A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 644: If you dare get hurt, I will remarry

He was very puzzled about Long Junche's saying that he would not harm Li Xiaoman, but now at this critical moment, he has no extra thoughts about why Long Junche didn't hurt him.

For him, Xiao Xiao, who sent him away first, is the most important.

Then he ordered everyone to retreat.

Five meters back in the collective, after hiding, he looked at Chut and Uwa and told him, "Take the lady away, you must ensure her safety."

When the words fell, he looked at Ouyang Chen, because Ouyang Chen was too seriously injured, so he was not suitable to pay attention.

He said in a deep voice: "You are Xiaoxiao's life-saving benefactor, I must guarantee your safety, and you will leave together."

Ouyang Chen glanced at Li Xiaoman beside him and seemed to have no objection to his decision.

Li Xiaoman is different. Her dissent is very big. She should not be separated from him. Especially in this critical time, she is even less likely to be separated from him.

"Si Hao." She held his hand tightly, her expression firm, "I don't go, I'm going with you if I want to go."

Long Sihao caressed her small face, "Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I won't hurt myself, but you will distract me from being here, obedient, and leave with Chut and Uwa first, they both Is the elite of lr, can guarantee your safety."

"I don't." Li Xiaoman was wayward this time. She reached out and hugged Long Sihao tightly. "I won't go, Si Hao, I won't go, I won't be separated from you anymore."

Before Long Sihao found her, when she and Ouyang Chen were in danger again and again, she thought she would never see him again, but every time she survived, she was firm in her heart, as long as To see him again, she will never be separated from him again, every minute and second.

Long Sihao looked down at Li Xiaoman who hugged him tightly. He smiled and was drowning tenderly. "Xiao Xiao, are you forcing me to stun you?"

When the words fell, he raised his hand.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman came out of his arms and watched him bit his lower lip tightly, "I'll just go, be careful yourself, if you dare to lose half of your hair, I will remarry."

Long Sihao pulled the corner of his lower lip, "I won't let you have this opportunity."

When the words fell, he looked at Uva and Chut, "Protect Mrs."

"Yes!" The two answered Li Xiaoman and evacuated back, waiting for the time to leave, followed by them with Ouyang Chen and ten lr members.

At this time, Lowry had brought Fire Rose, Cohen, Red Snake, and Black Hawk to the tree above the MX Corps without knowing it.

The five men stood on a tree, and Lowry glanced down at the tree, using the not high earth barrier as a bunker, the mercenaries of the mx corps crawling on the ground, they looked at the red snake, the fire rose, Cohen, the Black Eagles, gestured towards them.

After meeting the four, they looked at him and nodded, then shot down, aiming at the wooden handle grenades hanging around the mercenaries of the MX Corps.

Fire Rose fired a shot at the grenade first, but the bullet did not explode. Then she fired a shot. The grenade was penetrated by the bullet and the mercenary was injured.

Aware of the strange grenade in his waist, he panicked and immediately threw the grenade out.

As soon as the grenade appeared in the sky, Lowry saw it and immediately shot at it. With the sound of "Bang", the grenade suddenly exploded, and the powerful heat flow exploded in all directions.

The creeping mercenaries spread out at the sight of the explosion.

When the mercenaries who responded raised their guns to fire, the Lowry, the Red Snake, the Fire Rose, and the Black Hawk rushed from this tree to the tree, and the speed of the tree was very fast.

Some people shot at them, and they managed to draw the attention of the MX Corps.

Long Junche and Huo Yunene, who were also behind the earth barrier, saw that they were attacked behind them. Their eyes were on the five people who were walking in the woods.

"I'll leave it to you here."

Long Junche finished talking to Huo Yunene, and then looked at Long Sihao.

Long Sihao saw Lorry and they succeeded in drawing part of Long Junche's firepower. Under the cover of Baisha and David, he walked out from behind the tree, with his hand as a fulcrum, and his marksmanship was extremely accurate. He shot headshot.

There was a scream after the other.

Seeing this, Long Jun Che, under the cover of two mercenaries, climbed to the earth barrier, but the gun in his hand was aimed at Long Sihao.


He fired a shot at Long Sihao, and the bullet flew straight towards Long Sihao.

Long Sihao had experienced the rain of bullets, and he was very sensitive to bullets. When the bullet flying towards him was only a few centimeters away from him, he quickly avoided it.

Long Junche saw him avoiding him, his eyes cold, and was about to shoot, Long Sihao shot him.

Upon seeing this, he quickly avoided it.

The two shot at each other while hiding bullets, as if fighting against each other.

Ling Hanye saw Long Sihao directly hitting Long Junche, he was a little worried, but at this juncture, he could only put his worry in his heart, and he could not even shout to make him careful, because it would distract him .

In the woods behind the Lr Alliance, Li Xiaoman, who was under the cover of Chute and Wuwa, left seeing that Long Sihao and Long Junche had a gun-to-gun match. She was very worried and suddenly stopped.

Walking behind, Ouyang Chen supported by two lr members saw her suddenly stop, his eyes fell on Long Sihao.

Seeing that Li Xiaoman was not going, Uwa said, "Madam, while the people of the MX Corps have not noticed us, we will leave as soon as possible."

Li Xiaoman looked at the baby-faced Uwa and looked firm, "I won't leave."

When the words fell, she looked at Ouyang Chen, "You take him away."

Chute was a little embarrassed. "Madam, the leader wants us to send you safely out of the mountain. We can't disobey his orders."

Li Xiaoman looked at Doug Chute with his body on his body, "Since you call me Madam, can you deny my orders?"

"This..." Chut was asked. He carefully looked at Li Xiaoman, with a beautiful face, elegant temperament, and seemingly weak, but there was a toughness in his bones.

Domineering lurked in her words just now.

It's worthy of their chief wife. Sure enough, it was different. Before they had seen Li Xiaoman, the imaginary chief wife was just a long and beautiful vase. Now that they have met Li Xiaoman, they have had Change.

In the face of gunfire, she was neither surprised nor afraid, which no other woman could match.

If it is a common woman to see such a scene, I am afraid that the whole body will be already frightened.

They did not know that Li Xiaoman was not afraid of these bullets and rain today. That was because she had encountered so many dangers and beasts in the jungle these days. She was already afraid enough. <

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