A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1265: Blank command

On the twenty-sixth, Gao Yang and they have been staying in the hotel, doing some preparations to prepare for the upcoming or never coming battle.

In fact, the preparation work is almost done, the rest is some work to check for deficiencies, if there is nothing to do, the biggest task is to watch TV.

TV has also become one of their main sources of intelligence. God knows whether a major news will pop up while watching TV, so that their focus will change direction.

As usual, Gao Yang had a phone on hand and sat with a group of people to watch TV. When the time came at ten o'clock in the morning, his phone rang.

The phone call came from Clooney, but these days Gao Yang will contact Clooney every day, but it is a routine hello to ask if there is any progress, so after many days, Gao Yang has not answered the phone. A sense of anticipation.

But this time is different, Gao Yang just got on the phone, just said a word, and immediately jumped up, pointing at Little Downey and shouting, "There is news, let Shava send our stuff! Hurry! ! Quick! Quick! "

Playing cards, watching TV, sitting and chatting, as Gao Yang jumped up quickly, Downey took out his mobile phone and started calling, while others looked at Gao Yang.

Gao Yang put down the phone and shouted to everyone: "Victor's traces are exposed, he is in Crimea! He once appeared in Donetsk, there is his hometown, but he did not get from Donet Tsk entered Russia, but went to Crimea and has been there for a few days, then everyone will go to Crimea, and we will be in front of them! "

Grolev frowned: "Eastern Ukraine is Russian, where can Victor get asylum, but if he wants to go to Russia. Why would he go to Crimea?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Perhaps Victor thinks he can make a comeback, who knows why he went to Crimea from Donetsk, but this is not important. What is important is that Our Lady of Steel thinks Victor is in Crimea Ya will do! "

It took a while for the Shava people to bring the car, and Yang Yang looked at his watch. Loudly said: "We have half an hour, now we will bring all your things, we are going to start, the destination is the city of Feodosia, Crimea, oh, wait, come and fill in this order. "

Ukraine has entered an extraordinary period, and military management has been carried out nationwide. What Gaoyang produced was a paper transfer order, which was issued by the Northern Army Combat Command of the Ukrainian Army, but the specific content of a formal paper order was not written, the date was not, and the destination was not written. In general, This is a blank order.

Grolev received the order, but he did n’t read it and said directly: "We got the order issued by the Northern Combat Command, but we are going to the defense zone of the Southern Combat Command. And we are going to The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, our identity cannot enter Crimea. "

Gao Yang took out the second order, and then whispered: "Does this work? I can't understand what is written on it. It seems that it is the staff of the 72nd Mechanical Brigade of the Eighth Army of Ukraine, and wrote to Crimea. Can you do business for whatever reason? "

Grolyov did not accept the order and shook his head directly: "Crimea is an autonomous republic. The Southern Combat Command, the Sixth Army, is responsible for the defense of Crimea, but the Southern Combat Command is not stationed in Crimea. One soldier and one soldier, because there is Crimea, so the hand of the Eighth Army cannot be reached anyway. "

Gao Yang frowned. Dao: "Fak, we still drive military vehicles! We can get through in Ukraine. But when we enter Crimea, do we have to change the car again?"

Gao Yang took out a stack of blank orders and began to flip quickly, saying: "We have the order issued by the Ministry of Defense. Although there is only one, it is not a time to save. You think the order issued by the Ministry of Defense can mobilize that. Troops? Oh, it ’s this, the format is different, and the stamps are different, just this one. "

Grolev put a hand on his hand and shouted, "Yes! Yes! We passed in the name of the Ukrainian Alpha Force. Alpha is a special force. We can confuse the order and the destination. The Alpha force is the Ukrainian Army. The Ministry of Defense can directly mobilize. "

Gao Yangpa took out a blank command and shouted, "Here, write it."

Grolev took the order, looked at it but looked helpless, and after wiping a sweat, he said: "I forgot, guys, this is Ukraine, although half of them speak Russian, but The order can only be written in Ukrainian, and I cannot write Ukrainian. "

Gao Yang slapped on his head and said angrily: "A low-level mistake has actually made such a low-level mistake. So, who can write Ukrainian?"

A group of people shook their heads face to face, Gao Yang immediately turned his head and yelled at the little Donny who was on the phone: "Let them send someone who can write Ukrainian, Fak! Want someone who writes beautifully, write bad words." Not good! "

After waiting for Downey Jr. to make an ok gesture, he raised his hand and said, "We change clothes, eh, what are the characteristics of the Alpha army clothes? Is it very different from the clothes we have? And their badges What is the collar flower, is it universal for the Ukrainian Army or has its own characteristics? "

Grolev said, "It's enough to use the army. Special forces, no one will control that much. It's a big deal to bring a mask, and we have masks ourselves."

Frye hurriedly said: "Change now?"

Gao Yang waved his hand and shouted, "We change in the car, we wear combat uniforms of the Ukrainian Army, and we also bring our own combat uniforms and casual clothes, so go ahead and prepare."

When everyone was gone, Downey Jr. hung up the phone and said to Gao Yang: "The people of the White Shark Gang will deliver everything within an hour. In addition, do you need a guide? Although there is a gps, but There must be someone who is familiar with the road. "

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "Don't guide, it's too much trouble. Also, when you are here, try not to go out as much as possible. If you want to go out, don't use the white sharks. Let Nikola drive with you. Remember , Safety first! Okay, let me prepare. "

Gao Yang ran back to his room and took out one of the three military uniforms. He first took out the document from his pocket and looked at it to make sure that he did not leave it out. Then he put the military uniform into the bag.

Alpha troops have their own combat uniforms, which is very different from ordinary infantry, but for special forces, it ’s normal to perform secret missions and dress up. You can use this reason to fool around. Besides, they can sign two more. The blank command, which one will be used for that combination at that time, is a very simple question.

The guns have been prepared for a long time, so Gao Yang does not need to make temporary preparations.

All the things to be taken away were collected, and at this moment, Gao Yang's phone rang again.

After answering the phone, Knight hurriedly said: "Crimea, Feodosia, hurry up, we are about to leave."

Gao Yangsheng said: "Understood that we are about to leave, how can we publish fake news to attract the Madonna of Steel?"

"If I go somewhere, I do n’t even know where Feodosia is. I will contact you when I get there. Listen, if you are late, I wo n’t wait for you. That ’s it."

Knight Schumacher was also in a hurry, he hung up the phone quickly.

Gao Yang put the phone on his body, and then put on the interphone and put it on his body, then he had to wait for the white sharks to drive the car.

Finally, Downey Jr. ran into the high room and hurriedly said: "They will arrive soon!"

"Don't go out, don't send us, wait for our news, goodbye."

After saying goodbye to Downey Jr., Gao Yang whispered in the intercom: "Start."

Gao Yang left the hotel and arrived at the place where he first picked up the car. After a few minutes of standing, a Ukrainian army painted green off-road vehicle stopped in front of him.

After getting off the car, Alyosha smiled at Gao Yang, and then pointed to the car lane behind him: "Your car, five, oh, and the people you want."

After talking, Alyosha said to the people in the back seat of the car, "Come down, come down."

A young and beautiful woman got off the car, the one Gao Yang had seen as an interpreter beside Shawa.

Gao Yang frowned and said, "Is it reliable?"

Alyosha shrugged: "Of course ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ of course reliable, Shawa's business has not concealed her, you want a person who writes beautifully, our big and old characters are crawling with earthworms, which is satisfying I can't meet your request, so I have to let her come. She is a top student at Kiev University. "

The girl holding a bag, brand name, luxury goods, thousands of dollars, is one of the first luxury goods that Downey Jr. urgently airlifted from France.

Gao Yang smiled and took out two blank orders. After looking at the order from the Ministry of National Defense, he took it in front of the girl and said in a deep voice: "Fill in the blank, I hereby order a group of Alpha forces Kiev In order to carry out covert operations, the local garrisons must cooperate to see the order. That is the meaning. Fill in the name of this deposit box with the director of the Special Warfare Department directly under the Department of Defense Shawnee Paul Chichwicko. Is there a problem? "

After taking a look at the blank order, the girl embarrassedly said: "I don't know the format of the military order, I don't know how to write it."

Gao Yang immediately picked out a written one from a stack of orders and took it out, Shen said: "There is Zhang Fanwen, you can watch and write."

The girl took a look at it and smiled immediately: "It's much easier to do with the essay, it's very simple, write it right away, well, please repeat your order again?" (To be continued)

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