A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 632: There is always a way out

Ouyang Chen's eyes fell on her face, seeing her look firm, he did not speak discouraged, straightened up, and then walked forward with some unstable pace.

The fog will not be as thick as it was just now, and you can see the trees that are five meters in diameter.

Li Xiaoman saw that he was not going well. She went forward to help him, but Ouyang Chen refused.

He stared at her with a weak tone, "I've... been injured, your strength...need to be saved, and if...you will encounter...what danger, your strength...is used to...escape Yes, don’t just help me... It’s a drain on your energy."

"You..." Li Xiaoman didn't know what to say about him, "Ouyang Chen, don't you think for yourself?"

Everywhere he considered her escape and safety, did he never think of himself?

Ouyang Chen withdrew his eyes, endured the pain in his body, and walked forward as quickly as possible, without returning to Li Xiaoman.

When Li Xiaoman saw that Ouyang Chen insisted on not letting her support him, she no longer insisted.

Because Ouyang Chen was injured, it was Li Xiaoman who was doing the mark on the tree.

After walking for more than half an hour, the fog in the jungle gradually spread out.

Fighting with the four beasts, Ouyang Chen was seriously injured, and the blood on his body did not stop. After walking for a while, his physical strength began to run down, and he walked wobbly.

"Mr. Ou."

Li Xiaoman looked worried, and just called him, he saw him fall to the ground.

She immediately stepped up to support him, "Mr. Ou, you are so badly injured, let's find a place to rest first."

Ouyang Chen's vision was a little blurry. He tried to keep awake and said "I'm okay", so he shook Li Xiaoman's hand and went on.

He just fell in two steps and fell to the ground.

"Mr. Ou."

Seeing that Ouyang Chen suddenly fell, Li Xiaoman went up and did not lift him up, and there was a deafening sound around him, as if it was about to be an earthquake.

Hearing the sound, Ouyang Chen was much more conscious, he looked up too far, and vaguely he saw a behemoth like the four beasts just now approaching them.

Li Xiaoman also raised his head. When she saw many huge beasts coming, she opened her mouth and her face instantly turned white.

It was just four, and there will be dozens.

Ouyang Chen saw Li Xiaoman still stunned, reached out and pushed her, "Quick...run."

Li Xiaoman turned to look at Ouyang Chen, "Okay, run, you must run."

Then she tried her best to help Ouyang Chen up.

"what are you doing?"

Now that the situation is urgent, Li Xiaoman is too lazy to talk nonsense with Ouyang Chen. He put a **** hand on her shoulder and then took him with him.

After all, she is a woman, not as powerful as a man, and it seems very difficult to take Ouyang Chen.

Ouyang Chen has been supporting and not falling down, and tried not to put power on Li Xiaoman's body.

He looked down at the petite Li Xiaoman and saw that she seemed to be struggling, but still insisted on supporting him, he was a little moved inside.

He pushed her away, leaned against the tree, and said weakly: "You... go, leave me alone."

Li Xiaoman saw that the monsters in the distance were getting closer and closer to her. She glared at Ouyang Chen. "Don't be here with your mother-in-law, can you cooperate with me a little bit? You can't escape me and you like this."

When the words fell, she took his hand again and put it on her shoulder, and then helped him to speed up and walk forward.

Now that she has no sense of direction, she just walks forward. It is not the most important to go to the direction. The most important thing at present is to find a safe place to hide.

The footsteps of the monster behind him became louder and louder, and Li Xiaoman did not dare to look back, because she was afraid that she would be afraid after watching it, and then she would not have perseverance to escape.

Ouyang Chen now has no strength, he looks at Li Xiaoman, who is very tired and tired because he is supporting him, "You are supporting me...you can't escape at all, instead... Both of us... die... In the mouth of those monsters, it’s not as good as me..."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and glared at him, "Ouyang Chen, didn't find that you have so much nonsense. If you don't want to involve me, just hold on to me, and you can't escape. You have to escape. I believe that there is no way to escape."

When the words fell, she supported Ouyang Chen to speed up her feet. She kept supporting her teeth. In any case, she would not give up until the last minute. She must leave here alive.

Ouyang Chen was infected by her perseverance and perseverance, and no longer asked her to leave him alone.

In order to let her help him a little easier, he straightened up as much as possible, not putting his weight on her.

Beasts in the back chased them up, and their speed was constantly accelerating. Dozens of monsters split their mouths, revealing their sharp fangs, and gave a heart-warming roar.

Hearing the voice behind him, Li Xiaoman knew that the beast was getting closer and closer to her and Ouyang Chen.

In front of them was a valley, not very deep, but very narrow, and across the valley was a mountain. To pass that mountain, you had to jump into the valley.

There is clear water flowing in the valley, and the grass around it grows very dense.

Li Xiaoman turned around and saw that the dozens of beasts behind him were only a few meters away from them. She looked at Ouyang Chen, "Jump from here, won't you die?"

Ouyang Chen also looked back at the beast that was getting closer behind him, and then he did not return to Li Xiaoman, and in turn pulled her into the valley.

After jumping, Ouyang Chen fell into the valley because of lack of physical strength. The body was slowly flowing water and green grass. The plants above the head grew very dense. The valley was very narrow. The stems and leaves of the plants on both sides were just fine. Block Li Xiaoman and Ouyang Chen.

Therefore, this narrow valley became a good hidden place.

After Li Xiaoman saw that she and Ouyang Chen jumped into the valley, the beasts they chased didn't seem to find them, and they were relieved.

She looked down at Ouyang Chen, who had fainted in the valley, and helped him up lightly.

On the green grass, all the places where he had laid were his blood.

After Li Xiaoman glanced, her brows frowned. She carefully looked at the two ends of the valley, following the direction of her left hand. The narrower, so walking in the direction of her left hand is the best choice.

When the hissing noises above were gone, Li Xiaoman looked up and saw that the monsters had left, and she helped Ouyang Chen walk towards her left hand.

After a long walk she stopped.

At this time, she and Ouyang Chen had reached the widest part of the valley. She did not go any further, and helped Ouyang Chen walk to a place where there was no water, and let him lie on the green grass. <

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