait for the Iron Madonna to enter the pit, but people will not come.

"Sorry, Our Lady of Steel refused."


"Our Lady of Steel believes that their main task is to catch or kill Victor, because there is only one chance. As long as Victor arrives in Russia, he will not be able to catch him again, and once he attacks you, Victor It will inevitably be frightened to escape Feodosia, so the elimination of angels must be put back. "

"Can you put pressure on it?"

"There is another chance to pressurize, and Our Lady of Iron is also approaching Feodosia. My argument is to get to know the situation again, and to contact the Iron Madonna later, so I can pressurize again the next time, But I think the possibility of the Iron Madonna accepting is very low. "

Unsurprisingly, and reasonably, the choice of Our Lady of Steel can't be wrong, and instead of Gao Yang as the decision maker of Our Lady of Steel, he will make the same decision.

Gao Yang once again felt that it was too difficult to play such a conspiracy. Perhaps some people enjoyed the feeling of introducing enemies into traps little by little, but he didn't like it. He didn't like to do things full of too many uncertainties.

It was originally a plan that was in a hurry, and it could not be a trap that made the enemy have to jump. What Gao Yang was doing was something he had hoped for and had to do his best, so he had to prepare everything before putting When the bait is thrown, the enemy will be trapped and the net will be closed. If the enemy is not fooled, then look for opportunities and places to rearrange everything.

The reason is very simple, and Gao Yang also understands, but he still doesn't want to dismantle all the things that have been settled and find opportunities after a long day of work.

Gao Yang looked at his watch. It was already 1:40 in the morning, and the directional Lei and c4 were still in a tense arrangement. Except that he was in charge of contact alone, everyone else was now an engineer, and Bray ’s work could be completed soon. But if the Madonna of Steel cannot be brought in, then the rest of the work is to get rid of the thunder that has been laid out.

After thinking about it. Yang Yang exhaled helplessly, then whispered: "Where is the Iron Madonna now?"

"Feodosia, the outskirts of the city, just arrived, but I do n’t know the plan of the Virgin Iron, they ca n’t tell me this, and I do n’t know where Victor is hiding. Of course, I may not know what the Madonna of Steel will do next if she refuses to enter the trap. Whether they will attack Victoire tonight or have other plans, I ca n’t judge at all. ”

Gao Yang seriously thought about it for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "In this way, you press the Iron Madonna and tell them that it is better to kill the Angel Mercenary Mission as soon as possible. Expose yourself to the pressure on Our Lady of Iron and Steel. But you'd better do your best. I will solve other problems. "

"What are you going to do?"

Gao Yang sighed. Dao: "Even if it doesn't work this time, it will be the same situation next time. We have never had the opportunity to ensure that the Madonna of Steel will be hooked, and I don't plan to wait like this forever. Don't attack us. "

"Ah, let me think about it, are you going to fight Victor? Let the Iron Madonna lose the possibility of continuing to kill Victor, and then have to attack you to avoid the result of nothing?"

Clooney's brain is so good. Gao Yang also planned to sell a pass, and as a result Clooney immediately broke his plan.

For the enemy. Gao Yang likes to be stupid, but Clooney can't be considered an enemy now. But it is not a friend anyway.

In an instant, Gao Yang gave birth to the idea that Clooney could not stay. This guy is too smart and likes to play with conspiracies. Gao Yang is really worried about whether he will be punished by him in the future.

Although he felt that Clooney was too dangerous to stay, this thought was fleeting. After all, he and Clooney were allies at this time, and Gao Yang couldn't care about the threat that Clooney brought him.

"Yes, I plan to go to Victor's troubles. Our Lady of Steel is worried about playing the grass and scaring the snake and is not willing to attack us. Then let us play the grass and scaring the snake to scare Victor away. This plan may not be successful, but it is better than Do nothing strong. "

Clooney paused for a moment and whispered: "I don't think this is a good idea, because according to the original plan, you want to kill no more than fifty people, it is best to control the team within thirty people, but if The Madonna Iron and Steel has lost what they have to accomplish. If you concentrate on dealing with you, the biggest possibility is that all of them will be dispatched. This risk is uncontrollable. "

Gao Yangshen said: "It depends on the situation, if we can't deal with it, we'll just be able to withdraw. If the operation is cancelled, even if the operation is canceled, it will at least destroy the plan of Our Lady of Iron. They don't want to catch Victor. , I ’ll be happy to do things that make the Madonna of Steel uncomfortable. "

Clooney smiled and said: "Well, you are the master, you just say what you want, then I will call the Iron Maiden twenty minutes later to put pressure on it, how will the next thing develop, well, I have to follow him Now. "

Gao Yang hung up the phone, pouted, and then said in a walkie-talkie: "Guys, the plan has changed, the Iron Madonna refuses to come, we have to do something to make them come."

Others did not stop their work ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The meeting was held directly on the intercom. Grolev said in a deep voice: "What are you going to do?"

"I want to fight Victor. The Iron Madonna refuses to come because she doesn't want to lose the opportunity to kill Victor. Then we let the Iron Madonna lose this opportunity. Presumably they will turn their attention to us."

Frye said angrily: "Boss, but we don't know where Victor is, and, can we get Victor's guard?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Who said we must kill Victor, we just have to make him afraid and make him feel threatened. Now Victor is still in Feodosia because he still has a fantasy, now we It ’s enough to scare him and make him feel that Feodosia is unsafe. This is called slapping the snake, huh, a little different from the original intention, but it can achieve the desired effect. "

Grolev smiled and said, "Well, this is a rogue plan, but I like it, so, where do we go to scare Victor?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "Go to the city hall, no matter where Victor is. Let's go to the city hall and make some noise to make Victor feel unsafe. Then, prepare, we have to take the initiative Attacked. "(To be continued)

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