A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1118: What is this?

January 7, 2014.

Gao Yang not only spent Christmas in prison, but also passed the New Year.

Overall, the situation is not bad.

Kennedy Hospital was conquered. The rebels used three self-explosive trucks. The first two exploded the roadblock. The last big truck was loaded with fraudulent drugs and detonated under the hospital building. It was a fatal blow. It lasted for a year. Kennedy's Hospital fell behind.

In order to avoid the same situation in Aleppo prison, the Air Force urgently dropped a batch of rocket launchers to the prison, and added bullets and mortar shells. Of course, food and medicine were also added a lot, but it was not too delicious to eat. Medicine is also the most basic.

As for Gao Yang ’s fear of a large-scale attack by the rebels, it was delayed. The rebels only launched two small-scale attacks. Gao Yang did not dispatch them at all, and the rebels were attacked back.

Life, so sloppy, dressed warmly, eat enough, sleep well, just bored, trapped in a place like prison, look around all bearded beards, and do not need to be the same value as prison guards Whistle, there is nothing more for Satan's group than chatting and sleeping.

The recovery of the injury is also good. The medicine effect that Andy asked to get is really good. The wound of Gao Yang recovered very well. More than ten days have passed. The injured hole has been completely grown and the skin on the arm has been It grew completely together, only left a red scar, but the place where the arm was raised was the main muscle tissue, and the blood vessels and nerves were broken. The arm must not be moved. Be careful, and wait for Andy to feel completely No problem anymore. In order to move freely.

This time, Gao Yang has been familiar with using his left hand to get everything done. With nothing left and no bullets missing, Gao Yang has been able to practice shooting with his left hand. Now he dare not say that his left and right hands are as proficient. But when shooting with a rifle in the left hand, you can certainly reach the right hand 80%.

Jensen seems to be the most injured, but in fact he recovered the fastest. The wound on his face has not been completely healed, but he has left an ugly round scar. This can only be done after cosmetic surgery after leaving Syria. . And his fracture, after Andy Ho connected the broken bone, plus a variety of medicines to promote bone growth, the recovery rate is also very fast, half a month can recover ordinary people a month status. But for a hundred days of injury, Jason ’s collarbone had to wait for a full healing, even if all kinds of medicines were eaten like money, it would take at least a month.

Cui Bo was hit with a hole in his foot, and a small bone was broken. The bone was small but important, and he ran away with Andy Ho after breaking his bones, in order to straighten his broken bone. But Andy was n’t a small force, and it was more troublesome to recover. Fix the feet with the splint. You have to wait for a while before you can move at will, so the worst thing is Cui Bo. The wound is not big and the trouble is not small.

As for Andy Ho, his injuries are also traumatic, just like Gao Yang. Now he is almost healed and he can move slowly. Even if you can't do vigorous activities or long-term activities.

The situation looks pretty good. Although I have always worried that the rebels will launch a large-scale offensive, the initiative is in the hands of the rebels. What the rebels want to launch the attack, they ca n’t claim to be the masters. Since the rebels do n’t fight, then just stay honest and only It is also good to recover from Aleppo prison.

Gao Yang wiped his gun when he was idle, and every time he saw the small hole in the handle, he felt a burst of appropriation in his heart, he was not very depressed when he was punched in his hand, but the hole in the gun was It was unacceptable to him. Every time he felt a small hole in the handle when holding the gun, it made him uncomfortable. When he arrived in the United States, the first thing was to find Jack to change the rifle handle.

The gun is the soldier's second life. The rifle and pistol are all wiped again. After the gun is served, Gao Yang has the intention to do other things.

Looking at the time in the afternoon, it was more than nine o'clock in the morning on the American side. Gao Yang put back the disassembled rifle and closed the door, just in case there was any gunshot explosions going to the other side of the phone, Gao Yang Picked up the intercom and whispered: "Big dog, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just walk outside."

"Wish you a Merry Christmas, well, are you going to start calling?"

"It's almost time to call. I'll go back and find a quiet place to call."

"Okay, let's say we are at the airport and we are going to have a big meal. Well, if there is gunfire, it means training shooting. If there is gunfire, it means shelling the rebels. How?"

"Yes, just say that."

This day is the Christmas of the Grovery family. Although their family is not a devout believer, Christmas Yelena is also the most important holiday of the year. Gao Yang must definitely give Yelena a fight. Phone calls.

At the same time, he agreed with Grolev on the intercom before Gao Yang picked up the phone and dialed Yelena.

Ye Lanna was very happy when she received the call from Gao Yang.

It ’s also good to hear the voice. I chatted with Ye Lina Qingqing for a long time. Gao Yang was deceived and deceived him, saying that his life in Syria was like a vacation instead of spending time in the gunfire. After the rise of the talk, Gao Yang thought A word, said with confidence: "Wait, we are going back, although the time is not yet sure, but it will not be too long. When I go back, we will travel to Europe. Haven't you always wanted to go to Vienna? We go to Europe Travel, go skiing, go wherever you want. "

"Really? Great! Ah, but I had already started school ..."

After saying a word, Gao Yang realized that he was wrong. Half of the winter vacation in American universities is from mid-December to mid-January. Ye Lanna should start school immediately. When she arrives in the U.S., it is impossible for Ye Lanna to miss classes.

Ye Lanna is a good student, belongs to the kind of talented and hard working, and it is the kind of working hard to the extreme. I know that my academic ability is not easy. Although I am rich now, at the beginning, Gro Liao Fu and Gao Yang, but they used the money they exchanged for their life to get her to school, so Ye Lanna didn't dare to relax at all, and hard-working Gao Yang felt distressed.

Sure enough, Gao Yang said that after he went back to travel, Ye Lanna was extremely excited, but after a short pause, she was very sorry to remember the question of her starting school, but after a pause, Ye Lenna's tone was excited. I got up and said: "As long as I can go before the beginning of March, I can ask for leave, no problem. I can't take the courses before the beginning of March. During this time, I have taught myself all the courses before the beginning of March. It ’s just that there is an important exam in early March that I must take, so as long as I can catch up with the exam, I can ask for leave, and we can go on a trip! It ’s just, but, can you come back in time? ”

Gao Yang didn't dare to promise easily, and could only pretend to act casually: "Before the beginning of March, it's still early, it should be ok, but I'm not serious on this side, but many are very troublesome. I ’m not sure, I ’ll try my best, go back as soon as possible. "

After murky support for the travel plan, and chatting for a long time, Gao Yang finally hung up the phone.

After being idle, Gao Yang decided to go out and turn around. He shot two shots to keep the gun feeling. He carried a rifle on his back, and Gao Yang started walking and shooting every day.

After leaving his house, Gao Yang walked to the big house where Cui Bo lived, and wanted to see who went with him.

Most of the houses do not even have doors. In the most difficult time, the prison was scattered and basically all of them were chopped as firewood, so only a few of the rooms that used the metal door still left the door.

Even if there is no door, there is no need to knock on the door. Gao Yang walked to the door and looked inside, but he was startled.

Jensen was in his bed, and opposite him was Andy Ho ’s bed. Andy Ho ’s bed had Jensen ’s monitor, while Cui Bo, Li Jinfang, Raphael, Frye, Andy Ho all sat On the side of Jensen ’s bed, staring at the monitor on the bed, it ’s not too much. It ’s not enough. I get along for more than ten days. The cooked ones who have mixed with the guards of the prison can no longer be cooked. There are more than a dozen bearded people sitting on either side of the person, and behind the bed full of people, there are at least a dozen bearded people standing there staring at the monitor.

From time to time, someone swallowed hard, and the sound was very loud, and the sound of the swallowing one after another.

The monitor turned away from the door, that is, from the back to Gao Yang, and could not see what the monitor was putting, and could not hear any sound. The very curious Gao Yang walked in immediately and wanted to see what they were looking at.

Gao Yang went to the house, and the person who was facing him didn't notice his arrival ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ until Gao Yang walked behind the monitor, the probe looked down, and a group of people suddenly seemed to be fried. Yes, the big beards sitting on the bed were shocked, and after standing up from the bed, they quickly saluted loudly: "General!"

Those big beards looked very scared, looked at each other, scared, and Andy Ho didn't care, but Frye and Jensen, especially Li Jinfang, were embarrassed.

Li Jinfang stood up, flushed, just like the child who did the wrong thing, whispered: "Brother Yang, why are you here?"

The display is actually a tablet. Although it is military, the difference is only that it is ruggedized, waterproof, and dustproof. What can an ordinary tablet do, this military tablet can also do.

So Jason, of course, are they looking at action movies with color, you know.

Gao Yang is very angry, very very angry, in such a boring ghost place, Jensen has such a good film and hides it and does not take it out to relieve the sorrow of everyone. The bearded soldier stood up and panicked in salute, and then he was so scared that he didn't dare to pant, which made him stay and appreciate together. (To be continued)

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