A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1266: Killer call

The convoy went smoothly in the urban area, just not far from the city, Gao Yang ordered the convoy to stop, it took five minutes for everyone to put on their clothes, and all the weapons were taken out, but then the convoy went on and out When a road junction in Kiev was not far away, it was stopped by a checkpoint.

A long car was parked in front of the checkpoint. Several soldiers with live ammunition inspected each car in turn before letting go, so there was a lot of traffic jams on the road.

Grolev was sitting in the front car, and he whispered on the intercom: "Don't stop, go straight to the front."

The convoy drove all the way forward, and after stopping in front of the active barricade, the two walked towards the car where Grolev was.

Grolev poked his head out of the car window and shouted, "Let someone let the road out!"

After seeing the master's profile on Grolev, the two soldiers just saluted, and then immediately waved away a truck under inspection, leaving the car behind, leaving the passage.

Grolyv didn't show any order at all, just shouted and could move on.

The smooth passage on the road would not waste the effort to make these arrangements, but what worried him was that the Iron Madonna had a good relationship with the current Ukrainian capital, in case people drove directly by plane or helicopter. In the past, that could not catch up anyway.

The distance from Kiev to Crimea is not close. Even if the journey is smooth, it is estimated that it will be night at the place, and it may be that the place is ready to go to war immediately, so the driver must change frequently so that everyone can Keep it in top condition.

After giving the order for two hours and one change, Gao Yang thought for a while and then said in the intercom: "Skunk. Don't drive, keep your spirit on the road."

Raphael is the blaster, this time he is the one to sing the protagonist. More than 400 kilograms of c4 was prepared for him, the task is very heavy. And blasting is a delicate job, and it must be done.

As soon as he placed an order on the intercom, Gao Yang received a call from Clooney.

"The bad news is that all the Virgin Mary is flying to Nikolaev in a plane and they will be there in at most two hours."

Gao Yang sighed helplessly. Although the Virgin Mary ca n’t fly directly to Crimea, and the city near Crimea does not have an airport, Nikolaev is also closer to Kiev than Kiev. too much. Even if Our Lady of Steel arrived in Nikolaev and then changed to continue to Crimea, it should be several hours earlier than them.

Gao Yang sighed and whispered: "Understood, this is indeed bad news. I can only take one step at a time."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang immediately said on the intercom: "Speed ​​up, those **** **** are on the plane!"

The Madonna of Steel has the support of the Zhengfu government that has just come to power. Although the new Zhengfu government has not yet completely controlled the army and is in the period of running-in, the Madonna of Iron and Steel can still get support. Satan has nothing to do with Xinzheng Mansion, but can only stare.

There is no way to be anxious, except to hurry.

Nowhere along the way. The Satanic people don't stop at the car, except to stop and refuel, there is no pause along the way.

The prepared military uniforms and orders came in handy. Seven checkpoints were encountered along the way, and the convoy was able to stop at most and say a few words to continue to pass. As for the order, it was only shown once, and the order was not necessary at other times. Take it out.

By the time the weather was black, they were already in Melitopol, not far from Crimea, relative to the road conditions in Ukraine. The speed is already very fast.

Although he said that he would contact him after arriving in Crimea, Gao Yang couldn't help but call Netschumacher. Waiting for Nete to answer the phone, he chanted: "We are about to arrive in Crimea. Where are you?"

Nete ​​was very depressed: "On the way, I just arrived near Dnepropetrovsk, Fak, all checkpoints along the way, we passed very troublesome."

"Okay, we should go one step first, and then contact when we get there."

"If you have a chance, you do n’t necessarily have to wait for us to get started. The ghost knows when we can get to Crimea. If you encounter an opportunity, call me and I will immediately send a message to the Lady of Iron ,So be it!"

Nete ​​hangs up the phone impatiently. His mood must be very unpleasant. I want to come too. Ukraine is in a moment of chaos but not much chaos. The current government is just coming to power and has not controlled the entire Ukraine. The first team It is really troublesome for mercenaries to pass through Ukraine without hindrance.

After contacting Knight, it is Clooney.

Clooney has always been able to contact the Madonna of Steel. If it is not scrupulous, it will cause the Madonna to suspect it, especially if the Madonna is suspicious afterwards, then Clooney can monitor the movement of the Madonna.

Gao Yang felt that it was time to ask, asking the Iron Madonna to be there, but he hadn't called yet, but the phone rang first.

After the strange call, Gao Yang answered, but heard a familiar voice: "I am the thirteenth, I am in Athens, very safe."

It was less than ten days, but on the 13th it was finally connected, and Yang Yang was surprised and happy, loudly saying: "Thirteenth! You **** is finally all right!"

On the 13th, he chuckled lightly: "I forgive you for scolding me asshole, and thank you!"

Gao Yang laughed and said, "How are you doing? How is your body recovering?"

"The body recovered very well. The operation was done in Abu Dhabi. Then we just came to Athens today. I wanted to go to other places, but Yake said that it is safe to have one of his footholds here. www.novelmtl.com ~ But I think the safety here is secondary, the main reason is that Yake wants to see him here. "

Gao Yang heard Yak shouting aside: "Hi, you should be more polite to her! Now you need to lie in bed for a long time!"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Did you find Karima's whereabouts?"

"No, you know the place in Shah, women are just optional accessories, there are almost no records to check, I can only inquire from the mouth of some servants, so I can't even now It is too difficult to confirm whether there are Karima among the two dead girls. It is too difficult to find the whereabouts of a woman in Shah. "

On the 13th, the tone was very decadent and helpless, but the result was not bad. Gao Yang was afraid to hear the news that Karima was dead. Although the answer on the 13th was still not clear, there was some hope .

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Listen, feel relieved, I am in Ukraine, wait for me to go back, there is a big thing to ask you to do it for me, give me a phone number you can contact at any time, then you just wait for my phone number. "" (To be continued)

ps: The headache is bursting, there will be less updates today, sorry.

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