A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1165: Will he go?

At ten o'clock the next morning, although Gao Yang wanted to sleep lazily, but there were so many big things and little things, he could only climb up reluctantly.

Without disturbing the sleeping Yeliana, Yang Yang left the room lightly, and his first thing was to go downstairs to find Irene.

At the entrance of Irene, Gao Yang raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no response in the room. Gao Yang increased the power of knocking on the door and knocked on the door again.

After listening to the door for a moment and not hearing any movement in the room, Gao Yang knocked on the door again vigorously, and then he began to think that Irene might have gotten up and left.

Gao Yang was going to make a call to Irene, but he just took out the phone, but he heard a cry from Ai Lin in the house.

"Ah! Who! Oh, Shet! My clothes!"

Gao Yang patted his head. He forgot that Irene's clothes were sent to wash. After grinning, Gao Yang shouted: "It's me, wait a minute, I'll let you send your clothes ..., uh! "

Before Gao Yang finished talking, the door opened suddenly, and Irene wrapped herself in a bath towel. The sleepy man had opened the door.

After Irene opened the door, she did not close the door, yawned, and said with a confused face: "Come in."

Needless to say, Gao Yang walked into the door, Irene closed the door, grabbed the bath towel in one hand, and wiped her face with one hand, listlessly said: "I seem to remember something now, you sent it yesterday I'm back? "


"It was also the bathtub that you threw me into, and also dropped my head, my head still hurts now!"

"Well, it's me. I'm sorry, but I missed and threw you out."

Elin waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I forgive you. It's OK if it's not taken advantage of."

The black line that raised his head, helplessly said: "Call room service, send your clothes back, Irene, how much wine did you drink last night?"

Irene spread her hand and said, "Not sure. Anyway. A lot of it. Am I stupid? I don't care if he is involved."

Gao Yang shook his head and shouted, "Don't drink so much in the future, listen. We are in trouble now. Clooney may have to retaliate against us, so be careful during this time."

Irene shrugged: "It's you who is worried. I don't think Clooney's revenge will come to me first. If we disperse, he must be you first."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Okay, pay more attention. I'm going to the Big Dog's house for lunch. Will you go?"

Irene didn't answer Gao Yang's question, but frowned and looked at Gao Yang: "Boss, why did you change my clothes and take a bath with you instead of Ye Lina?"

Gao Yang spread his hand. After hesitating for a while, he finally said: "Well, nothing, Ye Lenna's strength is too small, and, the most important thing is ..."

Gao Yang made a gesture on his chest. With a bitter smile: "So I just came by myself."

Irene said helplessly: "Oh, damn. My tattoo started to get in trouble. It was tattooed when I was excited. But now think about it, damn, I must have not taken my brain to the tattoo shop, but I was very Curious, Yeliana agreed to let you give another woman, well, that's what they did. "

Gao Yang scratched his head, and then looked bitter, said: "This, this, um, I panicked, Irene, I'm sorry, I was helpless at the time."

"How did you lie?"

"You have to guarantee not to be angry."

"You said."

"I said you were a leis."

Irene's eyes widened immediately, and when Gao Yang's heart began to grow hair, Irene extended her **** to Gao Yang and then pointed to Gao Yang: "Don't you want me to tell you a lie, I won't take you through, but you Do n’t let me lie to you, do n’t even think about it! "

After slamming his words against Gao Yang, Irene yawned again and said: "Boss, when are you going to the West Coast, I want to see Lucica."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "It will probably take a day or two, after finishing the matter in New York, we will go to the West Coast, and then everyone will go together."

Irene nodded and said, "Okay, I know, you should go. Enjoy your lunch at Big Dog House. I want to continue to sleep. I don't want to do anything. I will stay here. Goodbye, Boss. "

Knowing that Irene was okay, Gao Yang waved his hand, said goodbye to Irene, and went down a floor, wanting to see other people, but he had just come downstairs, but saw Li Jinfang and Little Downey.

Seeing Gao Yang, Li Jinfang looked a little embarrassed, but Downey Jr. waved his hand and smiled: "Hey, I got up early enough. If you want to wake up other people, forget it. We will only come back this morning. Now that they are sleeping soundly, it does n’t matter. I think it ’s better for you not to disturb them. It ’s embarrassing. "

Gao Yang looked at the two men and frowned: "Where are you going?"

Little Downey laughed: "Go to my house, my mother made lunch. Li and I are going to my house for lunch. Do we want to go together?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "No, I'll go to Yeliana's house for lunch. Waiting for me, I won't go. In fact, only you and Toad are better, right?"

Little Donnie laughed, but Li Jinfang laughed twice, and waved his hands high: "Okay, let's go, you, I won't call others anymore. You need to be safe, let's go."

Knowing that Downey Jr. had to take Li Jinfang to his house, mainly because of the hacker Eliza, and she did n’t know what happened. Li Jinfang actually had a good relationship with the autistic girl. It is said that the two were together and could speak one sentence Not to mention right to sit for hours.

Either Donny looked at Li Jinfang differently. His relationship with Eliza is not a sibling, but it is better than a sibling. Eliza can't say anything to others, but it is not easy to get along with Li Jinfang.

Waving goodbye to the two, Gao Yang stopped calling other people, went back to his room, awakened Ye Lanna, and quickly prepared to return to Ye Lanna's house.

It ’s like going to meet the old man, although the relationship with Grolev is so good and so familiar, it ’s no different from going to their home with Gao Yang and at their own home. It's just that Yeliana didn't return home overnight. He thought it was a little awkward and it was better to go back quickly.

When Ye Lina was called and drove to the house, Gao Yang's phone rang.

Gao Yang looked at it. The phone was from Morgan. After he connected the phone, he said in a deep voice, "Morgan, is there anything wrong?"

Morgan whispered: "Yes, there is one thing, don't you want to talk about finding friendship with the New York Mets? Coincidentally. There is an opportunity today, and there is a cocktail party tonight, one of the bosses of the New York Mets. Erpen will also be present. I can take you to the reception, which starts at 7:30 in the evening. You are more formal and I will send someone to pick you up. "

Gao Yang was distressed and said, "Do I have to go too? You tell the Mr. Wilpen, let him send a scout or something to see Frye's skills, I don't have to go to the reception in person? Morgan, you know, the reception of social celebrities, I ’m not used to that kind of place. "

Morgan smiled. Tao: "This is a very small reception, most of them are my friends, you need to contact these people. Listen to me, you must come tonight, oh, you can bring a female partner, remember to bring Yeliana , But do n’t forget to buy Yelena an evening gown. High, you ca n’t always turn around in the circle of mercenaries. If you want to do big business, you have to know these people. Be prepared, I will send someone to pick up you."

Gao Yangsheng said: "Well, I will go, I will be ready."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang smiled at Ye Lina: "My dear, after lunch, we will buy you an evening dress, and then we will attend a reception together."

Upon hearing this, Yelena shook her head and said, "No, no, I'm too unsuited to those occasions, and I don't like it either."

Gao Yang does not want to force Ye Lanna, and he feels that Ye Lanna is still a student. Early contact with the celebrities is not necessarily a good thing for her studies.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "If you don't want to go, let's go when we want to go. But I'm sorry, I can't accompany you to the opera tonight."

Ye Lina said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, your business matters, oh, I just heard you talk about Frye's skills, why is this matter with Frye?"

Gao Yang laughed: "Yes, Frye's baseball seems really powerful. Some people say he is a genius. He can go to Major League Baseball, and he can still be a superstar. It's just that none of us. I know if Frye is so powerful. Tonight, there will be the boss of the New York Mets. I want to find an opportunity to see if Frye can be given a professional trial or something. "

Ye Lanna said with a surprised expression: "Really? This is great, but this is good news. We have to tell Fry as soon as possible."

Gao Yang quickly said: "No, no, don't tell Fry. Listen to me. The problem now is that Fry doesn't want to play in Major League Baseball, so we can't tell him in advance, especially not him. As for the trial training, I was afraid that as soon as he heard that he was going to test training, or let scouts look at his skills, Frye would n’t go, so this had to be kept secret. "

Ye Lina frowned, and then whispered: "Well, then I won't tell Fry, but can I tell Mrs. Smith and Ella?"

Gao Yang thought for a moment ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ shook his head and said, "No, don't say it first. I'm worried that they won't be able to hide the secret. I'll wait until Frye's gone, or let Frye speak for himself."

Ye Lina nodded and said with a chuckle: "If Fry can really play baseball, it would be better if he could become a superstar, but should he go?"

"The New York Mets aren't his favorite team. He used to dream to go to the Mets to watch the ball. It's just to watch the ball. If it's not easy for other teams to say, but it's definitely no problem to go to the Met. . "

Gao Yang said very positively, but his heart was not as sure as he said. In fact, he always doubted in his heart, is Fry really willing to play? (To be continued)

ps: I was miserable by the rain today, the storm and thunder and thunder and hail, I was poured out of the soup, I did n’t say, and I fell a few heels, and now I found that my left arm still hurts, so it ’s too late to update this evening. Understandable, right ...

Also, it is not a pity not to sell such a miserable experience, so brothers and sisters, use the monthly ticket to comfort my broken heart ...

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