A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 641: Suffered a sudden attack

Li Xiaoman looked at his expression and knew he didn't know about it. She replied, "It should have been five years ago. You really don't know?"

Lin Momo was asleep at the time and did not say when, but she guessed it should have been five years ago.

"Five years ago?" Ling Han Ye'er, who was extremely emotional, stood up and stared at Li Xiaoman with brown eyes. "You said she was pregnant five years ago?"

Looking at the emotionally excited Ling Hanye, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, "Mo Mo said that the child was drained later."


Ling Hanye's face changed a lot, his body was chilling for a while, and his heart was painful. He intuitively felt that the child must be his, but when he thought of the child's drain, he was heartbroken.

He squeezed his hands tightly and looked at Li Xiaoman with red eyes, and asked, "Why... drained?"

Looking at Ling Hanye, who looked sad, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were tighter, "Momo said you were killed. She said she would not forgive you. I think this should be the reason why Momo insisted on marrying Wei Ziting. , She should have left because she lost her child."

Long Sihao was surprised to hear Li Xiaoman say this, "Xiao Xiao, when did you know these?"

"It was the night of the party, Momo was drunk and talked." Li Xiaoman finished, turning his eyes to Ling Hanye, "I think there should be some misunderstanding between you, Momo may not be true Love Wei Ziting, if you talk to her about it, you might have a possibility of recombination, and I always feel that Binbin is not strange."

Ling Hanye, who was grieved at this time, had previously been very negative because of Lin Momo's indifference, and was almost discouraged. At this moment, after hearing Li Xiaoman's words, his heart came to life again.

He did not know why Lin Momo would say that the child was killed by him, but he would go to Lin Momo and ask him clearly.

Knowing that Lin Momo had been pregnant, his emotions fluctuated greatly. After a moment of joy, he fell into a deep grief.

After putting away all his thoughts, he looked at Li Xiaoman, with gratitude in his eyes, "Mrs. Long, thank you for telling me such important news."

Ling Hanye usually gives people a feeling of being uninhibited by evil spirits. At this moment, his serious thank you makes Li Xiaoman a little uncomfortable.

She was about to say no thanks, Ling Hanye sounded with a playful voice.

"Long Shao, your baby Xiao is so cute, I am very grateful to her, do you mind if I kiss her as a thank you?"

Li Xiaoman sniffed his lower lip and heard that Ling Hanye was kidding.

Like Lin Momo, he is a person who loves to hide his true thoughts and feelings.

She knew that Ling Hanye was joking on the surface, and his heart must be very painful.

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and raised his fists. "Go kiss and see what happens."

"Try it." Ling Hanye seemed to have to challenge Long Sihao. After he finished speaking, he strode towards Li Xiaoman.

But when he was close to Li Xiaoman with two or three steps, Lori, who had treated Ouyang Chen's wound, strode over and took Ling Hanye.

"Lin Shao, please don’t disturb our president and the wife of the president to talk about love and love each other. They haven’t seen each other for so many days. They haven’t met for so many days after they met. Kiss the little mouth, gouge the tongue, pull the little hand, touch the calf..."

Lowry said, pulling Ling Hanye away.

Long Sihao stepped forward, pulled Li Xiaoman into his arms, lowered his head and printed a kiss on her forehead, "rest early."

Immediately the two people sat down against a thick tree, and Li Xiaoman slept in Long Sihao's arms and was hugged tightly by him.

She hasn't slept well in the past few days. At this moment in Long Sihao's arms, even in the wild, she fell asleep quickly, and she was sleeping peacefully.

There was a light smile on her lips, and only in his arms would she sleep so comfortably.

There are members of the lr hunter, and the food the next day need not worry.

When Li Xiaoman woke up, he was still sleeping in Long Sihao's arms.

Ouyang Chen has also woken up and is playing his big name spirit, directing Lowry to do this and that.

He would drink water for a while, eat pheasants from the hunter members in the morning, and ask Lowry to squeeze his legs.

If Lowry was unwilling, he would just jump out and he saved Li Xiaoman.

Lowry had to wait for his great Buddha, and pay the debt to his family president, and asked Long Sihao to pay him a salary for his hard service to the big European brand.

This request Li Xiaoman agreed for Long Sihao.

After a group of people used breakfast, they rested for a while before moving on.

Due to the large number of people, no matter what dangers are encountered along the way, they can be resolved.

Encountered a giant python halfway, Long Sihao with Li Xiaoman withdrew first, Ling Hanye patted Lowry on the shoulder, said a blessed bug, you must be able to smooth it out, and then With his men also withdrew.

Only Lowry and Ouyang Chen and the two hunter members who supported him were left.

When Lowry was dealing with the giant python, Ouyang Chen was watching the two hunter members.

After Lowry had leveled the python, he asked Lowry not to forget to remove the snake gall before the two hunter members who supported him helped him away.

Seeing them all left, Lowry's bitter face, and finally took out the giant snake's gallbladder of the python before he followed.

The team traveled for a day, and when it was dark, they walked five-sixths of Mount Xerhal, and the next day they could go out.

Long Sihao was afraid that Li Xiaoman would be tired if he walked for another day. He ordered to rest in place for one night, and then he continued to move forward the next morning.

Long Sihao noticed something was wrong when he was one kilometer away from the pass of Xieer Mountain. He had just let Lowry order everyone to be careful, and his hunter members were suddenly attacked.

With the sudden "bang" gunshots, the hunter members walking behind were hit by bullets one by one and fell down.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao immediately ordered concealment and quickly picked up Li Xiaoman and flashed behind a thick tree.

Ouyang Chen also escaped behind the tree with the help of two lr members.

In this critical time, he instinctively thought of Li Xiaoman's safety. When he looked at it, when he saw that Li Xiaoman was tightly guarded by Long Sihao, he suddenly felt a very uncomfortable feeling.

Before Long Sihao appeared, he was protecting Li Xiaoman. When he was in danger, his first thought was to protect Li Xiaoman's safety. Now that this always important task has been taken away by Long Sihao, he is not in his heart. Sultan.

It felt like his beloved was taken away.

Along the way, he saw that Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao were very close. The relationship between the two people looked very close. He had asked Lori Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao about their relationship. <

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