A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 645: Threats, Sophie was shot

After going through these, if she is still so weak, she is not qualified to stand beside Long Sihao.

After knowing that Long Sihao's other identity is the leader of the Lr Alliance, she knew that Gun Lin Dan Yu was not only performed on TV, but also in reality.

So she has already been prepared for a long time to face these with Long Sihao. Therefore, at this time, she cannot leave alone.

When Li Xiaoman saw that Chut was silent, he said again: "You send this Mr. Ou to leave first."

Ouyang Chen, who was originally supported, pushed away the person who supported him, walked to Li Xiaoman, looked at her, and smiled at the corner of her lips, "Many designer, I said, I want you to take me Take it out alive, and if you don’t go, I won’t go."

Li Xiaoman looked at him and saw that he didn't seem to be telling lies. She frowned and took out the necklace and handed it to him, "Mr. Ou, don't forget, you have another important thing To do it, your grandpa is still waiting for you to bring someone to pick him up from here."

Ouyang Chen took the necklace, and doubts flashed in Phoenix Eyes, "Why is the necklace here with you?"

"I picked it up that day, so go away."

"It's my business to go or not." Ouyang Chen raised her eyes and watched her finish, then turned around and raised her arms.

The two lr members who helped him realized that they immediately stepped forward and helped him one by one.

Ouyang Chen randomly pointed to a tree, "Help me to sit there."

The two lr members have become Ouyang Chen's personal **** in the past two days. When he heard that he was going to sit there, the two men helped his uncle.

Seeing that Li Xiaoman was determined not to leave, Uwa and Chut no longer persuaded, but protected beside her.

Not far from them, there were three people hiding.

These three people are the mysterious people, Sophie and Shen Shiwei.

Shen Shiwei was tied with her hands and a cloth was stuffed in her mouth. She kept looking at the fierce battle in front of her and wanted to stop it. But helplessly, a white cloth was stuffed in her mouth and she couldn't make a sound at all.

And Sophie saw Long Sihao in the fire. She was very worried. She looked at the mysterious person beside her and asked, "Those who are the mx corps you said? Why did they come here? You are so skilled Okay, go help Sihao!"

They did not go far after entering Shen Xie Mountain with Shen Shiwei that day, but waited for Long Sihao to appear in the woods.

But this Xie'er Mountain is not small. Long Sihao did not pass by the place they were waiting for. They came here after hearing the gunshots.

There were constant gunfire in front, and the mysterious man looked at the situation in front for a while before turning back to look at Sophie, "I'll help, don't go around here."

When the words fell, he also took out the gun and flashed forward quickly.

He shot all in the dark and was hiding in a tree.

When Shen Shiwei saw that the mysterious man had left, she glanced at Sophie angrily and walked forward.

Although her hands were tied, her feet were not tied, and when the mysterious person left, no one could stop her.

Sophie saw her mum walking forward, and she grabbed her, "Mummy, what are you doing? Danger ahead."

Shen Shiwei looked at her indifferently because she was clothed in her mouth and she couldn't speak.

Her heart was completely cold and she was **** by her own daughter. She Shen Shiwei was the most useless mother in the world.

Sophie didn't dare to look at Shen Shiwei's eyes. She lowered her head. She knew that she had done something bad, but she had no other way, and she couldn't look back.

At this point, she can only go wrong all the time.

She has no chess pieces to use, and her father will definitely not help her anymore, she can only use her mommy.

She wanted to believe that as long as she had her mum in hand, she would be able to compromise Li Xiaoman and her Si Hao.

Now that things have reached this point, she must use Shen Shiwei to survive.

Only when she is alive can she turn over and have the opportunity to deal with Li Xiaoman.

Thinking of Li Xiaoman, she looked around, suddenly, her eyes fixed on Li Xiaoman protected by Uva and Chut not far away.

"Li Xiaoman, you didn't die."

When she saw Li Xiaoman, she seemed to be mad, her eyes reddened, revealing a strong killing intention and ruthless light.

Shen Shiwei heard the three words of Li Xiaoman and looked at her with her eyes.

Sophie looked at Shen Shiwei and saw her looking at Li Xiaoman's direction. It was like she was going crazy. She was more jealous in her heart. She was full of hatred for Shen Shiwei. Her guilt in her heart was also replaced by hatred. .

Her voice was chilling, "Do you really want to see your daughter? I'll take you to say hello to her."

When the words fell, she took Shen Shiwei to the direction of Li Xiaoman.

Before they approached, Uva and Chut found out, and the guns pointed at them unanimously.

"Who are you?"

Li Xiaoman's thoughts have been on Long Sihao's body, and she turned back only after hearing the voice of Chut beside her.

Seeing Sophie holding a gun in her hand, Shen Shenwei appeared in front of her. She looked shocked, her pupils widened a bit, and worried eyes fell on Shen Shiwei.

Her voice was full of anger and disbelief, "Sophie, it was really you who took the mom away, are you crazy? You're about to release the mom."

Seeing that Shen Shiwei was tied with his hands and cloth in his mouth, Li Xiaoman felt distressed.

Sophie grinned sullenly, rounded his light brown eyes, and looked at Li Xiaoman’s eyes, wishing to tear her, “I’m crazy, I’m being driven crazy by you, Li Xiaoman, now mommy is in me If you don’t want her to be injured, let me do what you want.”

Li Xiaoman stared at the gun in Sophie's hand, "I don't believe you will hurt mom."

She did not believe that Sophie would be so mad that she would not let her mother go.

When Sophie heard her, she suddenly laughed like crazy and burst into tears. "Li Xiaoman, I have nothing left. Daddy was very strict with me since I was a child, and my mommy, who hurt me most I am, the man I love does not love me, now I have only one bad life left, but I don’t want to die like this, I’m not willing, Li Xiaoman, even if I die, I won’t make you better, you Now come immediately, otherwise I will shoot."

Shen Shiwei held by her heard her words and closed her eyes.

Being held hostage by his own daughter is not a pain that any mother can experience.

Sophie broke her heart, she only hated that she should not have given birth to her.

Li Xiaoman was also very disappointed with Sophie. She really couldn't believe that there would be such a ruthless daughter in the world. Shen Shiwei used to love her so much that she would do such a big deal.

Her eyes were cold, "Sophie, I will say it again, let go of my mother."

Sophie hooked her lower lip coldly, her eyes fierce, "Li Xiaoman, I thought you care so much about my mummy's life and death, so you are so afraid of death, don't you even dare to change her? When I came over, I released my mummy, and I counted three times."




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