A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1261: First move

Too many uncertain factors will make people anxious. Gao Yang is the leader. He is the helm of Satan. The life and death of all members of Satan are maintained on him, and this makes him very stressed.

Gao Yang has a rare insomnia. Even if he is on the battlefield with guns and guns, he can fall asleep immediately when he has the opportunity to sleep, but now he is lying on a comfortable bed provided by a five-star hotel. Not at all.

There is a vodka placed in the hotel in the guest room, and wine in the guest room is very rare for hotels in other countries. Even if it is put in the refrigerator, some beer is in the sky, but for Maozi, it is put in the room of the luxury hotel. A few bottles of vodka are normal.

Gao Yang opened a bottle of vodka, but after a long time, he still put the wine back. For a sniper, cigarettes and wine are actually taboos, so unless it is necessary at certain times Otherwise, Gao Yang will never touch these things.

There are many alcoholics and drug addicts in the mercenaries. When Gao Yang wanted to use alcohol to relieve his nervous mood, he finally felt that the more he should be away from these things in this state of tension, many bad habits were formed in a subtle way. Yes, and he does n’t want to turn himself into an alcoholic, let alone alcohol affect his brain and nerves.

Putting down the wine bottle, Gao Yang simply took out his Satan blade, without turning on the light, he sat on the bed and took apart the gun, took a clean cloth, and did not need to wipe the gun oil, just wipe it again and then touch it again. Dress it up.

Disassembling the gun and installing the gun, I don't know how many times it lasted. Gao Yang finally slept deep.

Suddenly, a high-spirited psychic suddenly woke up from his sleep, but when he touched the gun in his arms, he immediately felt relieved and was able to continue his sleep.

the next day. Gao Yang was awake later than usual, until after being awakened by a knock on the door, Gao Yang jumped up from the bed reflexively. After waking up, he shouted, "Wait."

Quickly put the gun into the gun case and put it away. Gao Yang looked at his watch, it was more than ten o'clock in the morning, and he woke up at least three hours later than usual.

Opening the door and seeing a sullen Downey, Gao Yang immediately said, "What happened?"

Downey Jr. didn't speak, and ran quickly to the TV. After turning on the TV, he quickly changed a few stations and then stretched out his hand. Loud voice: "See for yourself."

Gao Yang saw a row of young people kneeling on the ground on TV, and angry people were pointing at them in front of and around them and roaring.

Ukrainian has two languages, Ukrainian and Russian are both common languages, but now only Ukrainian is left in common language. Whether it is teaching or mainstream TV stations, only Ukrainian is left, and the language being spoken on TV is Is Ukrainian.

"Who? What happened?"

Downey Jr.'s expression was unbelievable, and he pointed to the TV: "Just in the news that Ukraine has issued a wanted order against Victor."

"Oh, what are these people doing?"

"These people are from the Golden Eagle Special Forces. They are in Lviv. They were forced to kneel and apologize to the victims on the Independence Square two days ahead. The new Zhengfu ordered them to do so."

Gao Yang opened his eyes in disbelief. Pointing to the TV channel: "The Ukrainian opposition, no, it's Xinzheng now. Are they a group of pigs? Are they forcing the golden eagle soldiers to kneel?"

Donny Jr. nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, it's happening right in front of you, no doubt."

Gao Yang stared blankly at the TV and said, "The new Zhengfu, who has just come to power, is not trying to master the army, but is forcing the soldiers who now belong to them to kneel. Or is it really in front of the national audience?"

Little Downey said in a deep voice: "Do you know what this means?"

Gao Yang took a deep breath. Tao: "I know, it means a lot of things. First, I know that Ukraine is now in the hands of a group of idiots, and then Ukraine must have a civil war. Ukraine is over, and it is completely over. I now confirm that Ukraine is absolutely over, without the intervention of the United States and Russia. Those idiots killed Ukraine. "

Downey Jr. suddenly laughed and said cheerfully: "You are looking at it from a combat point of view, and I have a different point of view. In my opinion, Ukraine will be a perfect place for gold."

Gao Yang took a few steps back and sat on the bed, pointing to the TV and said: "Ukraine's military heart is destroyed and completely destroyed, but I don't know what we can get from it. If we want to do business, you think we Where should I start? It may still be difficult to pour weapons out of the Ukrainian army, but within a few days, all the arsenals in Ukraine will open the door to us. Do you think we are suitable for the arms business? "

Downey said with a shrug: "If you can buy it at a super low price, no matter what you can buy, Ukraine will soon become a worse place, so don't care about anything, just buy it, tens of thousands of dollars The golden age of being able to evacuate a warehouse is here again, just like when the Soviet Union collapsed, and the only question now is whether the things we have can be shipped out. "

Gao Yang said in a daze: "Yes, yes, we have found the key. Now is the time for channels to be king. Wanting to make a fortune depends not on what we can get in Ukraine, but on what we can ship out, then, Where are our shipping channels? "

Downey Jr. shrugged: "We are outsiders, but we have force. In a place where there is only a total loss of order, only force is worse, force is everything. Go here and pull people. The more the better, the rest is The problem of finding a passage. As far as the terrain of Ukraine is concerned, it is more troublesome to transport things from the neighboring countries. I tend to transport them directly out of the sea port of Ukraine. Sevastopol, Odessa can do it. . "

Gao Yang raised his hand and said excitedly: "We need the help of the ground snake instead of relying on our own people to maintain a transportation line ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ No more people than we can be armed by the locals , So use the money to recruit mercenaries, it is better to use less money to hire locals, and we will soon meet with that Shawar, try what we can get from him, we have to try everything possible, Now time is money, everything in Ukraine will be evacuated, we need to hurry up, at least, we have to develop a reliable transportation line! With the transportation line, we have the opportunity! "

Downey Jr. shrugged: "So, let's build our transportation line while dealing with the Iron Madonna?"

Gao Yang pointed to Downey Jr. and said in a deep voice: "Yes, you can't do much to help the battle, so you are responsible for this matter. It is up to you to establish it before I find your successor. Our transportation line, starting from Shawa, what do you think? "(Unfinished)

ps: I have not rested for a long time. I am very tired. I am really tired. I need to rest. I have to rest for three days, at least three days.

Um, my break is not to change, but the number of words will be less, shortening the writing time from six hours to four hours, the extra rest is also very valuable for me, so sorry, the next few You guys can only watch less, but after three days, I will recover more than two to six thousand words. The plan is like this, there should be no changes.

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