A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1163: Chopping grass without rooting

After a long delay, Gao Yang was able to settle Irene.

Gao Yang's clothes were wet, and he was very tired, let alone his physical fatigue. The most important thing was that he was still in trouble.

Irene vomited a mess, but I couldn't wash it, but Irene cleaned it. It was Gao Yang who seemed to feel that there was always a sheep's head tattoo dangling in front of his eyes.

Gao Yang is definitely a gentleman, but the problem is that he can't close his eyes all the way, and the visual impact of Irene's tattoo is too strong.

Irene was so drunk that she could n’t wake up when she was flushed with water, but that ’s fine, at least everyone should n’t be too embarrassed.

Set up Irene and then call the hotel ’s laundry service. Let people wash Irene ’s clothes so Irene has clean clothes to wear the next day. Gao Yang is serving as head and father. Lynn.

The room that Little Downey booked for Gao Yang is the hotel ’s best presidential suite, located on the top floor, so after setting up Irene, Gao Yang had to take the elevator and go to the top floor. It was originally nothing, but he was wearing wet clothes Walking on the hotel's stall, and then by accident, after entering a manned elevator, people were watching with strange eyes, which made Gao Yang really depressed.

After knocking on the door and smiling at Ye Lina helplessly, Gao Yang sincerely said: "Everything is over, I will take a shower."

When Gao Yang was naked, he heard an exclamation, and then he found Yelena looked at his arm with shocking eyes, staring at the newly added scar on his right arm.

The muscles in Gao Yang's right arm were interrupted for half, and the scar was quite long, it looked. It's really shocking enough.

Ye Lanna covered her mouth. He reached out and touched the scar on Yang Yang's arm. Then trembling: "It must be painful?"

Gao Yang really wanted to say that he was about to die, but he could talk to anyone about this, but he could never say to Ye Lanna.

"It hurts, of course, but it doesn't matter. I was unlucky and got a stray bullet. But with Andy, he's so good in medicine. Our medicines are well prepared, how could it hurt." "

The more he hid it, the less he could believe it, so Gao Yang raised his fist, curled his right arm up, and made a muscular look, but when he was talking indifferently, Ye Lanna It was the scar on the edge of the palm of his right hand.

Ye Lanna grabbed Gao Yang's right hand, carefully looked at the scar on Gao Yang's right hand, and then looked at the scar on her arm. Ye Lanna's face looked very ugly.

If Yeliana really loves Gao Yang, then she cannot be indifferent to Gao Yang's scars.

Seeing Yelena was holding back her crying. Gao Yang quickly said: "My dear, I want to die you."

Closing Yeliana's mouth in an invincible way of distracting attention, and then, Gao Yang should take a bath.

Gao Yang's bathing process is not very smooth, the reason, because the bathtub is too large and luxurious, as for why the bathtub is too large to take a smooth bath, because Ye Lina is there.

Gao Yang felt like he was resurrecting with blood, but it was a pity, no, hatefully, the phone rang at this time.

Gao Yang was most afraid of the phone ringing in the middle of the night. There was no hurry, and no one would bother him at this time, so Gao Yang could only put on a bath towel and rushed out to answer the phone.

The phone number is strange, and I do n’t know who called it. Gao Yang took a deep breath and said, "Hey, who?"

"Me, Murphy."

Hearing Murphy's voice, Gao Yang felt confident, at least he knew that Murphy's call would not be a big deal.

"Man, it seems that you got a call on the thirteenth, eh, is there anything wrong?"

"I'm bad, you're good? Ha, definitely, this tone must be, without explanation, I can hear it."

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Man, let's be honest."

"Okay, to be honest, I did call me on the 13th. He told me what needs to be done. I want to tell you that I have called Zhang Zhenxing and warned Zhang Zhenxing according to your requirements. Oh, of course not a phone call I personally make, but rest assured, your friends will never be disturbed by anyone in the future. If Zhang Zhenxing is smart enough, he should go to your friends and apologize to show his attitude. "

Gao Yang knew that things would definitely be dealt with, but he didn't expect it to be handled so quickly. Murphy was also attentive, and he was able to get things done in such a quick night.

"Thank you guys, thank you very much for your help. I will meet you back for dinner."

After Murphy chuckled, Shen said, "No need to thank me. On the 13th, I never asked me to do anything for him. This is the first time he spoke. Since the 13th is spoken, I must help." . However, I called you at this time, but not because of this trivial matter. "

"Oh, is there anything else?"

"Yes, it's very important. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't call you. Listen, Tomler has a confidant next to him called Clooney Johnson. Do you know this person?"

Clooney, Gao Yang certainly knew.

Clooney was Tomler ’s assistant. When Gao Yang originally met Tomler, he could see Clooney every time. He also said two sentences with him. Later in Syria, Gao Yang also had a long contact with Clooney. Time, so to speak, is that Clooney personally sent them high into the trap of Ace Ace and the Iron Madonna.

In other words, Bruce ’s death may have been caused by a conspiracy designed by Tomler, but Clooney was the one that was specifically implemented. When fighting in Syria, Clooney had already followed Badadi, and then Clooney had As if the world had evaporated, no matter whether it was designed to kill Tomler or chasing Badadi in Syria, Cluny never appeared again.

Hearing Murphy's fame about Clooney, Gao Yang immediately said in a deep voice: "I know this person, and I know him, and have dealt with it, why, do you know his whereabouts?"

Murphy sighed: "I don't know, so you should now consider how to deal with the revenge from Clooney."

Gao Yang did not speak, and Murphy continued: "We did erase all the traces. There is no evidence to show that Tomler's death is related to you. I am very sure of this, but you have to understand that there are some things, No evidence at all, just doubt. "

"I understand, I also believe in the ability of cleaners, man, please continue."

"Okay, I accidentally learned that Clooney had returned to New York, not long after Tomler's death, but he soon disappeared after returning to New York, and now the legacy of Tomler is being used by many. People are fighting, but Clooney is not involved in the battle for Tomler ’s legacy. We have reason to believe that he is planning revenge on you. "

After Gao Yang was silent for a moment, Shen said, "Can you find his whereabouts?"

"It takes time. I personally judge that Clooney has a good chance of striving for a great interest in Tomler's legacy, but he didn't do it. Why? I think there are two reasons. Mueller is very faithful, even if Tomler is dead, Clooney wants to avenge him. Another reason is that he is afraid. You are afraid that you will find him after killing Tomler, so he hides, regardless For whatever reason, Clooney had the first reason to kill you. "

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows again, and failed to get rid of the potential threat of Clooney, it really is in trouble.

The best way to deal with the threat is to kill the threat in the bud, and Gao Yang made a decision immediately. Now everything has to be put back. At any cost, you must find out Clooney before Clooney can attack them. .

Gao Yang was not very afraid that Clooney would kill him, but he was afraid that Clooney would attack their family in New York.

After thinking about it for a moment, he raised his voice and said: "Why do you tell me this now because you have any news about Clooney?"

"No, everything about Clooney ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ is not within our scope of responsibility, we have completed our responsibility, the cleaner has no obligation to warn you, but call me today on the 13th There was a phone call, so I think it ’s better to remind you. The situation that I have is that Clooney returned to New York about twenty days ago, and disappeared again in a short time. Man, I ca n’t provide the gram. Rooney ’s accurate news, because we did not monitor him or the like. I received the news completely by accident. Now that you are back in New York, you have to be vigilant and beware of Clooney, but you have to find out for yourself. Rooney's whereabouts. "

Gao Yangsheng said: "Thank you, man, thank you very much for your reminder. If there is nothing else, I will hang up."



After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang hesitated for a moment. Although he felt that this was not a good time to call Satan to pay attention to safety, but in line with the principle of safety first, and he must pay attention to the enemy, and always be regarded as the enemy is good On the premise of all preparations, Gao Yang finally decided to notify everyone to increase vigilance.

Gao Yang called Grolyov and threw the hot potato offending work to Grolyov. He was responsible for informing everyone about Clooney, but after not having to notify Irene, Gao Yang immediately The phone number called Justin.

Now that Gao Yangyi has something about intelligence, the first thing that comes to mind is Justin.

Murphy did n’t know Clonney ’s whereabouts, but he might not call Justin, and even if he asked, he would n’t know. It ’s the most convenient and least expensive way to spend money. If Justin ca n’t figure it out, Gao Yang will consider using other channels to find out the whereabouts of Clooney. (To be continued ...)

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