A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1264: What is needed is this effect

"Your request, no ..., no problem, no problem, leave it to me, isn't it just an easy-to-operate transfer order? I'll go to the Northern Combat Command for you!"

Shawar's face was flushed and he waved his hand and patted the table. It was a heroic promise.

Alyosha, who is much larger than Shava, just slipped out and just wanted to drill under the table. He held the table and shouted, "Shawa, don't you say you can't do this."

Shava waved his hand and shouted: "It couldn't have been this way, but it can be done to friends!"

Li Jinfang patted the table and picked up a full glass of vodka, which was very bold and said: "Cheers!"

Shawar picked up the wine, touched the glass with Li Jinfang, and poured a glass of wine into his mouth. After drinking a glass of wine, Aleosa, who was much larger than him, he lay forward and lay directly on the table. Can't get up.

Gao Yang laughed: "Good, then how much should we pay you, you make a price."

Shava waved his hand, and one stumbled almost down from the chair. After finally sitting firmly, he vigorously slapped on his chest, slurring and screaming: "Money? What money do I need! What kind of money do you want? Wait, tomorrow, tomorrow I will send you things! Peter! Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter, we are good friends, good friends should not mention money! You, you come back and make some good wine for me , Haha, friend, I do n’t want those that can be bought for money, I want real good wine, I like your wine, I like it! "

Li Jinfang said nothing, just poured wine into the glass, poured it for him and Shawa's glass, and although Alyosha had already poured, he still poured the wine.

Seeing that Li Jinfang was about to toast again, Gao Yang quickly caught his eye. Let Li Jinfang stop his hand, Shawar is almost out of it, really poured him down and said a fart.

"Okay. Then please, brother. We're in a hurry, so we need to hurry up."

"I will do it for you this afternoon, Peter. I have iron buddies in the Northern Combat Command. What kind of arms do you want? You can say that Ukraine will have it for you! I want to have long-term cooperation. I am very happy. We Being good friends, we should cooperate for a long time. "

Shawar was already stunned, but Gao Yang was not stunned. He picked up the glass and smiled: "We still have something in the afternoon, we will not drink now. Next time we will have a drink, Shawar, we have done this!"

Shawar picked up the glass, and after drinking it on his back, he confused: "Yes. I have to go to Zhitomir, I can't drink anymore, we will drink it next time. Next time, drink again! Alyosha , Get up, you stupid, you drink too much. "

Gao Yang winked at Downey Jr., and then Downey Jr. immediately got up and left the seat, and took a few of Shava's men and walked back.

Gao Yang pointed to Shawar and shouted, "Your boss has drunk too much, and he will take care of him. A few of you, be careful and send him back safely. Have you heard?"

Several people nodded and went to Fushawa. But Shawa waved his hands away and shouted, "I didn't drink too much! Don't worry about me, take Alyosha, let's go!"

Shawar stood up swaying, and at this time, Gao Yang also stood up, putting the unopened whiskey in Shawar ’s hands, and shouted: "Hold it, go back and drink slowly, I will give you another chance Get some. "

Only one bottle of two whiskeys was opened, and then the vodka was drunk. The remaining bottle was originally reserved for Shava to take away.

The Shawa station was not stable, but held the wine bottle tightly, and then smiled at the few people around him: "Did you see? Scotland's best whiskey! Five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine bottles, It ’s pounds! Haha, limited, very few, very few, Peter got two bottles very difficult, and now he gave me a bottle, haha! I want to treasure this bottle of wine, treasure it well, you, You wait, Peter said, there is one more, a limited edition, just a little more than this, a bottle of 999 pounds, he will come over a lot, and when the time comes, we will happily drink enough, we fight What's the reason for the death, not for this day, brothers, we are rich, we want to enjoy life, you wait, I will bring you good things ... "

With the help of two people, Shawar hugged the wine bottle tightly and walked out mumblingly, waiting to get out of the hotel restaurant door, and suddenly turned to the high-off who said to him: "Oh, brother, I Forget, there is a lack of women around you. I will send you a few in the afternoon. What type do you like? How many will you send in? How about English? "

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Oh, no, no, no, we still have things to do, next time, next time."

Shava didn't know if he had listened to Gao Yang's answer. After he finished speaking, he mumbled and went on again.

The four men struggled to carry Alyosha, and finally the hotel's waiters got a few more before they brought Alyosha to the car.

When the car was about to leave, Shava, who was leaning on the back seat, suddenly shouted: "Go to Zhytomyr! Go to the North Command."

After shouting, Shawar began to fall asleep, and the wine bottle did not let go after he fell asleep.

Watching the team leave, Gao Yang let out a breath, and then said to Li Jinfang around him: "It's difficult, even after drinking for more than two hours, are you okay? Are you more?"

Li Jinfang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, go back and vomit for a while, then sleep again and it's okay."

Li Jinfang is also the main force of drinking. Gao Yang did not drink more than three cups from beginning to end. Li Jinfang alone put Shawa and Alyosha down.

Downey said bitterly: "What should I do, I can deal with them as well as I can, but I don't have that good amount of wine."

Gao Yang patted Little Downey's shoulder and smiled: "It's okay, you can hurry up and find someone who can drink to help you not. Well, if there is no such person, hire one at a high salary, no problem."

Downey Jr. shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly: "You have to talk to Jensen as soon as possible, and let his father put the limited edition wine on the market as soon as possible, otherwise, it would be ugly for the bragging."

"I'm going to tell Jensen, don't change the packaging if it's too late, oh, are there many luxury stores in Kiev?"

Downey Jr. shook his head: "Kiev has luxury brand stores, but not many, and not all."

The wine is rich and wealthy, how could a man, especially a man who is determined to become a gangster, be lacking? Shawa is a new rookie. He still does not know how to spend the money he earns efficiently, and Gao Yang decided to help Shawa. .

Gao Yang thought for a while and whispered: "Shava said no more money, but the money still has to be given. How much money do you think is appropriate?"

After talking about you for a moment, Shen said: "It is difficult to determine a reasonable limit. If we do it ourselves, maybe one million is not enough, and if Shawa does it, maybe 100,000 will not be used, so unless Shawar Make your own price, otherwise it will be difficult for us to judge a reasonable price. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Give him 300,000, I do n’t think Shawar will make another offer, even if he regrets it, he wo n’t make any offer. Okay, but give him more things besides money, gold watches, bags, men's bags and women's bags, he needs to show off in front of women, and wine, pick up precious red wine and give him some, it must be Ukraine Yes, other whiskey, brandy and the like are also delivered in large quantities. In short, they are not available in Kiev. Rare luxury goods will be delivered. This time the budget is set at 200,000 US dollars. You look at it and buy it. "

Downey Jr frowned, "Isn't it too much for the first time?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "You can control it yourself. When you think it is appropriate, we need to establish a long-term and strong relationship with this person. It would be better if we can establish friendship, although it is possible to invest It ’s possible to float, but it ’s impossible for the veteran gang to put us in our hands. ”

Downey Jr. nodded: "Yes, we can cooperate with any Ukrainian forces, but we must also have an exclusive partner, a collaborator that can be trusted, and those veteran gangs cannot achieve this effect, so in Shava It is acceptable to increase investment in the body. Although they are also very likely to be eliminated, it is worth the risk, not to mention that the investment for them is not big. "

"How much cash do we have?"

"We brought about US $ 1.5 million in cash, and now we have about US $ 400,000 left. There is not much cash here. It is still enough to support the current situation, but it is necessary to do it again. Some cash, but it is not convenient to get a lot of cash in Europe than in the United States. "

Gao Yang whispered: "Morgan has already prepared a lot of cash, and you can transfer the cash back to him, and you can take out the cash. There is no problem in Europe. If you help Morgan, just millions of cash will not attract anyone's attention. ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But if the volume is very large, it is better to go back to the United States. "

"Understood, I have to prepare some more cash, but it is too dangerous to carry a large amount of cash if only I am here."

"Yes, you are too dangerous by yourself after we leave. You should find some bodyguards for you. Just choose from the group of people in Syria last time. You choose it yourself. The price and the number of people are your own. Come on. "

Going into the lobby, Gao Yang and the three of them paused their conversation. After waiting to enter the elevator, Gao Yang continued: "If you stay here to take care of our business temporarily, then where do you plan to live long? Here, or change place . "

After thinking about it for a while, Little Downey said in a deep voice: "Just in this hotel, there is no need to change places, let alone stay close to the White Shark Gang. Although it is necessary to establish a good relationship, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance. "

"How about the manpower? How to solve the manpower? You can't stay in Ukraine all the time, so do you have the right manpower to recommend?"

Little Downey smiled and said, "This question is what you should consider, not me, and I don't have the right manpower to recommend, so you must hurry up and find someone you can trust." (To be continued) )

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