A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 631: You're slow, only to hurt me

She ran for a while, and did not know what happened to Ouyang Chen.

Looking behind Yunwu, she was full of worries in her eyes. Ouyang Chen had rescued her several times. If she had escaped alone, she would be too ungrateful.

Even if she wants to leave here very much, she can't run away so selfishly.

Squeezing the necklace tightly, she struggled back.

Fortunately, she didn't run far, so she didn't get lost after running back a short distance.

But when she ran back to her place, she did not see the traces of Ouyang Chen and the four beasts.

There are several trees all around, and there is a lot of blood on the ground. There is a beach here, a beach there, bright red, with a strong smell.

Li Xiaoman didn't know whether the blood on the ground belonged to those beasts or Ouyang Chen, and he was very worried.

"Ouyang Chen... Ouyang Chen..."

She yelled a few times and got no response, her eyebrows tightened even more, her eyes worried even worse.

She looked around and saw a tree falling, and ran over.

On the fallen leaves, she found blood stains.

The fog was too thick, she could not see too far, suddenly, a roar came, and she immediately ran to the place where she heard the sound.

After running closer, she saw Ouyang Chen's face and arms, almost blood all over his body. His hand holding the dagger was red with blood, and the blood was still dripping.

At this time, he leaned on a thick tree, as if using a big tree to support the body to be fallen, and looked at the four beasts with a murderous eye.

The four beasts were also injured, and there were several wounds on the massive bodies of two beasts still bleeding.

The four monsters all approached Ouyang Chen, grinning, and showing sharp, sharp spikes.

Seeing that they were approaching Ouyang Chen, Li Xiaoman looked around, and his eyes fell on a wooden stick not far away.

The wooden stick had her two arms thick, about two meters long.

She immediately ran forward, lifted the stick with all her strength, and then when the four beasts attacked Ouyang Chen with the sharp giant palm, she struggled to block the stick in front of Ouyang Chen, Stop the four beasts from attacking him.

Ouyang Chen saw a thick wooden stick suddenly in front of him. He glanced at him, and he saw that Li Xiaoman had returned, and he frowned, "What do you... come back?"

The stick was almost as thick as two arms. Li Xiaoman held it very hard and danced the stick for a while. She sweated between her foreheads. She had no time and energy to talk nonsense to Ouyang Chen and shouted: " Less nonsense, flash me."

Seeing that Li Xiaoman was holding a thick wooden stick very hard, Ouyang Chen no longer talked nonsense, immediately evaded, and then endured the pain from the wound on his body, and reached Li Xiaoman in the fastest speed.

Seeing that, the four beasts roared and threw them.

Ouyang Chen's eyes were fast and he grabbed the wooden stick in Li Xiaoman's hand and waved vigorously towards the four beasts.

The four beasts backed away, then rushed back, grabbing the stick with a giant palm.

Ouyang Chen was seriously injured and was physically exhausted, and was naturally not as powerful as the beast.

The stick in his hand was taken by the beast, and with a click, the thick stick was severely broken into two pieces.

Seeing this, Ouyang Chen pulled Li Xiaoman back.

And one of the beasts swooped suddenly.

Seeing that it was too late for Ouyang Chen to escape, Li Xiaoman was pushed aside violently, and he was thrown to the ground by the beast.

The huge beast pressed down, and Ouyang Chen immediately spit out blood in his mouth.

And the beast showed its fangs, biting fiercely towards Ouyang Chen.

"Ouyang Chen."

When Li Xiaoman saw it, he had no time to think about it, raised his gun and fired a shot at the beast's head.

With a "bang" shot, the three beasts about to attack her stopped.

The beast pressed against Ouyang Chen was shot in the head, and the sound of "Bang" fell aside, but he was not dead yet.

Seeing the three beasts, they roared, as if they were moving rescuers.

"Ouyang Chen, how are you?"

Li Xiaoman immediately ran to Ouyang Chen and reached up to support him.

Ouyang Chen reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her lower lip, and stood up with her help.

His figure shook twice before he stood firm.

Seeing him full of injuries and blood, Li Xiaoman wet his eyes.

The three beasts stayed for a few seconds and screamed again, Ouyang Chen said quickly: "Throw the gun out."

After hearing the words, Li Xiaoman immediately threw out the gun without bullets in his hand.

As soon as the three beasts saw guns that hurt them, their eyes showed a fierce light.

Immediately the three beasts stepped on the gun with their giant feet, and the brutal fierceness looked like it was going to smash the small gun into thousands of corpses.

Ouyang Chen saw that the beast's attention was focused on the gun and looked at Li Xiaoman, said: "Run quickly."

Li Xiaoman nodded and wanted to help him, Ouyang Chen looked at her and said, "I'm fine, I... I can hold it, you run you, don't let me... even make you tired."

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman's eyes were immediately wet.

"You only run slowly if it hurts me." Li Xiaoman looked at him and finished, he helped him and ran together.

Ouyang Chen was wounded all over his body. During this run, his wounds blew into the wind, and his heart hurt.

He had never suffered such a serious injury before, and the wound was still bleeding, and his physical strength was already almost consumed. Even if he was supported by Li Xiaoman, he felt that he would fall at any time.

Suddenly, he stopped and leaned on a tree, gasping hard, and Feng Eyes looked at Li Xiaoman obliquely, "Don't...don't care about me, you run first, I have no strength, while... Those beasts did not come, you run quickly."

"I ran, what should you do?"

Ouyang Chen raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman. He lowered his lower lip indifferently. "Anyway, my loved ones... are gone. I haven't thought that I can still...live out."

"Mr. Ou, how did you become so negative? Where did your arrogance and arrogance go?"

In Li Xiaoman's impression, he is a big-player with a strange temper and a person who does not give face to him. He is arrogant and makes people feel annoying, but now he is really the same as before.

Ouyang Chen narrowed his eyes, his eyes were a little weak, and his lips twitched with a light smile, "Many designer, in fact, everyone...has a double personality, sometimes in certain things...some people will be a character in front of them , Sometimes because of certain things, it will change a person's personality, sometimes some people will use ... some strange personality to disguise himself, you know?"

Li Xiaoman frowned and looked at him, "Don't say so much first, you saved me, I can't care about you, I help you."<

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