A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1226: I'm afraid of death, even more sore.

There must be a reason for Murphy, and some important things can not be stated clearly, but what he has hinted is very clear.

Calling in the name of inquiring on the 13th, but not knowing exactly what the 13th is doing, then Murphy is definitely not really calling Gao Yang for the 13th, although Murphy did take this opportunity to know the 13th Something went wrong.

If Murphy did not call on the 13th, and then contacted what he said to pay attention to safety, what is the enemy, it is easy to conclude that Murphy made this call just to warn him, and then contacted what he said was strong and strong It will be obvious that the people who come here are great characters, and there are still a lot of people.

Gao Yang chatted with Murphy for coffee last time, but he still had to make preparations to get rid of Tomler. Murphy mentioned this. The intention was obvious. The person who told him that Tomler was going to start fighting against him, and this man except Ke. Rooney, there will be no one else.

Clooney found a lot of people to prepare for revenge. The location was in New York. These people are very powerful. Although they don't know how Murphy learned about this, Gao Yang believes that Murphy called this phone to warn him about these things.

Gao Yang attaches great importance to Clooney. He also fears that he will be retaliated against by Clooney. However, even though Clooney disappeared, Gao Yang attached great importance to Clooney's threat, but he could not immediately remove the threat. Now, this threat becomes Has become a real danger and is imminent.

After raising the phone, Gao Yang said anxiously, "Who is still in New York?"

Jensen hurriedly said: "The big dog is traveling, the worker bees are in Serbia, there are Downey and Frye, what's wrong?"

Gao Yang whispered while dialing the phone: "I just confirm it and immediately call the big dog and the worker bee to stop them from returning to New York."

Ye Lina also said angrily: "My father and mother are in Hawaii. I still talk to them today, what's wrong, what happened?"

Gao Yang put the phone in his ear. Looking sideways to Yeliana: "Call them so they don't rush back to New York. Also, let them pay attention to safety, I will explain to them later."

After speaking, Gao Yang said into the microphone: "Little Downey, where are you?"

"Is there anything at home?"

"Listen, take your mother and Eliza out of New York right away. It's best to go abroad. Leave with a fake identity, take a few more flights, and change your identity every time you turn the plane until you are safe."

"Understood, leave immediately, what happened?"

"The people of Tomler have come to the door. If there is no accident, it should be Clooney. Listen, I just got very vague information. I do n’t know the specific situation. But I can confirm that the other party has put a lot of effort this time. You are the only one of our people who is in the light, so you are the most dangerous. Clooney does not know our details, but he must know everything about you. "

After finishing speaking, Gao Yang thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "No, don't rush to leave, I think you are likely to have been monitored. Clooney wants to kill me most. If you don't have any changes, he won't Do it in a hurry. But if your escape is obvious, they may be forced to start early. "

Downey Jr. was silent for a moment. Whispered: "I get it, Boss. I'm in the light. You hide very well. If Clooney wants to find you, you must pass me. You are right. If Clooney wants to find you, he I will be watching me, and I will take advantage of it when I find you. "

Gao Yang had already made his speech very clear. He did n’t know what it meant for Downey Jr to repeat his words again. At this moment, Downey Jr. said firmly: "I ca n’t go, I just wait at home. You, this is an opportunity, you come back with someone to fight back and ambush, let me be the bait! "

Gao Yang frowned for a moment, and said, "You make a bait, we fight an ambush, this is a good way, but I disagree, because if it is me to make this revenge plan, I will stare at you! At least by your side There are more than a dozen guns aimed at you at any time. You can use bait to print out the people hiding in the dark, but you are likely to die! "

Downey Jr. said in a deep voice: "I'm not afraid! I have to solve this problem. Clooney hides very deeply. It is difficult for us to find him. If we can lead his people out, this is a good opportunity."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Yes, we can design a trap to cause Clooney to kill us and then kill it, but there is a problem, Downey Jr., there is a very serious problem. Clooney wants to kill us. , Not the killers he found, the killers are only tools, Clooney is the problem, as long as Clooney is not dead, he can launch attacks one after another, and you think people like Clooney will personally participate in the assassination of us In action? "

Donnini Jr. sighed and said: "Cluny will definitely not participate in person. I know him. This person likes to handle some things in person, but he will not be in person. Clooney is not a combatant, so he must Will hide in the dark and remotely control all this, but the people who can't allow Clooney to hide next to us, always ready to start at us? "

Gao Yangsheng said: "The shooter shoots the horse first, the thief catches the king first, Clooney is the key. Only if he inherits everything from Tomler, and resolves Clooney, the power left by Tomler will never be again. There is no threat. Your plan to make bait is not feasible. Forget this plan. You have to leave New York, you just need to leave under the protection of people. "

Gao Yang is a little tangled. Now the situation is that the enemy is dark and I am dark. He ca n’t find Clooney, and it ’s difficult for Clooney to find him. It ’s just that Downey Jr. is the agent, but he is in the bright place. Clooney is bound to stare at Downey Jr.

Gao Yang is very self-blaming. As a mercenary, his rear has always been well protected. There is no need to worry about someone revenge when leaving the battlefield. For a long time, they did not need to worry about their own security issues in the rear, but this time is different. Mueller ’s grudge is not a frontal battlefield. This is a vendetta launched by the two groups in their respective rear core areas. This battle has no fixed battlefield at all, and he has been careless after a long period of smooth winds and ignored this. Very fatal problem.

As members of Satan ’s battle, their identities are well hidden. Even if they were both in New York, Tomler and Clooney before death did not know where they were, but Downey Jr. was different. Before he was Satan ’s agent, It is already an agent. Tomler is familiar with him and knows the foundation of Downey Jr., and Clooney, who is the right arm of Tomler and has inherited most of the power of Tomler, obviously will also know the foundation of Jr. Downey.

Frye is also in New York, but the only danger is Downey Jr., but if Gao Yang intends to protect Downey Jr. personally, or use the meeting with Downey Jr. as a bait, it is inevitable to let Clooney start, so, Everyone will be dangerous.

After thinking about all the branches, he whispered: "Where is Tomler's family? Where is Clooney's family?"

Do not harm family members. This is an unwritten rule in the underground world. Although people often break this rule and do things that destroy the whole family, on the whole, this rule is still strictly followed by most people, unless there is a special big Hatred, otherwise no one will choose to destroy the whole family, because you can do this, then the other party can do the same.

Donny Jr. whispered, "Tomler's family is still in the original residence, but Clooney's family has disappeared, I don't know where they went."

Gao Yang killed Tomler, but he never thought of killing Tomler's family, nor did he want to start with Clooney's family, but the question now is who can't guarantee Clooney will make any breakthrough The bottom line.

Gao Yang exhaled and said coldly: "Now find a way to find out the whereabouts of Clooney's family. He can hide very well, but his family will not hide too deeply. Clooney's daughter is in the eighth grade. 'S younger son is in the fourth grade, and they will definitely continue to go to school. It is much easier to find Clooney's children. We will not go back for the time being, but I will send someone to find Clooney's family.

Listen, you continue to stay at home, try not to go out, I will let people stare at Tomler ’s family and Clooney ’s family, and let Clooney know, it ’s like a nuclear threat, if you and If your family is okay, then their family will be okay. If you die, or if something happened to Eliza and your foster mother, then they will also die. You are the only one in the clear. I must let Clooney Know that he's better to stay away from you. "

Downey Jr. whispered: "This will break the rules, will it cause a more serious chain reaction?"

"If you don't do this, you will probably die ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ And we can't pin the safety of your adoptive mother and Eliza on Clooney will not break through the bottom line, I am very clear, you are all right , Then no one is okay. If you have an accident, his family will bury you. "

"Understood, I will pay attention, what about Frye?"

Gao Yang shouted: "Fry's situation is much safer than you. Clooney should not know where he is. I will let Fry take his family away. Downey Jr., you listen to me, we can't show up temporarily, you are there If something becomes unmanageable, such as Clooney finds the door, you can answer whatever he asks! Take the time, don't die! "

Downey Jr. whispered: "Boss, you don't understand the broker's circle very much. As a broker, I have consciousness and principles! I have prepared for myself a method of death without pain, Clooney knows the broker And understand me, he will not try to get anything from my mouth, because he knows that to see me in the current situation, only to see my body. "

After talking, Downey Jr smiled and said, "When I was an agent, I knew too much. When I was caught, I was only tortured. To be honest, I was afraid of death, but I was even more afraid of pain! So I was early I prepared myself a painless method of death. Now I do n’t have to worry about being tortured, or worrying about what I ca n’t say. Okay, I know what to do, goodbye. "( To be continued)

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