A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1239: Old friend

Holding a very narrow note, he promoted the four of them into deep contemplation.

Taylor couldn't help but say: "How long will it take for them to arrive?"

Gao Yang looked at his watch and said in a deep voice: "It is estimated that tomorrow, they can only go by land with a gun, not too fast."

Eileen looked at Gao Yang and said with a tangled face: "What the **** does this guy Cloney want to do?"

Gao Yang shrugged: "Obviously, Clooney is leading us to find him. That credit card is the bait he deliberately released. I don't understand why he did it. But I know there is no danger in finding him now. I decided to go to Clooney. . "

Irene frowned: "Go now? I think at least wait for the big dogs to go after they arrive. Now we don't even have a gun. If this is part of Clooney's whole trap, wouldn't you go to the door to find him? "

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang shook his head and said, "I don't think this is a trap. If Clooney left this address just to ambush me, then he won't choose a luxury hotel, and I can't wait to find Clooney tomorrow. , I feel this matter can't be delayed anymore. "

Raising his head, Gao Yang whispered to the three people in front of him: "We go to Clooney, and then I go to him myself, you wait outside, three minutes, if I don't call you in three minutes , You just withdraw, now we set off. "

The things that have been set, no longer drag, the four people immediately walked toward the address on the note.

Cluny lived in a luxury hotel, not far from the red light district, and walked for twenty minutes.

Four people quickly found the address left by Clooney. A five-star hotel. Gao Yang whispered: "Villain. You stay outside."

Alber nodded in character, walked quickly across the hotel, then walked into a restaurant that was still open, and found a window-side location to sit down.

Entered the lobby, Yang Yang tilted his head, and Taylor went to the hotel lobby sofa and sat down.

Gao Yang and Irene walked to the front desk, then Gao Yang smiled and said: "Hello, I want to find Mr. Michael Xiao in Room 304. I am his friend."

After checking the computer at the front desk, the beautiful reception smiled at Gao Yang: “Mr. Michael Xiao has made an appointment. If his friend can come directly to the room to find him, please wait. The service staff will take you to Michael Xiao. s room."

A young man wearing waiter clothes walked to the front desk and said politely to Gao Yang and Aileen: "Sir, miss, please."

Under the guidance of the waiter, Gao Yang took the elevator to the third floor, and then quickly reached the door of Room 304. Just as the waiter reached out to knock on the door, Gao Yang reached out to stop the waiter's movements. Then he smiled at Irene: "I'll go in by yourself, you can buy me a pack of cigarettes."

The waiter smiled and said, "Sir, I can do this for you."

Irene didn't speak, but turned around and left, leaving the enthusiastic waiter behind.

Eileen needs to keep up. She at least needs to know the specific location of Gao Yang, and Gao Yang did not hide her voice when she spoke, but instead increased the volume. He just hoped that Clooney knew more than him.

After smiling at the waiter, Gao Yang signaled that he could knock on the door. The waiter knocked twice on the door, and then shouted: "Mr. Xiao, you have a friend visiting."

After a while, someone in the room said with a deep voice: "Who?"

Gao Yang took a deep breath and smiled, "Old friend."

The door opened and Clooney stood behind it.

Although it was in the hotel, Clooney was still in a formal dress, and he didn't even change his leather shoes. After seeing Gao Yang, Clooney's movements were slightly paused. After taking a deep look, Clooney handed it to him. The waiter whispered a note, "Thank you, you can leave."

The waiter who turned the tip turned and left, leaving only Clooney and Gao Yang looking at each other.

Cluny was standing inside the door, and Yang was standing outside the door. Both of them did not speak. After a few seconds of silence, Cluny whispered: "Why are you coming now, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The face of Yang Yang didn't change color, he said in a deep voice: "Because we didn't find you before, now we plan to find you out, so I'm here."

Cluny coughed a little, then drove a stop, whispered: "Come in, I'm the only one."

Cluny gave up his position, when Gao Yangxin walked into the room, he smiled and said: "A few people are not the key."

Clooney made a gesture of asking, and walked through the porch, Gao Yang entered the living room of the suite.

There was an ice bucket on the coffee table, and an open bottle of wine was beside it, and there was an empty glass in the wine glass.

Cluny pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit, can you have a drink?"

Gao Yang sat on the sofa and smiled, "Okay, have a drink."

Clooney took a goblet and placed it in front of Gao Yang, then picked up the bottle and began to pour the wine. While pouring the wine, he said with emotion: "I never thought that we can still be in such a situation. meet."

Whispered softly: "Yeah, I never thought I could see you alive. To be precise, I didn't expect to have a chance to talk to you."

After pouring the wine into his glass, Clooney didn't pick up the glass directly. He leaned back on the sofa, staring at Gao Yang, and said in a deep voice, "Let me go! I don't want to die."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and looked at Clooney: "reason!"

Cluny sighed, rubbed his hands, and then leaned forward out wwwwwwnovelmtl.com ~ with a solemn expression: "That wasn't caused by my lord."

Speaking loudly: "Dare you say you don't know?"

Clooney sat back again, and he rubbed his face hard, and then said decadently: "I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, Ram, I have no hatred with you, I just work for Tomler, I ca n’t say I do n’t know, but I ’m not a decision maker, I ’m just an executor, and my role is not critical. ”

Raised his face calmly and said, "Do you know why I haven't been looking for you?"

Clooney smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "I thought you gave up revenge at first, but you still killed Mr. Tomler. At that time, I knew that this matter was not good. You dare to do anything for revenge, even In a large-scale attack in New York, I know you wo n’t let me go, Mr. Tomler should be me when he dies, but you did n’t, until I heard someone staring at Baghdadi in Syria refused to let it go, I realized that you did n’t let me go, it ’s just that I ’m not that important. ”

With a helpless expression on his face, Clooney spread his hands and said to Gao Yang, "Is that true?"

Ps: I went home late today again, and I could not rest on weekends. On Monday, I had to work overtime because I had to clean up the mess for a fool.

Today I am very depressed, very depressed, very depressed! ! !




[Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the sailing update team @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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