A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1262: The beginning of friendship

After answering the phone, Little Downey said to Gao Yang: "They are here."

Gao Yang stood up and walked past the door of Li Jinfang's house. He patted the door and shouted, "Let's pick up the goods!"

Gao Yang did not stop, Li Jinfang quickly walked out of the door, and then kept up with Gao Yang and Downey Jr.

As soon as the three men stood at the door of the hotel, they saw a cross-country army card parked in front of them. After the driver's probe glanced at them, they jumped from the car and pointed at the canvas-covered bucket. , Loudly: "All in the car, go to the inspection."

After looking at the revolving door of the hotel facing the military card, Gao Yang felt that it was blocked at the front entrance of a five-star hotel to check the arms of a car. It was too arrogant.

Gao Yang pointed to the corner of the street not far away, shouting: "Where to go, drive the car to the other side of the street corner."

After the driver mumbled a few times, he turned back and returned to the car, started the car, and moved the car for dozens of meters.

The load of the truck is ten tons, which is not a big truck, but Maozi's things are always made of crude benzene. The load is not big, but the wheels are not small. Gao Yang really took a little effort to turn into the bucket.

The things that Gao Yang wanted were piled up in the car in a mess. Directional mines, bazookas, machine guns, and machine gun bullets were piled up in a mess. It seemed that they should be in a hurry when loading the car, and the car was full.

With a snap, he said helplessly: "Take a count."

A lot of things are packed in crates, and they have to be unpacked after inspection. Bulk items are not easy to count, but you can also get a rough idea by looking at them. The three people worked in the car for half an hour before they finally determined them. The necessary things were delivered as well.

Jumping off the truck, Gao Yang gave his thumbs to the man who was leaning against the door of the car and smoking. Laughed: "Good goods, I am very satisfied."

The driver raised his acquaintance and was one of the strong men who led the way when they went to Shawa yesterday.

The driver grinned. Then he took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took out a few cigarettes, and began to give them a lift.

"There are a lot of things. Do you have a suitable car to pull? If you are not convenient, the car will be sent to you. Our boss said, it is a pleasant transaction with you, and the car should be his gift."

"Thank you, we are in need of such a car stand-alone madman to read the full text."

During the chat, Gao Yang took the cigarette, but he frowned with only one glance.

Cigarettes produced in Ukraine are difficult to smoke. It is very difficult to smoke, and there is still a large part of the cigarettes in the Ukrainian market that do not even have filters. What Gao Yang has received is a white rod.

There are very few men who do not smoke in Ukraine, and a considerable portion of women smoke. Ukrainian self-produced cigarettes are still in short supply. Imported cigarettes and smuggled cigarettes occupy a considerable portion of the market. Salve is also a bargain in Ukraine.

Gao Yang does not smoke, but it does not mean that he knows nothing about cigarettes. Irene smokes. Although not many, Irene has a habit of buying the most popular local brands every time you go, maybe this is a habit that every smoker will have. From Irene ’s evaluation, Gao Yang at least knew that Ukraine ’s cigarettes were very difficult to smoke.

Gao Yang will smoke, but he never takes the initiative to smoke, but when a man expresses friendship, or when a stranger wants to express goodwill, it is really common to hand over a cigarette. Whenever this time, refusing , When you take it and click on it, there must be better results.

The driver lit Gao Yang's cigarette. Gao Yang took a sip and immediately frowned. As expected, the cigarette he smoked only had the basic function of smoking. It ’s so crude, it ’s difficult to smoke, it ’s very difficult to say, but it ’s no wonder that the gang members led by Shava are basically from slums. In their habits, it ’s strange that they can smoke good cigarettes. .

Perhaps the members of the White Shark Gang are rich now, but their habits or tastes are not necessarily changed.

Gao Yang threw a breath of smoke on the ground, stretched his feet and grinded it, and said to the embarrassed strong man: "Your smoke is not easy to smoke, try mine."

Gao Yang took out a box of cigarettes. The ones produced by China are not too expensive, that is, a box of more than a dozen dollars. Too expensive cigarettes are often too soft and not suitable for people who mix on the battlefield.

Gao Yang opened the unopened cigarette, took out one and handed it to the strong man, and said with a smile: "Try mine."

The strong man's face softened a little, he threw away his cigarette, and leaned over the lighter that he was hitting to light the cigarette and took a sip.

Huaxia's cigarettes are flue-cured, while Western cigarettes are mainly mixed, while Ukraine's white-smoke cigarettes are of the ignition type.

The strong man widened his eyes, then took another bite, and then nodded repeatedly: "Not bad! Not bad! Really good!"

Chongyangmeiwai, this sentence is common in any country, and Ukraine is obviously a very serious country.

Gao Yang smiled, put a cigarette on the strong man's hand, and said with a smile: "Keep it, try a fresh one."

Chinese cigarettes, American lighters, these two things are always very popular in Eastern Europe and Russian Mao, tried and tested.

After the strong man accepted the cigarette happily, Gao Yang thought about it and took one of the lighters in a box to the strong man. He smiled and said, "Send it to you too, keep a memorial." "

The pattern on the lighter was a voluptuous woman. The strong man took the lighter in surprise and said busyly: "Really? Thank you, thank you."

Although it is not a big man, Gao Yang has left the top floor after all, and he is also a small mercenary from the bottom.

Gao Yang will not be lower than any other big man, nor will he roll his eyes to look at any small person, because he knows that small people are often the people who play a key role.

There is no doubt that Gao Yang is a big man in his eyes. Although his speech and deeds are trying to show that I and you are equal, but the behavior of the strong man actually betrayed his real thoughts, he is paying tribute to Gao Yang At the time, it was actually a little uneasy.

The strong man was a little flattered. After grinning a few times, he suddenly took out the lighter that had just ignited Gao Yang from his pocket. He smiled and said, "My gift to you is not common evolution now."

The lighter of the strong man is not small, it is made of iron. The iron shell is inlaid with a gold star, and the heavy one is held. The whole body is polished brightly. It is rare that Venus is made of copper. Venus is very dazzling.

The lighter has been around for a long time. It is an old Soviet-era lighter. Gao Yang gave a small gift, but the result was still a big deal. However, Gao Yang did not refuse. After opening and closing the lighter cover several times, he looked surprised: Wow, I love baby so much, thank you, man. "

The strong man said with a smile: "It's nothing, just a gadget. Ok guys, I have to go."

Gao Yang raised his hand and said: "Wait, man, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Alyosha."

Gao Yang nodded and said with a smile: "Aliaosha, very good, you help me bring a sentence to Shawa, saying that this transaction is very happy, I still want to do business with him again, if he is interested, You can come here to find me or I can see him. "

Alyo Sha headed a little, and said: "No problem, you are waiting for me here."

After a few hurried steps, when the street suddenly waved a few hands, there was a sharp engine roar soon.

With the sharp braking sound, the two cars suddenly stopped at the street, and then jumped six people with rifles from the car.

Alyosha raised her hand and shouted: "Don't be excited, they are friends enough, it's okay, it's okay, Shawar! Come, come!"

Gao Yang is very speechless, Su Rian has paid the full amount, but Shawa is still not assured that this transaction sent a gunman to follow, but it is correct to think about it, if Shawaguang let an Alyosha deliver it. Not normal.

Shawar came down from a car, and he shouted angrily at Alyosha: "What the **** are you doing! Did you forget what I said to you? It's okay. Hand? I almost shot! "

Gao Yang whispered helplessly: "Ah, the newcomers have no experience, and the friendly meeting almost became hot."

While speaking, he waved his hands quietly, so that Tribble and Grolev in the hotel would not misjudge the situation and hit the bullets on Shava.

Downey Jr. gasped and whispered: "But the newcomers are also good at dealing with each other. If you are an old gang, you can't talk so well."

Alyosha did n’t hear their conversation, but he just smiled and said: "Peter still has business and wants to talk to you. I think since you are here, it ’s okay to meet them directly. They are enough friends. "

Gao Yang is twenty or thirty meters away from Shawar ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He waved at Shawar and shouted: "Sea, Shawar."

Shawa waved at Alyosha helplessly, and then waved at the man with a gun on one side. He walked in front of Gao Yang and smiled bitterly: "Sorry, little misunderstanding, you know we always have to be on guard. A little bit, hope I did n’t scare you. "

Gao Yang laughed: "It's okay. It's normal for you to deal with each other for the first time. It's normal for this. Friends, I still need something. I originally planned to buy it from other people, but I feel very happy to deal with you So I plan to buy it from you. I do n’t know if it ’s convenient for you. ”

Shawa haha ​​smiled and said, "You said."

Gao Yangsheng said: "I need a few cars, Ukrainian military vehicles, and I need Ukrainian military uniforms, and also need documents such as military officer certificates. I need all of these with documents and procedures that others can't verify. So that we can pass anywhere in Ukraine without being intercepted, can it be done? "(To be continued)

ps: I am a lazy man.

I'm lazy, but I can't be lazy, so this is my biggest helplessness ...

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