A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1267: Ambush point

Crimea was originally a part of Russia, but it was given to Ukraine as a gift in 1954. It was no problem to do so under the premise that they were all members of the Soviet Union. There was a trouble. 【Starting】

Historical reasons have led to a unique relationship between Ukraine and Crimea. Crimea is a member country of Ukraine and enjoys a high degree of autonomy. The majority of Crimea ’s residents are Russians, although nominally Ukraine, but Crimea has the right to lease the military port of Sevastopol to Russia.

Ukraine has a garrison in Crimea, but very, very few, basically a symbolic significance, the total strength is not as much as the Russian Black Sea Fleet Command in Sevastopol, that is to say in Kerry On the ground in Mia, there are more Russian soldiers than in Ukraine.

What Gao Yang was worried about was that he would be blocked when entering Crimea. They took orders from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, but whether they could enter Crimea was really bad.

The good news from Clooney is that Our Lady of Steel is blocked and they are stuck on the border of Crimea. Now the situation is that unless Our Lady of Steel intends to use force to cross the border, they will not be able to enter the Kyrgyzstan. Crimea.

Satan ’s path is not the same as that of the Virgin Iron. The Virgin Iron takes a path from the west of Crimea, while Satan takes the east road. Even if it is on the border, it is better than the Virgin Iron. Closer to their common destination, now even if the Iron Madonna is released, Satan will arrive first.

Of course, the premise is that Satan is not blocked on the border.

Gao Yang's heart gradually came up, and the national upheaval in Ukraine must have affected Crimea, so there was an extra checkpoint on the border road into Crimea.

Nominally Crimean soldiers are also under the control of Ukraine, but the question is whether these soldiers intend to obey orders from Ukraine. The means of the Ukrainian new government is quite mentally weak, for the regions that support the new government. For example, the ability to control the army in western Ukraine is quite passable, but for many places in eastern and southern Ukraine, is it true that the local army intends to obey the orders of the Xinzheng Palace, or is it going to follow Victor who has been stepped down That's not good.

Getting closer to the checkpoint. Grolyv subconsciously adjusted his entire military uniform, and put his hat upright.

When the car drove to the front of the checkpoint and was stopped by the soldiers, Grolev pushed the door and got out.

The officer in charge at the checkpoint was a second lieutenant. When he saw the rank of major in Grolev, he immediately saluted him. Loud voice: "Mr. Major, please show your ID."

Grolev did not show his credentials, but passed the order from the Ministry of Defense, and then whispered: "Look at this, and let us go quickly! This is a secret mission, don't say anything."

The lieutenant took the order and glanced at it, but said with embarrassment: "I need to notify the superior to ask the Crimean Autonomous Government for approval before you can pass."

Grolev dropped his face and said in a deep voice: "This is an order from the Ministry of Defense! Ensign. We are in a hurry. If you insist on asking for instructions, please, please tell your superiors, what responsibility is yours! Or you order now to remove the barricade and let us pass, please choose quickly. "

If the second lieutenant is very determined, Grolev will change his rhetoric, but the second lieutenant does not seem to be a person who insists on principle. Grolev sullen his face and immediately began to hesitate. But it did n’t take long, and the second lieutenant handed the order to Grolev, and then waved, shouting, "Let it go. Let them pass!"

Grolev sat back in the car with a serious face, and the convoy drove past the checkpoint quickly, waiting to throw the checkpoint far behind him. Grolev sighed and smiled on the intercom: "Guys, Let's pass! "

Gao Yang is also a lot easier. The big problem that had been lying in his mind was easily solved. As soon as he entered Crimea, the rest of the road was easy to go.

Still hurrying, but at this time the high-minded mentality is much easier. They have already pulled the Iron Madonna behind them. What they need to worry about now is not whether they have time to ambush the Iron Madonna, but whether the Iron Madonna can enter Crimea. The problem is, if the Iron Madonna was stopped outside Crimea, and finally failed to enter Crimea, the joke would be big.

In addition to telling Clooney by phone that they had passed the level, Gao Yang had nothing else to do and continued to hurry until they arrived at Feodosia at about eleven in the night.

Parked the car on the outskirts of Feodosiya, north, and got off the car, stretched out, and then shouted on the intercom: "Everyone is equipped with night vision, rest on the spot, two people are alert, it's okay Take time to rest. "

After giving the order, Gao Yang called Clooney.

Waiting for Clooney to connect, he whispered: "We have arrived, now tell me your research results, there is a suitable place for ambush."

"Our Lady of Steel has detoured, and I don't know if they can enter Crimea, but I think there should be no problem. Crimea is still the place of Ukraine after all. It should be no problem to change the route to enter, but I don't know what the Mother of Steel is. It ’s time, but I think you have at least four hours. "

"Four hours? Enough ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Say the location."

"The consequences of fighting in the city are unbearable. I suggest a place called Brezny. In the northeast corner of Feodosia, there are large buildings but few people, and there is a road leading directly to the city hall. , Guarding the E97 highway, if Victor is going to leave, the most likely way is to leave there, and it is reasonable for the Angel Mercenary Corps to prepare. "

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and shouted, "Map!"

Irene immediately took the map and walked up to Gao Yang, and put the map of Feodosia on the ground, then lit up the map with a small flashlight. Gao Yang's hand was placed on the map and moved along the road. He found what Clooney said. After the location, poked on the map, and then said with a deep voice: "This place is feasible, now I contact the Angel Mercenary Corps and let them walk for fake news. After 20 minutes, you will contact the Iron Maiden. If you have an accident, please feel free to contact . "

After hanging up Clooney's phone, Gao Yang immediately called Nete Schumacher. After Net got connected, Gao Yang pressed his heart and excitedly, said in a deep voice: "The location has been determined, the northeast corner of Feodosia A place called Brezny, man, you can publish the news! "(To be continued.) Xh211


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