A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1259: OEM

You can't rest immediately when you return to the hotel, because you have to study the information and analyze what is the most suitable place, and you can lead the Iron Madonna to the ambush point in the past. (800) Novel /

It ’s not so easy to set a trap. A group of people watched for a long time together, and after a long discussion, Gao Yang finally could n’t help but sigh: “If only Yake and Thirteen are here.”

What you do is what you do. It is definitely not as good as a soldier to engage in intelligence agents. Even if you have been trained for a long time, it is not enough to let a group of mercenaries do intelligence work. The same map is in a combat commander and intelligence agent. The agent looked different.

Now what they want to do is to choose a place where it is possible to lead a part of the Iron Madonna as an ambush battlefield according to the trend of the Iron Madonna. This is not easy to do.

A battlefield was carefully laid out, and the enemy couldn't be brought in at all, so the ambush was a fart.

"According to Clooney's information, the Virgin Mary is still in Kiev, but the Virgin Iron is likely to go to the Crimean peninsula, because if Victor wants to run, it is the most likely to go to Crimea, but now it is still I do n’t know where Victor ’s hiding place is, so the Virgin of the Iron has no action. Should we immediately set up a trap in Kiev, or wait for Steel ≤ the Virgin to finish their current affairs and then consider the issue of ambush, or go to the steel Where is the lay of the Virgin on her way? "

A group of people squinted, because without accurate information, it was really difficult to make a decision.

Grolyov rubbed his forehead and said: "If there is particularly accurate information on the Madonna of Steel, now there is no way to do it. [Chao Duanhao Fiction]"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Now even the Madonna of Steel doesn't know where to go, how can we judge in advance. There is no way. I don't think if I don't want to wait forever. I just gamble and find a place to lie down and then go all out Wherever you want to lead the Madonna of Steel, you will not be able to do it once, but you will come a few more times until you have led the Madonna of Steel to the trap. "

Li Jinfang said in a deep voice: "If there is no other better choice, this can only be done."

Just then, Downey Jr.'s phone rang suddenly. Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "You answer the phone."

Downey Jr. connected the phone, and just after speaking, he immediately covered the microphone and whispered into the voice: "Shawar's phone."

"Ask him something."

There is a bad hunch in Gao Yang's heart, and after a few words, Downey Jr. covered the microphone and said to Gao Yang: "Sava's translator said that everything we want is okay, but It ’s just that c4 ca n’t get the amount we need. The other party said, either we will wait until tomorrow evening or even the day after tomorrow. Or we can only reduce the supply. If we agree to reduce the supply, Shawar can refund us a part of the money. ”

Gao Yang was very annoyed and said: "Fak! Sure enough, something went wrong, tell him, I don't want money, I only need c4, and he must send me on time."

Downey Jr. just wanted to repeat Gao Yang ’s words, but Gao Yang waved his hand and said, “No, do n’t say it anymore. I ’m a little angry now, so it ’s not the attitude I should take to solve the problem, um, you ask How many c4 endless fairy rivers he got. "

After asking on the phone, Little Downey said directly to Gao Yang: "450 kilograms, which is the amount he can collect. If other scams can replace them, they can do a lot, if only If it could be c4, that ’s all, unless you give him time to find it elsewhere. "

Gao Yang looked at Raphael, but Raphael said with a smile: "It's enough, head, don't forget that I only need fifty kilograms at first."

Gao Yang smiled and said to Downey Jr .: "Tell him, just send it according to this amount, and the money will not be refunded, Faker, startled me, I think the number is very different."

After speaking a few times, Little Downey hung up the phone and smiled at Gao Yang: "Savale has always apologized, and I heard that I don't have to refund my money, and said I would ask you to drink."

Gao Yang waved his hand, and at that moment, his phone on the table rang.

After picking up the phone and finding out that it was an unfamiliar number, Gao Yang reached out and signaled to others not to make a sound, and then connected the phone, whispering: "Hey, that one."

"Knight, I heard that you have been looking for me recently."

Gao Yang almost jumped up, and he said happily: "Fuck, you guys are finally calling, hello, man, there is a big business who wants to invite you to do it together, you will definitely be interested."

"Oh, come and listen."

"We want to start with Our Lady of Steel, how about, come together, give you 40 million, we join hands, we think you can get as many people as we can, we will mobilize as many people as possible from the Mother of Steel, dig a trap, and put the Mother of Steel People are buried, what do you think of this business? "

Knight said without hesitation: "Sorry, not very good. I am very interested in killing the Madonna of Steel. We have a festival, but it is a pity that it is not the time. I have no time to kill the Madonna of Steel with you. Things to do. "

Gao Yangji was disappointed, and then he said helplessly: "What important thing do you have? Dude, I must tell you one thing, that is, the Madonna of Iron and Steel regards you as the target, they took a task, and the content of this task It is the angel of destruction. "

Nete ​​said in a very interested tone: "Oh, there is this matter, do you know who will deal with us?"

"Well, Tomler took a task from the Shah people in the name of you. Although this matter has nothing to do with you, now the Shah people want to kill your mouth, and Our Lady of Iron has taken this task, and , We intend to pretend to be your name to dig a trap to kill the Iron Madonna, if you are willing to join, then we are not pretending to be. "

After waiting for a moment, Nete said uncomfortably: "That is to say, someone played us without my knowledge?"

"Yes ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Tomler did it, but he is dead, but the sequelae are still there."

"Well, okay, even if you die, or he will regret it. Now, I really do n’t have time to deal with the Iron Madonna, and I ca n’t join forces with you, but I can allow you to borrow the name of the angel. Set a trap for Our Lady of Steel, after all, we also have a festival. "

Gao Yang was helpless and said: "Well, since you don't have time, then forget it, we will do it alone."

"I'm happy to help you set up a bureau for the Iron Madonna, let's say, how can I cooperate with you?"

Although Nete refuses to shoot together, it is enough to cooperate with Satan to set up everything. With Nete ’s help, it is much easier to handle. This is like a counterfeiter who has obtained authorized OEM production and a complete counterfeit. Counterfeit is definitely easier to attract.

Gao Yang immediately said: "Where are you? We used to look for you. You showed your face and helped lead the Iron Madonna. The rest, we can do it by ourselves." (To be continued ...)

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