A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1119: Men, women, Germans.

With a majestic face, he waved his hand, and Gao Yang signaled that after he sat down, he said with a deep voice: "It's all men, no embarrassment. Sit down and continue watching. I won't tell the major."

After appeasing the bearded soldiers, Gao Yang said to Jensen in a deep voice: "Let's make a sound, no sound looks interesting. Okay, let the sound be a little smaller, don't let Tyrannosaurus Rex hear it. She's coming back soon after running, don't let her see it, just go, you go on, I'm gone. "

"Don't let me see anything?"

Gao Yang's voice just fell, but Irene outside the door took his words, and then Irene flashed into the house.

Irene was curious, Gao Yang frowned, and said, "I'm hard to explain to you. In short, um, shouldn't you be running at this time?"

Irene tilted her head and looked at Gao Yang, then looked at the embarrassed person in the room, and finally set her eyes on the monitor on the bed.

After reaching out and copying the monitor in his hand, Li Jinfang, who was standing, appeared even more nervous. Both hands wiped sweat on the trouser legs hard, and his head was lowered, just like he was caught doing something shameful. same.

Andy Ho said nervously: "Let down, let down! You see what this is doing, go, go back to your house and stay."

Aline squinted her head and glared at Andy Ho, then Andy Ho immediately dared not speak.

In the Satan Mercenary Corps, whether it is internal or external, Irene is the most daunting one.

Irene is a woman, but she is fierce, the most important thing is that she can fight, and Irene's temper is not very good. If you are irritated, you can do it at any time.

Irene is a woman. There is nothing glorious about winning her with fists. She was beaten with her fist, and it was even more embarrassing.

The entire Satan, except Li Jinfang can beat Irene's head, no one is Irene's opponent. As for Gao Yang, Irene is afraid to make trouble with him, but is about to start, as long as you don't have to touch your legs. It is estimated that Irene has to be flattened.

Irene is not an easy choice, but if she is anxious, she will never be afraid to do it. Irene ’s principle is to be able to do it, do n’t stop bb. Irene stared with threatening eyes, and Andy disappeared immediately. temper.

After counseling Andy Ho staring, Irene returned her gaze back to the monitor.

Looking at the screen of the monitor, Irene's mouth first showed a faint smile, and then she interrupted the movie being played, opened the folder where the movie was stored, and looked at it dismissively. Throwing the monitor on the bed, he said disdainfully: "That's all? Can you have some taste? What kind of stuff are these?"

Jason didn't dare to say anything weakly. Irene threw the monitor on the bed and turned and strode out of the room.

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief, pointed at Jason with a hard hand, and said with a sullen face: "Please be careful, don't be seen by Irene, you have to pay attention to the influence, you won't wait for Irene to sleep at night and watch again, Really, pay attention to it next time. "

I was hit by Irene and should n’t have seen it, but it ’s no big deal, just a little embarrassing.

Gao Yang was going to leave, but he listened to Erin's footsteps and hurried back.

After returning to her room, Irene took a sd card and threw it next to the display with a proud look: "This is a good thing. It opens your eyes to you. The a is marked as a normal film. b is a heavy taste, c, you have a good look, you can think of all the unexpected things in it, let alone I have good things hidden, you can copy the film again and then return the card to me, just get it for me If you are bad, you will die. "

After talking, Irene suddenly sighed and then said with a look of regret: "There are not many films in this card. In the old computer I gave, it can be regarded as a complete category. Unfortunately, I do n’t know the end. Was it deleted? "

After finishing a nostalgic look, Irene discovered that Gao Yang was looking at her with shocked eyes.

Eileen's rare blush, reached out and pushed her shoulders high, shouted: "Nasty, why look at me with this kind of eyes, people just like to study the art of human subjects, you should appreciate it with art eyes , Do n’t have any dirty ideas. "

Gao Yang felt that he could not stay any longer, nodded quickly, and said, "Well, well, well, I left, and you appreciate art slowly."

Andy Ho, they all have a bitter face, and after seeing Andy Ho's face, Aline said disdainfully, "Don't think too much, I won't watch it with you, and open your eyes. Well, you guys. "

After talking, Irene turned her face and said to Gao Yang: "Sir, let's go, are you going to practice shooting? I'll go with you."

Ai Lin left with a high voice, and all the embarrassed people breathed out in unison, while Andy Ho, who had always been thick-skinned, was anxiously said: "The big bird collection movies are all annoying, there are new movies to watch , Hurry, hurry up and see what's there. "

Cui Bo shouted: "What tastes the most, what value the taste is."

Jensen listened to everyone's opinions and put out Irene's film marked as a heavy taste. Then, after a few minutes, the people in the room looked like earth, and finally, Andy He said loudly: "Quick, quick, put I ca n’t stand the normal movie slowly, I ca n’t stand it anymore. I will watch this again after changing to the normal movie. ”

After putting back the normal movie, Raphael let out a breath and said: "This kind of movie is for three types of people, men, women, Germans, this sentence is true, Fak, Germans The taste is really heavy! "

The people in the room were shocked, and the exaltation out of the house was actually shocked.

Walking out of the building with Irene, Gao Yang finally couldn't help saying: "That, Irene, actually, I think you'd better not show them your collection of films, um, I think, maybe the impact is not very good, They will have different views on you, um ,. "

Elin smiled slightly, did not answer Gao Yang, but pulled out a box of cigarettes from her pocket and handed it to Gao Yang, saying: "Come one?"

Gao Yang surprised and said: "Where are you from?"

Elin shrugged and said, "There are cigarettes in the supplies airdropped by the government army. I asked Sedev for two boxes. Let's get one and accompany me to smoke."

As a precise shooter, but also a good shooter for snipers, Gao Yang is still very self-disciplined, and never actively touches such things as tobacco and alcohol, but when he encounters it, he will not be too rejected. Looking at Irene ’s mood is not right. , Gao Yang still smoked a cigarette.

Ai Lin took out the lighter, first ignited Gao Yang, and then ignited herself. When she took a deep breath, when the smoke came out, she said a little melancholy: "Sir, I have been with you for a year too much."

Gao Yang nodded, also took a breath, and sighed: "Yeah, the time passed really fast. In a blink of an eye, you have joined Satan for more than a year."

Elin smiled a little, and then said slightly sentimentally: "Yeah, the time passed so fast, I am 28 years old this year."

Sighing, shaking her head, Irene turned and smiled at Gao Yang: "I never mind what other people think of me. What I care about is that I want them to see what kind of me, and whether I achieved my purpose . "

Gao Yang nodded silently. It was not easy for a woman to be in the mercenary circle. If Irene made some disguise, it was not surprising.

Today Irene is a little strange, and her emotions are a bit unstable. This high-up is noticed, but he does not know that there is something wrong with Irene.

Pointing to a corner that could avoid the lookout's field of vision, Irene said in a deep voice, "Where to sit."

As I walked slowly towards the corner, Irene continued: "I am 28 years old."

Gao Yang laughed lightly: "You just said that."

Elin waved her hand and said, "You don't understand."

Gao Yang wanted to say that he actually understood, but when he thought about it, he did n’t really understand what 28 years old meant to a woman, or to Irene, so he did n’t say anything and walked with Irene. A corner, casually found a place to sit down.

After sitting down, Irene took out a cigarette again, lit a cigarette for herself, took a deep breath, and said in a slightly sentimental tone: "I am 28 years old this year, but I have not been in love yet. . "

Gao Yang's face changed slightly ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ couldn't hide his shock, and looked at Irene with a surprised look.

Aline frowned, and was very dissatisfied with Gao Yang: "Don't look at me with monster eyes, sir."

Gao Yang quickly turned his head and said in a deep voice: "No, um, I'm just a little surprised, you, I thought you."

Elin pouted and sighed: "Sir, you don't need to explain, I'm here that day, which makes my emotions a little bit wrong."

Gao Yang was overwhelmed by Irene's nervousness, he extended his hand and smiled bitterly: "You still give me a cigarette, there is smoke in my hand, I can borrow it when I don't know how to answer Come to think about what to say first. "

A cigarette was given to Gao Yang, and a trace of sadness appeared on Eileen's face, bitterly said: "I am 28 years old and I have never talked about a love relationship. Everything I behave is like a man, but I am after all Woman, and this cannot be changed, now think about it, to prove something to my father, I seem to have paid too much. "

After reaching for the smoke, Irene looked sideways and whispered, "Think now, if I have the opportunity to go back to the past and go back to the year when I made the decision, I might choose to be a normal Woman, pursue my dream, to be a model, not a soldier. "

There was another long sigh, Irene smiled bitterly and said, "Unfortunately, it is said that these are too late, life, I can't look back. I have lived fulfillingly for more than a year after joining Satan, and I have experienced unprecedented happiness I have been very happy to be able to join Satan, and I finally have a place where I can reflect my value, but, I am 28 years old today, and I have n’t talked about love, sir. For a woman, my life has failed too much , Too failed ... "(to be continued ...) R1292

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