A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1240: I surrendered

Gao Yang did not mean to hide, he smiled at Clooney: "Yes, you are relatively low on our revenge list, but unfortunately, it is your turn now."

After speaking, he whispered: "To be honest, I'm curious what you are doing, so I am waiting for you to explain."

Clooney sighed. After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "I still don't want to die, so I originally planned to be strong first, and kill you before you kill me, but from the current situation, I underestimated your strength before. I ca n’t kill you. The biggest possibility is that I ’m killed. ”

Gao Yang smiled and said, "You did a pretty good job, and you have sent someone to prepare to start in New York, and also surrounded Little Downey's house. I thought you would stick to it."

Cluny waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Little Downey is not in any danger, my people will never attack him, you can rest assured."

Gao Yang didn't speak, because Clooney must have finished speaking now.

Clooney sighed and said, "That's it. I did a lot of work, hoping to wipe you and your Satan mercenary together. Your means of revenge is too violent. I don't want to die, I can only kill you. But all of this has changed a while ago. To be honest, I was scared because I realized that I could n’t kill you. The most likely thing is that you killed him. ”

Clooney waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "My thoughts changed from a recent experience, I set a trap, I hope you can jump in, but you never jumped into the trap, I ca n’t wait. I ca n’t wait. Knowing that your agent is in New York. This is not a secret. I think your main foothold is also in the United States, so I plan to get rid of you in New York and use Downey Jr. as a bait.

We all know that in the United States, especially in New York, you must not do too much action. New York is the core of the United States, and we must abide by the rules. "

Clooney raised his head. Staring closely at Gao Yang said: "You killed Mr. Tomler in New York, and used a lot of manpower and heavy weapons, but the investigation turned out to be a gang fight, except for those ignorant civilians. Letter, but all the evidence can only draw the conclusion that the gangster is fighting, the scene is too clean, all the evidence is intentionally left, there is nothing really useful. This is the style of the cleaner, and only Cleaners can handle a large-scale attack like this in a place like New York. There can be no other explanation. "

There are some things that can be done. When it is impossible to say, there is no doubt that Clooney also knows the existence of the cleaner, but Gao Yang will never talk to Clooney about the word cleaner, so he only laughs and does not speak.

"There is no evidence, but I know that you did it. Not long ago, there was no way I planned to kill you in New York like you, and if I want to do this, I can only find a cleaner."

After speaking, Clooney sighed and said helplessly: "I found a cleaner and asked them to provide cleaning services. If I find you in New York, I will start, even if I can't get rid of Satan, but I can get rid of it. Either one, we have already formed a deadly hatred, and we are still a dead enemy once again.

I made a request, and the cleaner agreed, but just as I was preparing to do a big job, even when I spent a lot of money, the cleaner suddenly notified me to cancel all cooperation with me, it was everything! "

After he finished speaking, Clooney shook his head bitterly and said sadly: "Cleaners are a credible organization. It is impossible for them to get rid of the work they took, but they rejected my business and cancelled it. It is possible to cooperate with me, that is to say, I will be destined to be handled by the cleaner in the future, and it is no longer possible to ask the cleaner to help me as I did before. I knew from that moment that I could n’t afford it You, because we all know what it means to be disqualified by a cleaner. "

Actually, Gao Yang does n’t know what it means to be disqualified by the cleaner, he really does n’t know.

Said indifferently: "Do you know what it means?"

Clooney smiled and said: "Don't be too small to look at people. Although I have had little dealings with cleaners, they have also dealt with them, so I know what it means. The cleaners do not kill, but the cleaners and The nature of the killer is almost the same, as long as the money is given, whoever is doing the same thing, so it ’s not surprising that you can hire a cleaner to help clean up the mess when you kill Mr. Tomler. "

Clooney smiled bitterly again. He seemed to have no other expression besides the bitter smile.

"But what I never imagined is that the cleaner will cancel my qualification for cooperation. Although it is difficult to accept, I understand that we are not a person at a level. I know that the cleaner is only at the lower level. When a high client does something, he will refuse to accept the employment, and then accept the employment first, and then regret the tearing up of the agreement. There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, your level is much higher than mine. "

Clooney spread his hand again and sighed in a high voice: "Mr. Tomler is a fifth-level customer. UU reading www.uukanshu.com this level is not low, I use the qualifications left by Mr. Tomler to apply I do n’t think there will be any problems, but unfortunately, your level is obviously much higher than that of Mr. Tomler. I guess, you must be a third-level customer? "

Gao Yang is a second-level customer for cleaners, not a third-level customer. Also, he never knew that he still needs to apply for a cleaner. In his view, cleaners are not the same as mercenaries, just give them money When it comes to doing things, the big deal is talking about the price. Where are there so many things, not to mention that you have to apply before you can do things? This is not a joke.

Clooney's face was frustrated and said: "You are a tertiary customer. Tertiary customers can do anything in the world without worrying about being traced. With the United States, you can do whatever you want. I can be afraid of a mercenary group. But for a mercenary group of third-level cleaners, I know I ca n’t afford it. From the moment, I do n’t think about self-protection anymore. "

Gao Yang was in a trance, he now understands what a big gift Da Yiwan sent him. No wonder every time he calls the cleaner, someone will emphasize that he is a secondary customer. It turns out that the secondary customer of the cleaner is really very good. amazing.

Held high a moment of absence, and his silence was another taste in Clooney's eyes.

Clooney stood up. He bent down to Gao Yang and bowed: "Ram, I don't know how old you are. I really have no intention of investigating. I have given up all my plans to explore your details. I only It ’s enough to know that you are a big man I ca n’t afford, Ram, I surrender, let me go! I do n’t want to die, I am willing to do everything, I just ask you to let me go! ”

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