A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1260: Angel's dream

Knight Schumacher was still very happy. He heard the request of Yang Yang and immediately said: "We are in Kiev now, but we may leave at any time. Victor ran away. I don't know his escape route yet, but I can be sure He ca n’t leave by plane, he can only leave by land. Sumy, Kharkiv, Lugansk, Donetsk, Mariupol may be the route that Victor left, so we may go Anywhere. "

Yang Yang smiled bitterly: "Your choices are so many, are you sure you can get Victor's escape route? Who provides the information?"

"Information is not under our control. There are too many spies in Ukraine. The United States, the European Union, whoever it is. Anyway, whoever knows where Victor is will inform us. Now it depends on the Russians and Americans."

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "Well, then wait for the news, Nete, are you on the west side right now? We are not intervening on either side of Ukraine, so we don't have any intelligence sources to help Busy, let us know if you know where Victor is. "

"Okay, knowing Victor ’s route, I will reveal the location of the angel. This number will not be changed in the next few days. Just call this number to contact me. Rams, we do n’t have time to care for the Iron Madonna, do n’t let me Disappointed and taught them well. "

"My Lady of Steel will be unlucky, you can rest assured that, Knight, I am curious, what is the reason that you can't even deal with the Mother of Steel? You know the goal of the Mother of Steel is you."

After silence for a moment, Knight said in a deep voice: "Ram, do you know why we fight?"

"I remember, you said you were fighting for a fight."

Knight smiled and said: "No, a higher goal than this should be said to be our dream, the common dream of all members of the Angel Mercenary Corps."

Took a breath and said, "Overthrow a country, build a country, a country under your control, Fak! Dude, wouldn't you make Ukraine a target?"

Knight smiled: "What do you say?"

Said angrily: "Your brain is not broken? This is Ukraine, Ukraine is a big country! It is not a country that can be controlled by mercenaries. I don't want to destroy your interest, but man, are you crazy?

Nete ​​laughed: "The situation in Ukraine will develop to its present state. We have contributed a lot. Those who demonstrated a few days ago were not shot by the golden eagle. We were hired by some people to work for the opposition. , Assassination, intimidation, temptation, we did everything for the opposition, parliament rebellion, parliament rebellion, we at least half of the people inside, we can not step down so quickly without us Victor, and now, the situation in Ukraine It's already moving in the direction we want. "

Exclaimed helplessly: "Man, Ukraine is in chaos, but the chaos in Ukraine cannot last forever, there are always people coming out to clean up the mess."

"Is that really the case? Dude, the Ukrainians are mainly Polish, the East is mainly Russians, the West supports joining the EU, and the people in the East want to fall back to Russia. By now, this kind of son, you still think that Ukraine will not split ?"

Knight Schumacher's tone was very confident. Although he was on the phone, Gao Yang seemed to see Knight Schumacher's spirit at the other end of the phone.

"The United States and the European Union support the people of Western Ukraine. The Westerners have pushed Victor off the throne. What about the East? The East supports Victor and Russia. They will not be willing to fail. Man, Ukraine is destined to split, civil war. Inevitably, it depends on whether the civil war will be launched by people in the west or initiated by people in the east, but no matter what the war is over there, it means a complete division of Ukraine! "

Said loudly: "Ukraine is not Libya, not Syria, Ukraine is a country where both the United States and Russia must be in control, so although you are right, you still cannot control Ukraine."

Nethaha smiled and said, "I didn't want to control the whole of Ukraine. What I want to do is to make a new country in the world! And this country's army was built by me, I don't necessarily have to To control this country for a long time, but the history of this country must be written by me! "

After speaking with great confidence, Nete said in a nearly fanatical tone: "You can choose when to start a war, but you cannot choose when to end the war! It is because the United States and Russia can not give up Ukraine, it is decided Ukraine Destined to split, and I, is to build a new kingdom on the body of Ukraine! "

Yang Yang carefully tasted Nete ’s words. After thinking for a long time, Shen said: "People always have dreams, man, I wish you can realize your own dreams."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang spread his hands, and smiled bitterly to the group of people who looked at him: "I have to admit that we are not as crazy as the angels. Our dream is to build a big company, and the angel's dream is in theirs. Build a country at hand. "

Almost everyone shook his head ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Irene sighed: "They are crazy, completely crazy, is Ukraine the place they can control?"

Gao Yang sighed: "The angel's goal is not necessarily to control a country. I think they want a sense of accomplishment to build a country from scratch. The result is not important, the process is what they need. "

Grolev whispered: "A group of war madmen who have lost the meaning of existence and are just fighting to fight. It is not surprising that there are any crazy ideas, so it is not that we are inferior to them. We just have normal human thinking. "

Fry smiled: "Actually, I am more curious about why Knight would tell us this. Is our relationship so good?"

Raised his head and shook his head: "It's not how good our relationship is, man, if you did something particularly proud, would you tell others?"

Fry nodded: "Affirmatively, don't tell others how to show off?"

Gao Yang laughed: "That's right, besides us, who can Knight tell? Angel angel mercenaries only have enemies, no friends, and we, although not friends of angels, are certainly not their enemies, and we The mouth is still very strict, so Knight has no choice, he can only show off in front of us. "

He exhaled and smiled helplessly: "Now the Angel Mercenary Corps is busy realizing their dreams, so we can only do it alone, so we can do it alone, no big deal." (To be continued) [] If you like this You are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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