A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1241: Cause and effect

Clooney surrendered, but the problem was that mercenaries basically would not accept surrender.

For mercenaries, dead enemies are the best enemies, and this is highly regarded as a guinea pig, and as a mercenary agent, Clooney certainly understands this.

Since Clooney offered to surrender, he must have to pay the price, and he also needs to have sincerity, which is so high that Yang can let him go.

Gao Yang pondered for a moment, then looked up and said: "I am not used to keeping my mouth alive, you should also understand this, so talk about it now, you better find the reason why I let you go."

Clooney exhaled, stood in front of Gao Yang, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and sighed: "This is a long word, let me organize."

Gao Yang whispered: "You can sit down and say, think slowly, say from the beginning, I'm not in a hurry."

Clooney nodded and sat back on the sofa. After a moment of contemplation, he waved: "From the beginning, there are actually quite a few coincidences with that incident. Let me start with what I know.

The origin of this incident cannot be avoided from Ais Aisi. This is the case. The United States wants to kill Assad, and it is bound to be. Shah also wants to kill Assad. Before Syria began the civil war, they began. Looking for supportable objects in Syria, and Tomler has played a key role in this. Many things are impossible for the United States to come forward directly. Tomler is like an agent between the United States and the Syrian rebel organization. In the past, Tomler and the United States have always cooperated in this regard.

Driven by many parties, Syria began after the civil war. The U.S. has supported at least three armed forces of anyway. This does not include Aisais. Aisais went to Syria from Iraq. It was not in the scope of the United States at the beginning, but Shah supported Ai from the beginning. Sis, when he arrived in Syria, he was very active, and his combat effectiveness was relatively stronger than other organizations. So Ace Ace entered the vision of the United States. At this time, Tomler began to contact Ace Ace.

In order to help Aisais to train soldiers, Tomler promoted the cooperation of the Iron Madonna and Aisais, and sent the Desert Combat Team of the Iron Madonna to Syria to train the soldiers of Aisais, which is actually a tripartite cooperation . Shah paid. The United States entrusted Tomler to find suitable candidates to train Ace Ace, and can also directly assist Ace Ace in combat when necessary.

Later, a major event happened. We all know that Syria has stored a lot of chemical weapons. This is a threat to many countries. In order to win the support of public opinion in the world, Aisaisi proposed a plan to use chemical weapons. Wu attacked their own territory. Blame it on Syria to play the role of a victim, and the United States can use the excuse of Syria to use chemical weapons to directly attack.

The plan soon entered the stage of concrete implementation. Shah provided chemical weapons. Tomler found a dozen or so mercenary corps to escort. However, in Iraq, the convoy carrying chemical weapons encountered an attack by local armed forces. Later, people from Shah came forward and paid for the redemption of chemical weapons.

Sending chemical weapons across the Syrian border. Until the use of Ace, the United States. Shah, Ais Aisi. These three aspects must not allow the chemical weapons to be related to themselves. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be very serious, so the batch of chemical weapons must be shipped by a third party. "

Speaking of the critical moment, Clooney shrugged and expressed regret to Gao Yang: "It was at this critical time point that two things happened in succession, and Tomler decided to ask you to **** the batch of chemical weapons.

A key point is that Our Lady of Iron is looking for you, because Our Lady of Steel suffered heavy casualties in the jungle combat unit of Brazil. If you can't find the enemy, this thing can't be done. Describe, judging that you attacked their jungle combat unit in Brazil, so Our Lady of Steel decided to trouble you.

The second key point is that the Shah side was terrified after something went wrong during the first transportation of chemical weapons. They never allowed anyone to know that Shah provided the chemical weapons, so Shah proposed The requirement is that either the U.S. side will deliver it personally, or after a third party has transported the chemical weapons to their destination, all third parties must be eliminated.

Tomler originally wanted the Desert Combat Team of Our Lady of Steel to transport chemical weapons, but after Shah made a request, it was impossible for Tomler to let the Iron Lady go, plus the trouble that the Iron Lady asked you, So Tomler came up with a plan.

I'll ask you to transport the chemical weapons, and after arriving at the destination, let the person of the Iron Madonna personally kill you, so that not only meets Shah's requirements, but also makes the Iron Madonna avenge his revenge. It ’s a perfect choice. Let me say one more thing. Killing what you should have been Aisaisi ’s job, but thinking of your combat power, letting Aisaisi do it yourself is likely to cause problems, so the final executor Only then became the Iron Madonna. "

Speaking of this, Clooney raised his hand and said solemnly: "Whether you believe it or not, what I have to declare is that I didn't really know Tomler's plan at the beginning, I was just his assistant , I ca n’t influence Tomler ’s important decisions.

Later, when you accepted this mission and arrived in Iraq, while you were waiting in Iraq, Tomler told me the real content of the operation, and then sent me to Syria. My job was to fight the desert detachment of Our Lady of Iron Receive the goods and supervise whether they have completely eliminated your Satan mercenary regiment, and then get the remuneration given by Shah for this mission from Aisaisi.

Later, it goes without saying that you were introduced into a trap. The Virgin of Steel and the people of Essie attacked you jointly, but no one thought that the person of the Virgin of Steel failed to kill you. Several people were killed until the chemical weapons leaked, and all plans had to be suspended. "

Clooney sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that most of you would have left alive when Sharin leaked. To be honest, everyone thought you were dead."

Gao Yang said coldly: "We died a man, but the one who died was my brother. For us, no matter whether one died or only one survived, the result is the same, revenge is endless."

Clooney nodded and sighed, "Unfortunately, Tomler understood this too late, because he didn't expect you to dare to move him, okay, I will continue to say that.

The next day, I and everyone knew that the incident was broken, and Ais Aisi was okay, because they used it directly after receiving the chemical weapons, but Shah was angry, Tom Le failed to complete the agreement to kill you, the Shah side decided not to pay anymore, and there was another casualty in the Iron Madonna. Overall, this was a failed operation.

Later, I was sent by Tomler to negotiate with Shah. The money was not enough. Shah also asked Toml to kill you, otherwise Toml would have to lose money to Shah according to the agreement. The key point is that if you do n’t manage the mess this time, Shah will not be able to do business with Tomler again. You know, Shah people are rich and they are not the best customers, but they are definitely The most generous and the best customer to fool. "

Clooney spread his hand and smiled bitterly: "Afterwards, things can't be controlled and Tomler is also very angry, but he thinks you should not dare to treat him. This is a very serious misjudgment. He sent I was dead, and I was still cleaning up the mess in Shah at the time, and I did n’t die in your hands. "

Clooney sighed again and said, "I was terrified. I returned to New York. I fought with some colleagues and fought most of the resources left by Tomler. I had Tom in my hands. Most of the business of the mercenary regiments and security companies that Le left behind also maintained contact with Shah and the United States. If I do n’t die, I can replace Tomler and become a new giant. "

Clooney pointed up and smiled bitterly: "I have a colleague, he is not as good as me, but he is a broker of several mercenary regiments, he turned to me, but I know that this guy is not a good man Character, he will find a way to replace me, so I intentionally used a credit card I used to expose my whereabouts, because I know he will betray me.

I want to start by killing you, but I dare not start in New York, so I made a lot of arrangements. First, I sent my wife and children to my home, and then used my family as bait, near my home. A lot of manpower was arranged, and forty people were sent by Iron Madonna, but you didn't go to me.

Waiting is not the way ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Shah has been urging me, if I do n’t want to kill you, then the people of Shah should kill me, and the Madonna of Steel is not patient enough. , So I used a credit card again and left the United States. I hope you will track down my whereabouts to kill me.

I have been surrounded by many people around Europe until the Madonna of Steel has lost patience, they refused to cooperate with my plan, and the Shah side is also very anxious, they gave me an ultimatum, if I can not kill You guys, they will kill me, so I have no choice. I plan to start in New York and use Little Downey as a bait, and then you will know, I finally realized that I cannot kill you, so I decided to surrender.

If I decide to surrender, I wo n’t be able to take down Donny anymore, but I have to maintain a posture to get rid of you, otherwise neither the Iron Madonna nor Shah will let me go, so I can only drag and I have to meet you , But you are too mysterious, I ca n’t find you, so I had to make some changes based on the trap that was originally arranged for you, I removed all the people who were preparing to ambush you, only me to stay, hope I can talk to you about this and hope you can accept my surrender. "

After finishing speaking, Clooney exhaled a long breath: "You know, I can't hold it anymore, thank God you finally appeared today, I originally decided to leave tomorrow, if I can't meet you and say this, God knows What happens next. "To be continued.

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