A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1117: Joy

Kennedy Hospital and Aleppo Prison were very close, that is, two or three kilometers away. They were almost besieged by the rebels together. Now, is Kennedy Hospital finally lost.

The connection between Kennedy Hospital and Aleppo Prison has been cut off, but the two fortresses that have been under siege for a year can still provide some cover for the other ’s rebel forces, and now the location of Kendi Hospital Smoke billowed up.

Aleppo Prison also has a thick wall as a cover, which played a key role in resisting the rebel attack, but Kennedy Hospital is just an ordinary building, and a T55 tank and a A bmp armored vehicle was used as a fixed firepower point. At the beginning, there were only more than three hundred defenders at Kendi Hospital. However, after a year of guarding battles, it was not clear how many living people remained.

Sedev's face was white, and he stood on the top of the building, watching the thick smoke rising from the south.

It's so close, it's easy to see the situation at Kennedy Hospital.

Gao Yang ’s face was also ugly. He did n’t see very well from the telescope. He saw a t72 tank followed by a dozen rebels and was rushing towards the building of Kendi Hospital, before the tank. , A bmp armored vehicle has rushed downstairs in the hospital building.

Sedf said stupefiedly: "Kendi Hospital can't be guaranteed."

Gao Yang saw the rebels who surrounded the prison celebrating the capture of Kendi Hospital. Some waved flags and some raised their arms on the ground. Although they could not hear the sound, Gao Yang guessed that they must be cheering.

In any case, the defenders of Kennedy Hospital were also friendly, and the friendly was killed. This made Gao Yang feel unhappy, but although he was not happy, he still made a call and took the time.

After walking a few steps back and getting the phone on, he hurriedly said, "Man. Where are you?"

"On the plane, it has entered Syrian airspace, and we plan to wait for the noon rebels to conduct an airdrop at the noon."

"The airdrop plan is ahead of schedule! The Kendi prison has fallen behind and the rebels’ attention is on the side of the hospital. This is an opportunity that may make the airdrop easier. "

Notify the person who dropped the air to advance the plan. Gao Yang said to Sedev: "The rebels used tanks. Have they used to?"

Seeing that the friendly fortress that had been under siege for a year finally fell, it will definitely make people extremely sad. Sedev is still sad for the failure of Kendi Hospital, but Gao Yang has seen the crisis.

After Sedev was awakened from his lack of state. His face became more ugly, he shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, the rebels have never used tanks or armored vehicles."

Gao Yang's face was also ugly. He waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "They will use the tank for us soon. Are there anti-tank weapons?"

Sedfu reluctantly said: "There is a bazooka. Only bazooka."

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "The airdrop is about to happen, but the bazooka will not work. It is better to have anti-tank missiles, or at least a large-caliber bazooka."

Raphael said in a deep voice: "The rebels used self-explosive trucks. They loaded a lot of fraudulent drugs, at least ten tons. If they attacked the prison in the same way, no. They would definitely attack in the same way. Prison, we must be prepared. "

Sedev seemed a little uneasy. Shen said: "The enemy may launch a full-scale attack on us. I have to arrange to strengthen the security measures."

Sedf left in a hurry. It was useless for him to stay. It was too much torture to watch Kennedy prison occupied by rebels.

Gao Yang didn't leave, so he stared at the rebels with telescopes on the roof of the building. How did the rebels hit Kendi Hospital? How would they hit the prison? Learn more about the enemy's attack patterns. There must be no harm.

The rebels have only a handful of methods. Using tanks and armored vehicles to cover infantry close to the enemy is already their great progress. When watching the rebels use tank guns to shell the hospital building, Gao Yang finally felt a little relief. Those Although the rebels had tanks, they obviously did not use them very much.

The building at Kennedy Hospital collapsed by at least a quarter, but the battle continued, and the enemy fired from time to time, which made Gao Yang feel a little strange, because the blasting power suffered by Kennedy Hospital should be enough to make the building without It ’s only right to be a living person. Even if there is a living person, it should be shocked and passed out. The progress of the rebels should be right soon.

As time passed, almost all Satan's active people were on the roof, watching the rebels' every move.

It wasn't until the rebels pushed a dozen people out of the building from the hospital building and shot them in front of the hospital building in front of many of the rebels that the rebels attacked Kennedy Hospital.

At this moment, Taylor suddenly said in a deep voice: "The plane for our airdrop has arrived."

Gao Yang looked up at the sky. He didn't realize that he saw an airplane, but he heard the buzz of an airplane.

Taylor pointed to the sky in the north, Gao Yang walked to Taylor's side, grabbed the radio microphone on Taylor's back, and said in a deep voice: "It is possible to airdrop."

Soon, Gao Yang saw the appearance of an aircraft, the speed of the aircraft was not slow, and the altitude continued to decrease. At an altitude of about one kilometer, the aircraft ended its dive and pulled up from the tail of the aircraft for a moment. A lot of boxes were thrown in the door one after another.

"There are twenty-six boxes in total. The red box is a secondary item. You can give up. The white box is very important."

After receiving the pilot's prompt, he said loudly, "Understood."

The mission of the aircraft has been completed, and the rebels on the ground did not fire missiles at the aircraft. After dropping the box, the aircraft climbed up and moved away from the dangerous area at the fastest speed.

Six umbrella flowers unfolded in the air, raising them gazing nervously at the falling parachute.

When the parachute fell halfway down, Taylor couldn't help but say: "Very good, it looks like the parachute won't fall outside!"

Airdrop is a technical task. It seems to be very simple to throw things from the sky, but it is very rare to throw the goods into a small area accurately.

The first parachute landed within the northern wall of the prison. The remaining boxes deviated to the south in turn until they reached the southernmost point of the prison. Twenty-six boxes finally landed on the open space in the prison. None of them fell outside. The airdrop was very successful.

Gao Yang grabbed the radio microphone. Smiled: "The airdrop is perfect. Thank you very much. I wish you all the best."

"You're welcome."

The pilot responded faintly with Gao Yang, and disappeared without a trace in the air.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "Go, look at our stuff."

When they were lifted down the roof. The guards of the prison had already ran out before them. Dozens of people had already ran to the open ground. The joyful two of them lifted one and sent the box to the building.

An 26's capacity is not small, but it can guarantee the goods thrown into the prison at one time. That is to say, so much has to be thrown. If you want to throw more things, you have to fly back and throw it again, so Gao Yang did not let the flight crew members that Polovic looked for take more risks, just let them Even if you have enough airdrops.

Most of the boxes are airdrop standard boxes, the specifications are 1200x800x720 mm, a total of twenty-four standard lines, there are many things that can be loaded. In addition, there are two special weapon boxes dedicated to airdrop weapons.

The boxes are all army green, but four of them are painted with white reflective paint. This is to promote their own, and the rest are all marked with red reflective paint.

Sedev was also lifting the box. After seeing Gao Yang, Sedev put down the box, which was very surprising. But he was very happy and said to Gao Yang: "How come there are so many boxes, don't you mean there are only some medicines?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "The white marked box is ours. The red marked box is for everyone. Since it is going to be airdropped, of course we need to get more things."

With a look of excitement in the face, Sadev said, "Having our share? Then, what's all there for?"

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled, "Eating, mainly eating!"

Speaking, Gao Yang shook his head, and Cui Bo immediately went up and opened a red box with some medicines in it, and then the bullets packed into small packets, and then opened a box, and then there were half a box of drugs and half Box bullets.

Cui Bo impatiently opened the third box, which still contained drugs and bullets, but there was an additional night vision device in this box, and the fourth box was opened by Fry, which contained some drugs and a set of foldable The solar battery pack, and then the two red long boxes were opened, and all of them were spare rifles of Satan mercenary members. The 7.62 mm caliber was also afraid of being dropped on the enemy ’s position, so there were four in one box. gun.

In order to prevent accidental throwing or falling on the enemy ’s position, important things are packed separately. Even if a part is lost, they will not be able to stay at all, so the most important medicines are divided into four boxes.

After looking at the medicine and his bullets, Gao Yang felt a lot more at ease, and smiled at Sedev, who was still watching. "Unbox it ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The rest of the boxes should contain our daily necessities and some bullets. Except for these, everything is everyone's stuff. "

Sedev already knows their identity, and also knows the specificity of Satan, or the night demon group, and Gao Yang wants to arrange airdrops instead of waiting for government airdrops. Sedev also knows, so It was still a bit of a surprise to learn that this airdrop and their supplies were still there.

Sedfu was a little surprised, but he was not polite. After hearing Gao Yang's words, he waved his hand and shouted, "Unbox, unbox!"

"What is this? Salt? This is salt! Great!"

"There are spices!"

"There are still tea and sugar!"

"Meat! Meat! A lot of beef!"

After breaking salt for half a month, you will understand how important salt is. If you have n’t eaten fresh meat for a whole year and ca n’t even eat canned meat, after seeing a whole of four or five boxes full of meat , Will understand why everyone who hears this news will forget to cheer. (To be continued)

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