A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1268: Zhang Wang

The angel has already released a message to the outside world, using some tricks to leak the news, and released the fake news that hopes that the Iron Madonna knows. If the Iron Madonna intends to use her own intelligence channel to check, you will find that the credibility of this news is very high high. txt novel download

Who would have thought that the angel would be willing to top the bag and take the initiative to help Satan to pit the Iron Maiden together? In addition to exalting several of their parties, this matter would not be believed even if someone warned the Iron Maiden in this way.

The bait has been released bit by bit, and now waiting for Clooney to send an invitation to the Iron Madonna at the right time, or to urge the Iron Madonna to complete the tasks they have taken.

The key point of the whole plan is that Our Lady of Iron and Steel has taken over the task of destroying the angels. If the Mother of Iron does not want to smash the signboard ●】, ww︾ ± om, you have to deal with the angels, sooner or later, so if the steel The Virgin knew the whereabouts of the Angel Mercenary Corps, and when they were close, they should choose to take immediate action, lest they have to work hard to find the whereabouts of the Angel Mercenary Corps afterwards.

Generally speaking, the mercenary takes a task, the target information is usually provided by the employer, and the person providing the target information is Clooney. Now the Iron Madonna receives the money and takes the task, and Clooney gives the target. After all the elements are available, the Madonna of Steel would not want to fight.

The conditions are already in place, and the rest is to see if Satan can destroy the Iron Maiden on the hook.

The only thing uncontrollable in the whole plan is how many people will be sent by the Virgin Mary to attack the "Angels". Popular

The strength of the Angel Mercenary Corps on the bright side is about forty people, and the Angels are known for their combat effectiveness. As long as the Madonna of Steel is not particularly proud. It should not send the same number of people to attack. The biggest possibility is that all the staff are dispatched, and if all the staff are dispatched, it is hard to say whether the strength of the Angel Mercenary Corps can be eaten in one bite.

Fighting this kind of thing, if the same battle allows different people to fight, it will be a completely different concept.

If Our Lady of Steel is the kind of fool who flocked up during the battle, then needless to say, I am not afraid of how much, but Not only is Notre Dame. It ’s still elite, the elite in elite, it is impossible to swarm up in battle, even if they want to launch a sudden attack, they will send people to approach the investigation, and then send a team of different Nogan individuals to scatter.

First arrange the sniper group in place, then under the cover of the support group, the assault group will diverge and there will be a reserve team. Once that group's attack is defeated, the reserve team will immediately top. Gao Yang does not need to collect intelligence or ask anything, and also knows that the Virgin Mary can only do this. No other situation is possible, unless the Commander of the Iron Madonna is really a super idiot.

The more people there are, the larger the range of dispersal during the attack and the larger the battlefield. Satan ’s dozen people are absolutely unable to wipe out the elite team of more than 100 people in one fell swoop. .

Under extremely optimistic estimates, if more than one hundred people across the board killed half of them at the beginning, then Satan should be out of luck.

Everyone has night vision, and everyone is an elite who knows what to do, and the battlefield situation cannot be a chaotic scene that is extremely close to playing indoor warfare, nor is it an endless plain that can let Gao Yang maximize his super power. The advantage of the shooter, in this case, it is not surprising that there are downsizing and even the destruction of Satan's army. The full text of the Crystal Palace of Heaven.

The purpose of Gao Yang is to weaken the vitality of the Iron Madonna as much as possible without any damage, and no damage is more important than weakening the Iron Madonna, or even annihilating the Iron Madonna. The scale of this has become the biggest difficulty in this plan.

According to satellite positioning, Gao Yang they found the place that Clooney said.

Gao Yang got out of the car, turned on the night vision device, glanced within the range of his sight, and immediately said on the intercom: "Action!"

Everyone moved, busy and not chaotic, and began to work within their own shares.

Gao Yan stood in front of the front of the car, put the map on the front of the car, Irene held a military laptop and opened it on the front of the car, and then opened a can of refreshing functional drinks and put it on the front of the car. Cover the hand.

It ’s not that he is arrogant, but that he really has no time to take care of these little things. At this time, someone will help him to do some seemingly insignificant but necessary little things. If so, then he turned on the computer and handed over the drink to him.

Look at the map, look at the GPS, and confirm that there is no mistake in the place. Gao Yang opened the satellite map on the computer and began to view the terrain in a more intuitive way. When he had a general spectrum in his heart, he heard Jensen on the intercom. Whispered: "Report, boss, drone signal access."

Jensen, who flew the drone, put the tablet displaying the image on the hood in front of Gao Yang. Gao Yang looked at the satellite map and pointed to the tablet road: "Fly left, okay, stop here, descend, watch See the ground. "

After the drone descended and looked at the front and back of a building that Gao Yang was looking at, Gao Yang immediately said: "It looks like a residential building, but it doesn't look like it is inhabited, and the door is dirty and messy."

Irene, who was working on the laptop at the side, said suddenly: "Received new news, Boss, information provided by Clooney. This building was built in 1965. The building is complete in appearance, but the internal condition is bad, and it has been abandoned. Would be a wanderer. "

Gao Yangsheng said: "The outermost, uninhabited, has a good view, and can control the highway. This place is very good. What do you think?"

After standing quietly next to Gao Yang, Grolev thought for a moment and then said a little, "This is very good."

Gao Yang immediately shouted: "Toad."


"The assault team entered and quickly investigated."

Li Jinfang immediately waved his hand ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ whispered: "Dragon Knight, postman, villain, come with me."

Time is running out. Li Jinfang called several people into the building to investigate. After Li Jinfang took the people away, Gao Yang continued: "Rabbits, worker bees, check the ground, judge the terrain, find a suitable location for directional mines, and mark the location."


Cui Bo and Tommy immediately turned around and ran. When Cui Bo left, Gao Yang snapped his fingers and whispered: "Little flies, look for the launch site that can launch the rocket launcher, but can block the infrared model, and mark it."

"Yes, boss."

After Fry also ran away, Gao Yang turned and looked at it, then said on the intercom: "Skunk, are you working?"

"Yes, I'm adding a detonator to c4."

"Very good, you go on, oh, be careful. Too close to a few hundred kilograms of c4 makes me a little uneasy. I don't want to be blown into pieces, so please be careful." (To be continued ...)

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