A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 103: This battle cannot be avoided

Seeing dozens of people, only a few were still standing. Lowry was about to rush out and fight with the MX Corps. Suddenly, gunshots sounded from far and near, and the top ten hunters came to support them. .

Red Snake, Fire Rose, Baisha, Uva, Black Hawk, Chut, Dank, Eze, David, Uva, Cohen walked in the front, ten people shot and shot at the MX Corps while walking, one per shot , Marksmanship is extremely accurate.

Behind them were more than 140 Lr members.

The top ten hunters suddenly appeared with the team. Although the MX Corps was crowded, it did not react and was temporarily in a disadvantage.

One by one was knocked down, the whole army was a bit chaotic.

Lowry saw the support team coming. He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes to the fire rose. "Miss Rose, you are really on time."

"We're counting the time." Fire Rose threw a wink at Lowry, and shot while flashing to Lowry, ignoring the other people's questions: "Did you miss me?"

After the other nine hunters, the mx corps focused on fire, were helpless, and they were all hidden behind the tree.

Long Junche didn't expect that there would be people still in the woods in the Lr Alliance. When the top ten hunters appeared with the team, he flashed to the back of the MX Corps.

All members of the lr alliance were concealed behind the thick tree, using the tree as a cover, shooting at the mx regiment while avoiding bullets.

The hidden point of the MX Corps is behind a naturally formed earth barrier in the woods. There are weeds that are half a person tall on the earth barrier. They hide in the grass and shoot on the ground. Once a bullet comes over, they use earth Base for cover.

Because this earth barrier is made of mud, it is dusty when it is hit by a bullet.

The lr alliance and the hidden point of the mx regiment are only seven or eight meters apart, which is a very quiet shot.

Huo Yunene has never appeared, because after he has been on the ground, just when he saw that Li Xiaoman was surrounded by Long Sihao and appeared in their sight, he was going out and was stopped by Long Junche.

He saw that the battle between the MX Corps and the Lr Alliance was intensifying. He was a little worried that Li Xiaoman would be accidentally injured by bullets that were not long-eyed. If the firepower of both sides was great, he would have rushed past.

He looked at Long Junche who came to the earth barrier and reminded: "Let them not hurt Manman."

Long Junche did not want Li Xiaoman to be injured, but Long Sihao had been holding her. He wanted to deal with Long Sihao, and he had no chance at all.

Cohen, who ranked sixth among the top ten hunters, entered the mountain and found Shen Shiwei before meeting other hunters.

At this moment he thought of Shen Shiwei's things, and flashed in front of Long Sihao.

Watching him bow his head, "Chief, my wife has been snuggled into the mountain, I didn't find her."

Long Sihao heard the words and looked at Li Xiaoman, then looked at Cohen with a cold eyes and asked, "How could she be held hostage?"

He knew that Cohen said the wife was Shen Shiwei without asking.

Li Xiaoman did not know Cohen, but when he saw him very respectful to Long Sihao, he knew that he was the man under Long Sihao.

The wife in his mouth gave her an intuition that Shen Shiwei looked at Long Sihao and asked, "Si Hao, who is the lady you said?"

Long Sihao saw Li Xiaoman showing concern, and his eyes were firm, "Xiaoxiao, you can rest assured, I will find your mother."

"Really...really my mother, why is she held hostage?" She asked Cohen after looking at it.

Cohen nodded his head and said everything before and after Shen Shiwei was taken hostage.

Because Cohen didn't know Sophie and the mysterious person, he only described their appearance characteristics. After listening, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao immediately guessed that it was Sophie and the mysterious person who held Shen Shiwei.

Li Xiaoman didn't expect Sophie's heartbroken madman to even let her mother go.

Sophie is just like a lunatic. She is very worried about Shen Shiwei's safety.

Long Sihao saw her face full of worry, he comforted: "Xiao Xiao, they caught your mother must want to threaten you or me, so they will not hurt her."

Li Xiaoman tightened his eyebrows, "But this is a dangerous mountain."

At this time, Lowry flashed over, his face dignified, "President, there are too many people in the MX Corps, we only have more than 100 people. If we continue to fight like this, our bullets will be exhausted and we will not be able to finish the employment of the MX Corps Bing."

The mercenaries of the MX Corps are military trained and are real soldiers.

And they all came out of the battlefield and had combat experience.

Although the Lr Alliance has also received rigorous training, the internal backbone personnel have strong individual combat capabilities, but those Lr members have no such combat experience, plus the MX Corps has a large number of people, ammunition is sufficient, and the situation of the Lr Alliance is at a disadvantage. , A careless, lr members under his hands will be wiped out by the whole army.

Ling Hanye also flashed over, "Long Shao, Lowry is right, so it is not a way to fight hard."

Long Sihao heard the words and swept at the people under his hand. When many people were shot, he glanced coldly at the mx regiment shooting opposite.

Then he carefully observed the terrain here and looked at Lowry. "Let's come over."

"Yes!" Lowry answered, approaching Long Sihao. "What instruction does the president have?"

Long Sihao told him the battle plan in a simple and clear way. Lowry immediately understood after hearing it. He looked at the Fire Rose, Cohen, Red Snake, and Black Hawk, but made a few gestures towards them. The four fire roses understood what he was talking about.

Immediately, while the firepower of both sides was fierce, Long Junche and Huo Yunene didn't notice it, they rolled again, and took cover with the lr members and the big tree, and quickly circulated from the other side of the woods. Go behind the MX Corps.

In order not to let Long Junche discover Lorry, Long Sihao decided to personally draw Long Junche's attention.

He looked at Ling Hanye again, "Take care of my daughter-in-law, she has less than half of her hair, I will ask you."

"Your daughter-in-law, you take care of yourself." Ling Hanye didn't buy it. One flashed into another tree and directly snatched the automatic rifle of a lr member. Every time he fired, his arm would inertia Rebound.

His speed is very fast, the rifle is extremely powerful, and screams continue to be heard across the road.


Li Xiaoman saw Long Sihao let Ling Hanye take care of her, she was a little worried, "Si Hao, you let Ling Hanye take care of me, what do you want to do?"

Long Sihao took the pistol in his hand and bowed his head to print a kiss on her lips, with a smile on her lips, "Xiao Xiao, Long Jun Che and I were inevitable in this battle. He kidnapped me twice, too. It's time for me to settle the accounts. It's too dangerous here. I'll ask someone to send you away first. Since Long Junche said he won't hurt you, he will never hurt you."<

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