A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1227: Reward order

The focus of work must be changed, and the fortunes have to be pushed back. Now the most important thing for Satan is to solve Clooney's guilty conscience. Popular 【..】

After ending the conversation with Downey Jr., Gao Yang then called Fry and asked him to leave the United States with his family and avoid Europe first.

The car was always driving, and when Gao Yang called Fry, Jensen said worryingly: "Boss, do you want to stop and let Raphael and Irene come back?"

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "No, proceed as planned, how should we play and how to play."

After he finished speaking, Gao Yang called Justin and waited for Justin to answer the call. Gao Yang hurriedly said, "Man, let you look for Clooney's whereabouts. Is there any progress there?"

"Sorry, no progress at all."

Gao Yang said disappointedly: "Your action is too slow, please, I am anxious to find out where Clooney is now, otherwise I have to sleep with my eyes open. Can you help arrange more people to find Clooney?"

Justin smiled bitterly: "It's too easy for a person to hide, and I can't arrange for people to stare at the insignificant little people like Clooney, man, you are looking for a person, not an organization, the world is so big If I can find a person just by moving my finger, do you really treat me like a god? "

Gao Yang was very distressed: "Is there no way to find Clooney?"

"I have arranged people now to find his whereabouts along Clooney's previous network, but it's really difficult, Clooney is not in a hot spot, he is not a focus person, man, I dare not dare I promise you that I will find Clooney, and I dare not give you a schedule. "

Gao Yang was very helpless and shouted: "Well, keep looking, man. Can you give a reward in your name, I want Clooney's exact hiding place, and give a million dollars as long as the information provided is valid, if who Can kill Clooney. With the body given to five million, who can capture Clooney alive, a bounty of 10 million dollars, this reward is effective for a long time. "

Justin smiled bitterly: "Are you sure you want to issue a bounty? And your bounty conditions include killing or catching Clooney alive, man. If you want me to issue a bounty, then I declare war directly to Clooney! Are you sure? Do you want to do this? "

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Yes, I'm sure, man, Clooney has already found someone to get rid of us. I can't drag on anymore, I have to start strong!"

Justin breathed out and said, "Well, I can issue a reward order on your behalf, no matter who provides the information. [Chao Duo good-looking novels] As long as it is verified to be valid, you have to give me the money on my behalf, in addition Our previous agreement is null and void. You do n’t have to give me another 10 million intelligence fees, just pay the bounty. "

"Okay, the previous agreement is invalid, I will pay the bounty, you will issue a bounty for me, then, how much commission do I need to pay you?"

Justin was silent for a moment. Whispered: "The commission is 10 million US dollars. It's the price to declare war with someone like Clooney. I will give you a reward immediately after receiving the payment, man. Can I make a suggestion?"

"You said."

"The one-million-dollar bounty is too low. At least I wo n’t help you find someone to hide for one-million-dollar. If you only give one-million-dollar bounty, people like me wo n’t feel it. Interested, so the effect of your reward is very poor. What you need is to move people around the world to serve your bounty. Rather than letting people with real strength after you pay me a large commission Exit the team looking for Clooney, like me. "

Gao Yang was also forced to do nothing. He didn't want to drag it down any longer, so he could only choose the fastest way, that is, let Justin help him to issue a reward.

It ’s not enough to sing out a reward. First of all, you have to know enough people, and there is a large enough network to publish a reward. It ’s meaningful. Satan is well mixed now, but Satan only knows a few people. By the way, even if Satan releases a reward, he can't see anyone and say you help me find or kill Clooney, and I will pay you how much.

It must be a professional, such as Justin, to issue a reward.

Justin has a huge network of relationships. He has his own intelligence network. If he publishes a certain reward, the content of this reward will spread overnight in the intelligence circle, the mercenary circle, and it seems to only exist in legends. But the real killer circle, and this is the ability of a big intelligence dealer.

It takes credibility to issue a reward. If an unknown soldier issues a reward order, how widely it can be spread. The key is who can know if the person who really made the matter issue the reward can fulfill the promise, so the reward This kind of thing only has to be done by people with status, financial ability and credibility.

For intelligence vendors, they will never easily issue a reward. Intelligence vendors have to do business with everyone, and releasing rewards takes one's head. This is a clear declaration of war.

Gao Yang asked Justin to help Clooney, and the negotiated price was 10 million US dollars, but this money Justin may not be able to earn it. He may have paid a lot of manpower and material resources, but eventually found nothing, and issued a reward for Gao Yang. Regardless of the result, Gao Yang had to pay Justin $ 10 million as a commission, and had to hit Justin ’s account immediately.

Ten million dollars sounds like a lot, but for Justin, it ’s really the lowest price to receive this money to issue a definite life-saving reward order.

To put it bluntly, Clooney is still a small person who is not valued. If it is a big man, it is impossible for Justin to act as a middleman for Gao Yang to issue a reward. For example, Big Iwan, Justin will not dare to release against Big Iwan as long as he is not fainted The reward is not to mention a human reward, even if it is just for the reward to find some information about Big Ivan.

Another example is the mercenary regiments such as Satan and Angels. The battles are fierce, and they do n’t even want to die. If Justin does n’t have enough life, he dare not issue a reward for them. Even if Justin asks for money, or he thinks that Satan and angels can definitely If such a mercenary group fights through the net without leaving any trouble, so if they are willing to issue a reward for anyone, the price will be at least hundreds of millions.

The middleman is not so good. It is necessary to conceal the identity of the person who actually issued the reward, and face the anger and revenge of the rewardee directly. How can you do it without asking for more money?

Justin only needs 10 million US dollars as a commission to issue a reward, which is really a very small amount of money. This shows that he does not consider Clooney as a threat at all. Maybe, Justin has regarded Clooney as a dead person.

So after hearing Justin ’s condition, Gao Yang was puzzled and said: "Ten million dollars? Just ten million? Very good! I will transfer the money to you immediately, and you will give me a reward now! In addition, you think the reward To what extent is it more appropriate for Jin to increase? "

Justin said that the bounty is too low, so the high raises the bounty immediately, because Justin is right, mercenaries or killers will be interested in killing Clooney and taking five million dollars, because not everyone in the world is very mixed up. Well, there are many powerful people who are capable but do not have good opportunities. Five million dollars is already tempting, but a one million dollar intelligence bounty is not worth the effort of some capable intelligence dealers.

Justin thought for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "Ram, if you are really anxious and you have already spent a lot of money, then you can't be stingy with small money anymore, I mean increase the intelligence bonus To three million dollars, the price of Clooney will be increased to 10 million. If you catch Clooney alive, yeah, are you sure you need a live Clooney? "

Gao Yang thought for a while and said: "I plan to catch Clooney alive, and then make everything clear. I don't have any troubles. How much money do you think should be used to reward Clooney alive?"

"Twenty million, at least! There are ten million available for killing Clooney. It's more difficult to catch alive, at least it's at least twenty million, but I don't think it's necessary to catch alive, right? Twenty million dollars, I think nothing Necessary, as long as Clooney dies, who will specifically target you? "

Gao Yang thinks it is the same. When Clooney died, others would find trouble with Satan. Tomler's men were too many. I didn't see the one who dared to show his head after Tomle's death and was willing to avenge him. As for Clooney, it is better to defend Satan than to revenge Tomler, but to protect himself.

In fact, Clooney is indeed the object of Satan's revenge.

Tomler may be the planner who framed Satan, but Clooney was the executor. He also met with Satan. Bruce ’s death was definitely part of his account, so Clooney had to start. For the sake of self-protection.

Gao Yang thought for a while and exhaled, whispering: "It's really not necessary to catch Clooney alive, well, then don't catch him alive, three million to buy his hiding place ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ 1 Don't ask for his head, just like that, I will transfer the money to you immediately, you are ready to release a reward. "

Justin laughed: "Okay, when the money arrives, I will issue a bounty. In addition, you would have to pay me 10 million US dollars as a security deposit to avoid someone giving information or sending Clooney's body but you can't pay the bounty. When this happens, I still have to pay for you. You know, I care about my reputation, but your reputation is also good, and we have dealt with so many times, I will not accept the deposit, man, It ’s time to pay the bounty, you ’ll be happier. "

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I'm doing business, you can rest assured that you should not give you less than a cent, well, that's it, goodbye."

Gao Yang hung up the phone. At that time, Jensen said with a general face: "Wow, make a phone call, and in a flash, 10 million will be spent, and there is another 10 million that may have to be paid soon. Son, it seems that we have to pay close attention to making money. "

Gao Yang spread his hand and said indifferently, "There is only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason to be a thousand days to prevent thieves. Now for us, the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. We can afford this money, Great value! "(Unfinished to be continued.)

ps: Seeking monthly tickets, vigorously seeking monthly tickets.

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