A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1164: Remedy

"Do you know Clooney? He is Tomler's assistant."

"do not know."

Hearing Justin's answer, Gao Yang couldn't help but stunned. After a while, he wondered: "What? Don't you know?"

"Of course, I can't know everyone in this world."

Every time he calls Justin, Gao Yang can get the answer he wants, so in his impression, Justin really knows everyone in the world, but this time his inherent impression is finally broken, it is obvious , Justin is not omnipotent.

Just then, Justin said in a deep voice: "You are looking for Tomler's assistant, why, what's wrong?"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Yeah, when he got rid of Tomler, he was slipped away by this guy. Now he appears again. In order to avoid being retaliated by this guy called Clooney, we have to start with strong, so I need Find out where this guy is hiding. "

"Oh, so, I don't know this person called Clooney, but this one can be checked, I don't know now, I will know soon."

"Tell me everything you know."

"Well, I do n’t know much about Clooney, but this person ’s relationship is very complicated. I met him twice in Tomler ’s company, and I did n’t talk much. The longest contact was in Syria. Clooney and Badadi are very familiar, as well as the Desert Combat Team of Our Lady of Iron. "

Gao Yang introduced the situation he knew in detail, and then talked about Clooney's appearance and characteristics, after that. Justin smiled bitterly: "This guy's relationship is so complicated. It sounds more than just an assistant of Tommler. Man, find this guy, the price can't be lower."

Speaking, Gao Yang himself felt that Clooney was more difficult than he thought. Clooney and Ace, Iron Madonna, and forces from Shah seemed to be familiar. If Clooney was Tomler Right arm. Then his energy can't be underestimated.

Clooney is too dangerous. He has connections and money. If he just hides because he is worried about being retaliated, but once Clooney really wants to avenge Tommler, and he still hides in the dark waiting for an opportunity, that is dangerous. But it's big.

Gao Yang exhaled and said in a deep voice: "Okay, help me find out where Clooney is hiding. Well, I don't ask for specific intelligence content. You know what I need. The more detailed the better. How much is it? ? "

"This, this is very expensive, because the person you are looking for is not a famous big person, nor is it someone I have been concerned about. Finding Clooney requires me to build or mobilize a network, and mobilize a lot. Someone will help you track down the whereabouts of an unknown pawn. This is very troublesome, so the price cannot be too low, 10 million US dollars, this is the starting price The price cannot be lower, um, between 10 million and 20 million. "

Although I understand that Justin really needs to send some new personnel to form an intelligence network that exists exclusively for Clooney, but Gao Yang feels that he ca n’t use 10 million dollars anyway. When tracking down Badadi ’s whereabouts, the price is not the same. expensive.

Gao Yang frowned, just looking for Clooney's whereabouts, it actually cost 10 to 20 million US dollars, I have to say that this price is a bit too high, ridiculously high.

But there is also a reason. Justin had an intelligence network always paying attention to Badadi. Many people will buy him information about Badadi, so the information about Badadi will not be particularly expensive. It ’s like It is justified that mass production of something will naturally lower costs.

But now the problem is coming, Clooney, only Gao Yang alone is looking for, no one can help him share the cost, if he does not pay the money, there will not be an intelligence network specifically for Clooney, plus Clooney although The reputation is not great, but the energy he has is not small, and these situations that are difficult to find in hiding, the price of Justin is indeed not excessive.

Although it was expensive, Justin ’s quotation was not excessive, and Clooney had to find out, and Gao Yang could afford the money. In this way, Gao Yang thought again and again, and said in a deep voice: "If you look for Clooney , How long do you think it will take? "

"This is really bad. It is very difficult to find the people who are hiding, not to mention the kind of dangerous work that Tommler's men do all year round, who is good at hiding and understands the importance of hiding. This Unlike ordinary intelligence, this requires me to invest a lot of manpower for careful investigation, so I really can't give a precise timetable. "

Gao Yang sighed and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I agree with your quotation. The low price starts from 10 million yuan, and the maximum is not more than 20 million US dollars. The time is not limited, but the faster the better, in addition, I have a condition, I will also look for Justin ’s whereabouts at the same time. If I find Clooney before you, I will naturally not buy your information again, agree? "

Justin haha ​​smiled and said: "Agree, you can find Clooney yourself, that's your skill ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Of course you can save a lot of money, my only requirement is that you are finding Clooney Then call me in time to inform me, how is it? Is this okay? "

Gao Yang laughed: "Of course, this is no problem, then I will wait for your good news, man, if you want to earn my money, you have to move faster."

"I'm very confident in my people. I'm professional in intelligence. I'm ready to pay for it, man, bye."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang sat on the sofa, although it was nothing bad news, but he received a lot of bad news, still made him a little uncomfortable.

There does n’t seem to be any urgent matter that needs to be resolved, but thinking about Clooney may be hiding in any corner, like a viper, always ready to jump out and take a bite, Gao Yang feels that he ca n’t sit still. It must be resolved as soon as possible, even if you leave everything else alone.

Gao Yang sat on the sofa and waited for a while, he was waiting for Grolev's call.

Grolyov's work is very solid. After notifying everyone, he will definitely make a phone call with Gao Yang. Gao Yang doesn't want to be disturbed by Grolev while doing certain things, especially by Yelena's father. Bother, so he would rather wait a little longer.

After a short wait, after receiving a call from Grolev, Gao Yang returned to the bathroom.

After holding back in Syria for several months, I finally expected this day, but I encountered various emergencies three or five times. After being continuously disturbed, Gao Yang was already crazy. If he was disturbed again at this time, really It's going crazy.

Fortunately, this time finally no one bothered Gao Yang again. (To be continued ...)

ps: um, um, this chapter, let's deal with it briefly ...

... R861

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