A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1225: caveat

Adele was in London, but the plane landed in Edinburgh. Although Gao Yang wanted to visit London, but Adele was there, he dared not go.

Gao Yang is really afraid of Adele. Unlike Catherine, Adele dares to say anything. For a person with high IQ and low EQ who still recognizes death, anything can happen, so the best way is Keep it away.

Gao Yang They were already late when they took off. It was already evening when the plane landed at Edinburgh Airport.

It is still the old rules. The butler and bodyguard get off the plane first, and then promote the four of them. Now the bodyguard is completely useless, but Gao Yang is embarrassed to drive the bodyguard away.

As soon as he stood on the ground, the housekeeper turned his head a little, and said a few words of grace to them: "Gentlemen and ladies, this is not my hometown, but it does not matter. This is part of the United Kingdom. As an Englishman, I must welcome you to England and the United Kingdom, and I hope you will enjoy yourself here. "

Gao Yang laughed and said: "Thank you Mr. Pattinson, we will definitely have a good time. In addition, you are indeed British."

The butler leaned back slightly again, reaching out: "Please."

Gao Yang walked in front of them, butler and two bodyguards followed, and a total of seven people left the airport.

At the entrance of the tunnel, Jensen held a sign. After seeing a few of them, Jensen waved his sign and shouted, "Boss! Boss! I am here."

Jensen put down the sign and hugged Gao Yang for a while, then shouted, "You guys are here. My father and I waited here for an afternoon to introduce you to my father."

Behind Jensen stood a grey woolen coat. A polite man, his beard is already gray, and his face looks somewhat similar to Jensen. But more than Janson's masculine.

"My name is Will Jones, is it Mr. Gao? You are welcome to come to Scotland. Jensen has mentioned you many times."

Jensen ’s father was very honest. Although he was running a winery, Robert still had a unique farmer-like honesty on his face. He said a Scottish accent that made the English laugh, and his hands were covered with cocoons. In general, this is a typical Scottish farmer.

Gao Yang and Will shook hands and smiled, "Thank you for picking us up personally. Mr. Jones."

Will smiled: "Jenson and I drove two cars. Are we going back to the farm today, or are we going to rest in Edinburgh for one night?"

Jensen said directly, "Boy, you are late. My mother made the dishes and waited for us to go back. Although it takes a few hours to drive the car, let's go home and stop staying at the hotel."

Gao Yang laughed: "Okay, listen to your arrangement."

"Then let's set off, we can get home after dark. But good food is not afraid of late, let's go guys?"

Gao Yang turned and smiled at the butler: "Mr. Pattinson, you and the two of them will stay in Edinburgh. We are going to a friend's house without any danger."

The butler slightly bowed and smiled, "Everything you want, sir."

Gao Yang and the couple left the airport with some laughs. Jensen and his father drove two cars to pick them up, because their cars were too small, a very old Rover car, and a very New but small Vauxhall.

The two cars are not big, and all five people are too crowded. So if Raphael and his father didn't want to rent a car, they could only drive one to pick them up.

Erin and Raphael got in the car driven by Jensen's father. Gao Yang and Ye Lina got on Jensen's car, and the car quickly left the airport. Started to drive to Jensen's house.

The car was too small, Gao Yang had to sit in the co-pilot seat, otherwise he could not stretch his legs. After the car drove, Gao Yang put the seat back and smiled: "I thought you would buy it if you have money What about a new car. "

Jason did not answer: "This is the new car, oh, but this is my mother's car."

Gao Yang said helplessly: "I thought you would buy a big car, a luxury car."

Jason didn't take it for granted: "I don't buy it. I have the money to buy a car. I might as well buy a few good lenses. You don't know it. I am a photography enthusiast. Good lenses are expensive!"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Please, are you now a multimillionaire? Oh, even if you are a multimillionaire, do you always have millions? You have no money to buy a car?"

"Ah, this, money is not a problem, but I don't need to buy a car at all. I live on a farm. Tractors are more convenient for me than a car. Besides, I already have two cars in my house, there is no need to buy . "

Gao Yang gestured and smiled: "How long will we arrive?"

"About three hours."

After he finished speaking, Jensen looked at his watch and smiled: "It's time for dinner after arriving home, the famous Scottish dish Haggis, don't you often say that."

Gao Yang's complexion changed greatly, and he said, "Is it sheep shit?"

"Yes, you'll love the shredded sheep. When you were in Syria, didn't you and the guy called the loach spent a lot of effort to eat the shredded sheep? Rest assured, you will be satisfied this time. "

Gao Yang would like to say that sheep's byproducts and sheep's byproducts are also different. It's no wonder that the Chinese goats' soup made with sheep's miscellaneous soup is the same as that of Scotland.

Of course these words cannot be said, but Gao Yang began to worry about whether he could withstand the heavy taste of the Scots diet. Now he only hopes that the dishes made by Jensen ’s mother can be tasteful, but not dark.

The car was already on the highway. At this time, Gao Yang's phone rang. Gao Yang took out the satellite phone, looked at the number, and found that it was a strange number.

Gao Yang answered the phone as soon as possible. He felt that the call might have been from Yake, so he remained silent after receiving the call, and the person on the opposite side of the phone remained silent. After a few seconds, someone whispered Tao: "Ram?"

Gao Yang thought the sound was familiar, he thought back carefully, and then whispered: "Murphy?"

"it's me."

After Murphy said a word, he hadn't spoken for a long time. After at least a few tens of seconds, he said coldly: "Do you know where the 13th is?"

Gao Yang whispered: "He is safe now, but I don't know where he is. Someone took him out. They are in a safe place now."

After Murphy was silent for more than ten seconds, he whispered: "Thank you."

"No need to thank me, he is also my friend."

"I know, well, there is one other thing. My relationship with the 13th is good. Well, I am quite worried about him, but I can't reach him, so I'll call you and ask."

Gao Yang felt that Murphy was a little strange, because Murphy was usually very simple when he talked, but today he talked eloquently, and he always looked like he was talking.

"I understand, but you can rest assured now, well, I asked someone to take him away, and now he has left the danger zone, but you know, he was shot, although I am now sure he is in a safe place , But I do n’t know what happened to his injury. However, I think he should be in a good situation. Otherwise, the person I called to rescue him has already called me, so we can just wait in peace. "

After Gao Yang finished speaking, Murphy said in a shocked tone: "What are you talking about? What's going on? Is he seriously injured? What happened to him?"

Gao Yang was also extremely shocked, so he said in the same surprised tone: "What are you talking about? You don't know what happened on the 13th? Then why did you call me?"

Murphy hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, let me figure out the situation. What happened to him?"

Gao Yang sighed and said: "In Riyadh on the 13th, he was chased and killed by the Shah intelligence bureau. He also got a shot and wounded his spleen, but I have asked someone to save him, and now they have I left Riyadh and hid in a safe place. It ’s just that I still do n’t know what happened to the injury on the 13th. Well, this is the situation on the 13th. Why did n’t he call you? ”

"No, I don't know what happened on the thirteenth."

Gao Yang was completely confused, because if Murphy didn't know what happened on the thirteenth, why would he call to talk about the thirteenth?

At this moment, Murphy said again and again: "Ram, I am calling you as a friend, not as a cleaner."

Gao Yang froze for a moment and said, "I understand."

"That's good, uh, I want to say, if the 13th is fine, that's great, are you in New York?"

Murphy's words were too jumpy ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang had to react every time before he could take the words.

"Oh, not in New York, nor in America."

Murphy breathed out and smiled, "That's good, it's time to go out and play for a while, um, it's fine on the 13th, I don't have to worry about him, but you also have to pay attention to safety, and be careful when you go out, In your business, there will inevitably be an enemy or something. "

Gao Yang was agitated and said in a deep voice: "Yes, in our business, there will inevitably be enemies."

Murphy laughed and said, "Okay, it's okay. I just called and asked. Since everyone is okay, safety is the first thing. The guy on the 13th is always not careful enough, but fortunately, he Since he was aware of the danger in a timely manner, he was considered to be a big man, but the elite soldiers wanted to get rid of him. This was all escaped by him. Good luck, well, if that ’s okay, then I ’ll hang up the phone, oh, Also, we had a great chat last time. We will talk again if we have a chance next time. I invite you to drink coffee. In old places, I have to hang up the phone. Goodbye. "

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang only pondered Murphy's words for a while, and began to sweat coldly, and then he immediately raised the phone again. (To be continued)

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