A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 642: Today, you should know

Lori is naturally telling the truth, telling him that Li Xiaoman is the wife of their president.

Knowing that Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao are in a husband-and-wife relationship, even if he feels uncomfortable now, he can't find any reason to **** Li Xiaoman from Long Sihao's arms for protection.

Lowry and Ling Hanye also quickly flashed to the left and right sides of Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman.

Lowry was out of bullets because of the gun. He took out the flying knife and looked at Long Sihao and said, "President, you're in charge of protecting the wife of the president. Ling Shao and I will solve those bad people."

When the words fell, Lowry flashed out, flipping over to avoid the bullet, and throwing the flying knife.


He shot three flying knives three times in succession and shot three snipers.

Then he returned to Long Sihao's side and realized that the attackers hiding in the wood weeds did not shoot their president and the wife of the president, they were all other members of the lr alliance.

For this, Long Sihao and Ling Hanye also noticed.

All three felt strange.

"Long Shao, who was the one who suddenly attacked us? Can you tell?" Ling Hanye asked with doubt that he had the same Swiss army knife as Long Sihao because he had no bullets.

Long Sihao has been holding Li Xiaoman tightly, pressing her head in his arms and covering her ears with both hands to prevent her from hearing gunshots.

Long Sihao saw the people under his hands were hit one by one, he narrowed his narrow eyes, and his dreadful eyes shot at the people who were hiding in the grass and shot.

After staring at it for two seconds, he said coldly, "Long Jun Che, do you think you can defeat me Long Sihao by yourself?"

Lowry and Ling Hanye both heard him and looked at him in surprise.

"President, how do you know Long Jun Che?"

Ling Hanye was also puzzled, "Yes, Long Shao, how do you know it was Long Jun Che's?"

Li Xiaoman, who was pressed on Long Sihao, heard that the attacker was Long Junche. She was also surprised. She was about to raise her head. Long Sihao pressed her small head with both hands and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Xiao, don't look up, dangerous, stay in my arms."

"Si Hao." Li Xiaoman struggled to raise his head, Long Sihao refused.

She hugged her so tightly that she seemed to be embedded in the blood of his bones.

The sound of the guns suddenly stopped, and then an Xuanang figure came out from behind the attackers in the grass.

Seeing that face, Long Sihao, Lowry, and Ling Hanye were no strangers. It was Long Junche.

Long Sihao's eyes were cold, and the dark narrow eyes narrowed dangerously, "It really is you."

Long Junche sneered, and the frost-covered eyes looked at Long Sihao with hate, "Of course it is me, Long Sihao, I have waited for a long time to defeat you completely, today we It should be understood."

Lorry's murderous Long Junche understood, "You are the leader of the MX Corps? Then it was the mercenaries of the MX Corps that attacked us?"

It was Long Jun Che’s private army mx regiment that attacked them. They had entered the Xer Mountain long ago, but they only traveled a thousand meters and did not continue to advance, but ambushed in the woods, etc. It was the Lr Alliance that suddenly attacked Long Sihao.

Long Junche thought that Long Sihao would surely come out in order to find Li Xiaoman. He could take the opportunity to wipe out the entire lr alliance. At this moment, there were only dozens of people around Long Sihao. His eyes narrowed coldly. With a hint of sarcasm, "Long Sihao, is there only dozens of people in your entire lr alliance? It seems that I have overestimated your strength."

Lorry also learned Long Junche sneered, "Oh, we are more than just these people in the Lr Alliance, don't be complacent, they will come to support in a moment, and then your MX Corps will be wiped out."

The more Li Xiaoman held in the arms of Long Sihao listened to Long Junche's words about dealing with her husband, the more angry she was.

She thrust her head out of Long Sihao's arms, and then looked at Long Junche with an angry look.

Long Junche didn't dare to look at her directly after meeting Li Xiaoman's angry look.

At this time, Ling Hanye looked at Long Junche and asked: "Long Junche, where did Long Shao offend you, why do you have to fight against him?"

Long Junche's eyes burst into cold light that seemed to destroy all living things.

"Ya Xin?" Lowry looked at Long Sihao, "President, does that seem to be your mother's name?"

Immediately, he looked at Long Junche with a puzzled face, "I said that the one called Long Junche, who is the murderer of our president's mother is responsible for you. What do you mean to our president like this?"

Long Junche turned Sen Han's gaze to Long Sihao, and he smiled, "Long Sihao, if you blame you, you are Huo Chenfeng's son. If you blame you, you blame you for being like your father. Huo Chenfeng."

He completely transferred his hatred to Huo Chenfeng to Long Sihao.

However, he neglected that Long Sihao was Huo Chenfeng's son, and also Long Yaxin's son.

He completely treated Long Sihao as Huo Chenfeng, and his hatred towards him was so strong that he would shatter his corpse into pieces. As long as he thought that Long Yaxin’s death was caused by Huo Chenfeng, he hated it. Long Sihao.

Li Xiaoman, who had not spoken for a long time, saw that Long Junche's eyes were full of hate. She frowned, and asked in a cold voice: "Do you really love Sihao's mother?"

Hearing her question, Long Junche's eyes warmed a bit when she fell on her, "Manman, why do you ask?"

Li Xiaoman hooked his lower lip and continued: "If you really love Sihao's mother, you won't hurt her most dearest son in his life. Sihao is Sihao, and his father is Dad. Who said Sihao's His mother was killed by his father? That was an accident. Si Hao’s mother died unexpectedly."

Long Junche narrowed his eyes and squeezed angrily in his hands. "If it weren't for his father to live up to Yaxin, she would not have a car accident."

Li Xiaoman stared at Long Junche coldly, "Even if this is the case, it's not about Si Hao's business, you are too extreme."

Long Junche admitted that he was very extreme, but Huo Chenfeng was dead, and the resentment that had accumulated in his heart could only be vented on Long Sihao.

If Huo Chenfeng didn't win love at the time, maybe Long Yaxin would marry him, or maybe she wouldn't die early.

He looked up at Li Xiaoman again, "Manman, don't worry, I won't hurt you, but Long Sihao, I will never let it go."

Li Xiaoman didn't expect Long Junche to be so stubborn, she was about to speak, and Long Junche suddenly ordered to shoot.

Like just now, Long Jun Che's mx regiment fired still the lr members under Long Sihao's hands.

Those Lr members spent bullets because they had previously dealt with the beasts. At this time, they faced the machine gun fire of Longjun Che's regiment. Even if they were trained, they were inevitably shot. <

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