She sat down, reached out to wipe the sweat on her forehead, looked at Ouyang Chen who fainted, and shook him twice, seeing that he did not respond, she was very worried.

It is more sunny here, even though there are still floating clouds over the top of the head, but there is sunlight passing through.

Therefore, the temperature here is higher, and the surrounding plants are also more lush.

Seeing that several wounds on Ouyang Chen's body were still bleeding, almost all the clothes on his body were penetrated by blood. She tightened her eyebrows and looked around.

Although she has not survived in the wild, some common sense still knows that many hemostatic plants grow in the wild.

She didn't know the other hemostasis, but she knew a vine plant called Baishouwu.

This plant grows in the thickets of valleys, under forests on hillsides, in rock gaps between trenches, etc. It has a blood clotting effect and has a good hemostatic effect.

Li Xiaoman first washed Ouyang Chen's face with clean water, and then looked for Baishouwu that could stop bleeding along the surrounding valley.

She searched carefully, and after at least half an hour, she found the vine plant.

But it does not grow in the thickets under the valley, but grows on the walls of the valley.

In order to pick up the fruit on the Baishouwu, she had to grab the plant on the mountain wall and climb up little by little.

She gritted her teeth with all her strength and climbed in front of the Baishouwu, picked its fruit, and then grasped the plant again and moved down little by little.

Fortunately, the mountain wall is not high from the bottom of the valley, and the danger is much reduced. It took her more than twenty minutes to get down smoothly, and then returned.

Ouyang Chen had woke up and sat up. His pale face seemed to be in a bad state of mind.

Li Xiaoman saw that he woke up and walked quickly before looking at him and asking, "How do you feel now?"

Ouyang Chen did not return to her. Her eyes fell on the fruit of Baishouwu in her hand. She narrowed her eyes and asked, "What is this...?"

"It's for hemostasis." Li Xiaoman crouched down, peeled off the fruit, took out the hair inside the fruit, then pulled Ouyang Chen's injured hand, and put the taken hair directly to the wound.

Ouyang Chen narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is this...useful? Are you sure this...can stop bleeding?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyebrows and looked at him, "Now I can only die as a living horse doctor."

Ouyang Chen's lips twitched, "You think I'm... a dead horse?"

Immediately his eyes fell on the wound on the back of his hand and found that the wound was no longer bleeding.

Li Xiaoman's eyes also fell on the back of his hand. When he saw that there was no more blood on the back of his hand, he peeled off the other fruits and took out the hairs on his other wounds.

But there were too many wounds on Ouyang Chen’s body and the fruit she picked was not enough. After she used up the fruit, she looked at Ouyang Chen and said, “I’ll pick some more.”

Ouyang Chen looked at Li Xiaoman's back and narrowed his phoenix. "Many designer, I are getting more and more...beautiful."

Li Xiaoman glanced back at him, "I'm not ugly."

Knowing where the Baishouwu grows, with the experience just now, Li Xiaoman picked the fruit this time and made it a lot smoother.

She originally wanted to uproot the Baishouwu, but because the roots of the Baishouwu were not in the stone wall, she couldn't pull it out with her strength, so she had to pluck all the fruits on it and return.


Shen Shiwei also came to Xie'er Mountain yesterday. At this time, she was standing at the entrance of Xie'er Mountain, her face full of worry and anxiety.

In addition to her, there is Cohen who is staying at the entrance, because Long Sihao cannot be reached, so he is very anxious.

Shen Shiwei had been looking at the entrance of Xie'er Mountain and wanted to go in.

Almost two days have passed, if her Xiaoxiao is inside, she is a weak woman, what if she encounters a beast.

As soon as she thought of this, Shen Shiwei's heart was in pain. She really didn't expect Sophie to be ruthless again and again and hurt her sister and sister more and more.

This time, she brought her relatives and sisters to the place called "Mount of Death". She really hates her sisters so much. Do you want to kill her?

Cohen is a more easygoing and talkative person. Seeing Shen Shiwei's worried face, he comforted: "Ma'am, don't worry, the leader will find our leader's wife."

Regarding Li Xiaoman, Cohen and nine other hunters have heard Lowry talk about it.

Shen Shiwei watched Cohen nod, then folded her hands and closed her eyes. She didn't believe in ghosts, but when people were helpless, they would pin their hopes on the gods.

She closed her eyes, meditated in her heart, and prayed to the gods of all walks of life and the ancestors of the Shen family to protect her daughter Li Xiaoman.

In addition to her and Cohen, there are more than 20 members of the Lr Alliance.

Due to the cloudiness and mist over the center of the mountain's belly and frequent thunderstorms, it became a danger zone and many aircraft would detour.

Two days ago, Sophie and the mysterious man flew with Li Xiaoman to the danger zone. When they pushed Li Xiaoman off the plane into the Mount Helleher, their plane had an accident when they were about to return and fell to the break. Near Seoul Mountain.

The mysterious man and Sophie jumped immediately when the plane crashed.

The two suffered only minor injuries and nothing serious. The plane crashed and the pilot died.

The two people who did not leave were also at the entrance of Xie'er Mountain at this time, but were one or two meters away from Shen Shiwei and Cohen.

When they saw someone guarding the pass, they did not go forward, but hid behind a tree.

Sophie's displeased eyes fell on Shen Shiwei. When she saw her looking worriedly at the entrance of Xie'er Mountain, she squeezed her hands full of resentment and jealousy and asked coldly, "We still want How long are you waiting here? Si Hao has already gone to Xie'er Mountain to find Li Xiaoman. What if the **** was not dead but was also found by Si Hao? I don’t know what **** luck the **** took, she It seems that I can get out of danger every time, and I'm afraid she will be the same this time."

The mysterious man stood beside her. He glanced at her with a sullen expression, then at the entrance of Mount Xerre, squinting tightly, without speaking.

Without hearing the mysterious man's answer, Sophie turned to look at him, "I'm asking you what if Li Xiaoman could not be rescued by Si Hao?"

The mysterious man looked at her coldly and asked, "Do you really love Long Sihao?"

Sophie was a little surprised. "What do you mean by asking this? I certainly love Sihao. How can I hate Li Xiaoman so much if I don't love him?"

The mysterious man sneered coldly, "Here is called the mountain of death, which means that there are many dangers inside. If you really love Long Sihao, what you are most worried about now is Long Sihao's safety, not Li Xiaoman. Did not die. Have you ever thought about it, in case it is Long Sihao who can't come out alive? You are not worried about his life or death at all, you are also called love him?"

Sophie was speechless by his words, staring at the mysterious man without knowing how to return to him.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

It’s updated here today, the babies must be very anxious, and they must want to ask, sister Xuan Xuan, when did Long Shao find Xiaoxiao?

Hey, Long Shao and Xiao Xiao met tomorrow.

To reveal the plot, this incident of Mount Xerx was not a soy sauce, it will push the full text to the big **, that is to say, in Xerxel, everyone who should appear will appear, and everything that needs to be resolved Solve, the identity of the exposed will be exposed, the truth of the exposure will be revealed.

So, Xie'er Mountain is a very important part of the full text here. Let me tell you more, Long Junche, Huo Yunene, and anyone else will come to Xie'er Mountain. <

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