A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 640: Long Shao, I want a sense of security

"Leave the remaining beasts to you. If they no longer attack people, let them go."

When the words fell, Long Sihao walked to Li Xiaoman, who was still in shock.

"Xiaoxiao." He stepped forward, and the dark dark eyes locked her. "We'll leave here first."

Then he stooped and hugged her sideways.

Li Xiaoman turned to look at Ouyang Chen, "Si Hao, Ouyang Chen."

"Someone will take him." Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman and then turned around and looked at the lr alliance members, and then someone came up to support Ouyang Chen.

Because he had to wait for Lowry and Ling Hanye and others, Long Sihao didn't walk fast holding Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at Long Sihao distressedly, "Si Hao, let me down, you hold me like this, you will be very tired."

"Tell me if you are tired."

Long Sihao said he would not put Li Xiaoman down because he knew his Xiao Xiao must be very tired.

Half an hour later, Lowry and Ling Hanye took the hunter members to catch up.

When Li Xiaoman asked if all of their beasts had been killed, Lowry said that the beasts were too cruel because they saw them and finally scared away.

Because of the fight with the beast, more than a dozen members of the lr hunter were injured, plus a comatose Ouyang Chen, after dark, the group did not continue to move forward, temporarily stopped to rest.

Because Mount Xerx is more dangerous, it is inevitable that it will not be injured, so the lr alliance was prepared with medicine when it came.

There are first-aid medicines for external use, hemostatics, anti-inflammatory drugs, gauze, etc.

Ouyang Chen's injuries were handled by Lowry himself, while others handled them on their own.

As for Li Xiaoman's wound cut by a thorn, naturally Long Sihao personally treated her.

When Long Sihao saw her slender wounds crisscrossing her arms and calves, he was sore about to die. He even wished to divide Sophie's five horses into separate bodies.

Even crushing Sophie's corpse into pieces could hardly relieve his hatred.

"Xiaoxiao." He looked at her distressedly, wishing he could be injured so much for her.

Li Xiaoman looked at him who had been distressed, and smiled, "Si Hao, I don't have any pain anymore, so don't worry about it."

Long Sihao's eyes filled with guilt, "How can I not be distressed? They all blame me, I have not protected you."

Seeing Long Sihao feel distressed and guilty, Li Xiaoman felt more distressed than him. She reached out and touched Junmei's face. "Si Hao, I don't allow you to feel so distressed and guilty. Then I feel more distressed than you."

"Long Shao, congratulations, you and your Xiaobao are finally reunited, and you can die together." It was Ling Hanye who was speaking. He walked straight to Li Xiaoman's side and squatted down, "Li Miss Xiaoman, you have been missing for a few days, but Long Shao is worried about dying. He rushes to find you day and night. After you go back, you have to reward him. As for how to reward him, this is on the bed..."

Before waiting for Ling Hanye to say the next words, Long Sihao shot him with a terrifying look, "Flash aside, don't stop me and my Xiaoxiao here."

Ling Hanye raised her eyebrows and sat down. The corners of her lips drawn an arc of evil spirits, "Long Shao, this wild country has no tent. I'm afraid of blackness. Sitting next to you, I will compare A sense of security."

Long Sihao's eyes were cold and cold, and he saw a strong warning in his eyes, "Flash or still, choose by yourself."

Ling Hanye got on the bar with Long Sihao tonight, and had to sit in front of Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman as light bulbs.

He raised his eyebrows and said without fear of death: "I want a sense of security."

Long Sihao smiled and broke his wrist, "Well, I will give you a sense of security."

Li Xiaoman saw Long Sihao breaking his wrist and was about to beat Ling Hanye. She reached out and held his hands. "Si Hao, let me go and see how Ouyang Chen is doing. You and Han Ye slowly talk. "

When the words fell, she got up and walked over to Ouyang Chen's side.

At this time, Ouyang Chen was still in a coma, and Lowry took off his shirt and was cleaning his wounds.

After Li Xiaoman walked over, he squatted down to help Lowry.

Seeing that Long Sihao did not stop Li Xiaoman from caring for Ouyang Chen, Ling Hanye looked at him and asked, "Long Shao, your Xiao baby cares so much about other men, so you don't jealous?"

Long Sihao hooked his lips slightly, and his soft and affectionate eyes fell on Li Xiaoman. "Xiao Xiao cares about our savior, why should I be jealous?"

For him, Ouyang Chen was not only Li Xiaoman's life-saving benefactor, but also his life-saving benefactor. If it were not for Ouyang Chen's protection and help, his Xiao Xiao might have died at the mouth of the python and the beast.

And if his Xiao Xiao is unpredictable, he cannot survive, so Ouyang Chen saved his Xiao Xiao, which is equivalent to saving him. He is their life-saving benefactor.

He is more grateful to Ouyang Chen than his Xiao Xiao, so how could he be jealous because of this?

If he does not even have this tolerance, then he is not worthy of his love.

He believed her Xiao Xiao very much, and her concern for Ouyang Chen was limited and grateful, nothing else.

Before it was dark today, Li Xiaoman told Long Sihao about what happened to Ouyang Chen, so he knew everything and he could fully understand why Li Xiaoman was so concerned about Ouyang Chen.

Ling Hanye looked at Long Sihao, who was full of tenderness and affection, and reached out and patted his shoulder. Some of them sighed, "Long Shao, I finally understand why your Xiao baby is so stubborn to you, you really are a good man, If it were me, I might be jealous and make many naive moves."

It was like when he saw that there was a Wei Ziting beside Lin Momo, he did a lot of childish actions.

When he said those stimulating words in front of Lin Momo, he did not respect her at all, and no wonder Lin Momo hated him so much.

Long Sihao saw that Ling Hanye fell into sorrow again, he reached back and patted his shoulder, but said nothing.

Now that he is in sorrow, any words of comfort he said will not work.

When Li Xiaoman returned to see Ling Hanye's sad expression, she thought of what Lin Momo said after being drunk that day.

She did not know whether Ling Hanye knew Lin Momo was pregnant, but she guessed that Ling Hanye should not know yet.

Judging from Lin Momo's drunkenness that day, she feels that her Momo may not be as happy as she seems.

Perhaps there will be a turnaround between her and Ling Hanye.

As her good friend and good girlfriend, she still hopes her Momo can find true happiness.

After thinking this way, she looked at Ling Hanye and asked, "Hanye, do you know that Momo has been pregnant?"

"She was pregnant? When was it?" Ling Hanye, who was originally in grief, heard Lin Momo pregnant, and he looked up at Li Xiaoman violently, brown eyes with surprise and disbelief. <

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