A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 630: Horror, standing beast

After Ouyang Chen finished speaking, he searched along the way he played hare this morning.

Li Xiaoman also followed him, helping him find a necklace together.

But after searching for half an hour, I still couldn't find the necklace.

Ouyang Chen talked and counted, instead of continuing to look for it, but took her to move on.

After walking for half an hour, the fog in the jungle became heavier and heavier, and Ouyang Chen and Li Xiaoman both walked back to where they left off.

Seeing that he was lost, Ouyang Chen took out his dagger and marked the tree.

But this method doesn't work either. With the increase of fog, the road ahead becomes more and more unclear, and the direction cannot be discerned at all.

After walking around for almost an hour, he still turned around in the same place.

Li Xiaoman looked up at the clouds that shrouded above and around them, and raised his eyebrows, "Will there be no thunderstorm again?"

Ouyang Chen's eyes fell on the marks he carved on the tree, and he frowned, his face dignified, "We are lost."

The center of this mountain is very strange, and the clouds that move above them seem to have been following them, chasing after them.

Yesterday, there was no such heavy cloud in the woods. Today, Li Xiaoman is standing two meters away from Ouyang Chen, he can't see her clearly.

It is called "the mountain of death" and it is full of danger everywhere.

Ouyang Chen had a hunch that danger would come to them again.

Li Xiaoman looked at Ouyang Chen with a dignified look, "Wait for the mist to disperse before leaving."

"For the time being."

Ouyang Chen watched her finish and leaned on a thick tree. "Take advantage of it now, take a good rest."

It is most important to maintain adequate physical strength now, so Li Xiaoman nodded and sat down against a thick tree.

She looked up at the clouds floating above her head, and could not see the sky or the sun at all.

If there is no thick cloud of fog above their heads, they may be able to send out a distress signal by way of wolf smoke, but if there is cloud, they will certainly not be useful.

Thinking of something, she looked at Ouyang Chen and asked, "Did you bring your mobile phone?"

Ouyang Chen raised his eyebrows, "Do you think the phone will have a signal here?"

Li Xiaoman wanted to leave here too much, so he ignored this question at once, how could there be a signal here.

It seems that there is no way to send a distress signal.

Wolf smoke cannot be used, fire can't be used, or light can't be used. The cloud above the head covers the entire Mount Xerx, as if it cut off Mount Xerx from the outside world, and can't send out a distress signal at all.

The only way to get out of here is to go out step by step, and also use enough energy to eliminate the dangers that may occur at any time.

Li Xiaoman saw that after a long break, the thick fog not only did not dissipate, but became thicker. She couldn't help worrying, she wouldn't really happen again.

Yesterday was a thunderstorm, what will it be today.

Suddenly, there was a vibrating sound not far away, as if there was a behemoth approaching them.

Relying on the tree, Ouyang Chen noticed the movement and immediately stood up straight, keeping his face alert.

The sound of the vibration is getting louder and louder, which means that the monster that made this sound is getting closer and closer to them. Because the fog is too thick, it can’t be seen clearly from two meters away, so Ouyang Chen and Li Xiaoman temporarily don’t know what it is. Leaning towards them.

This vibration sound is very similar to the sound of footsteps made by an animal. Judging from the footsteps, at least four giants approached them.

Ouyang Chen clenched the dagger in his hand and pulled Li Xiaoman behind him.

As the footsteps grew louder, both Li Xiaoman and Ouyang Chen could see clearly what was moving towards them.

It turned out to be four huge beasts.

No, they should be called monsters. They are giant beasts with mutations that have not been discovered by humans.

The four beasts are as large as an orangutan, with a height of two meters, two or three, the body hair is black, and it is very long, standing like a person, the foot is very huge, each foot has only three giant toes, and the toes Human toenails are on the top, curved downwards, tightly holding the ground.

The palm is as huge as the sole of the foot. The difference is that the palm has very sharp and long nails, and the sharp nails bent toward the palm are like a sharp silver hook.

Behind him dragged a thick tail, big head, big eyes, black pupils, no white eyes, furry ears on top of the head, but very small, the mouth was covered with sharp and sharp fangs, four The two are longer, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw, and the four spiked spikes are slightly curved.

Li Xiaoman looked at this giant beast that could stand, his body was like an orangutan, his head did not know what it looked like, his face was pale, and it was impossible to say that he was not afraid at all.

Such a terrible beast is difficult to solve with just one, and four of them suddenly appeared. It seems that she and Ouyang Chen...

Depressing the tension and fear in her heart, she whispered to Ouyang Chen, "They... what monsters are they?"

Ouyang Chen's eyes locked on the four beasts that were not moving for a while. His eyes were not unfamiliar. When he entered the Hill, he had encountered the same beast, but he encountered one.

The injuries on his body were dealt with by the beast.

He had a gun in his hand, fired three shots, and stabbed more than ten knives before killing the beast.

He lowered his voice, "Anyway, it's not human. I will try to hold them down for a while, and you can escape at the fastest speed."

"What?" Li Xiaoman's eyes widened and he looked at him worriedly, "So what do you do? Can you deal with it alone?"

Ouyang Chen ticked his lower lip, "It's my business to deal with it. If you stay and can't help me, I will let you run and you run."

Then he put the gun with only one bullet in her hand, "hold it."

Li Xiaoman looked at the gun in his hand and his eyes were red, "Ouyang Chen."

At that moment, the four beasts gritted their teeth and stepped on a heavy footstep, one giant footprint at a time, approaching Li Xiaoman and Ouyang Chen with shock.

Upon seeing this, Ouyang Chen glanced coldly and snarled, "Run."

It is said that Li Xiaoman stayed behind and took no action.

Ouyang Chen saw her inaction and shouted angrily: "Do you want to stay and drag me down? Run."

Li Xiaoman gave him a deep look, then turned his teeth and ran back.

Behind her came the sound of what was torn, and the roar of the giant beast.

Li Xiaoman struggled to run forward, covering her ears with both hands, because the fog was very thick, so she almost hit the tree several times.

After a short run, she stopped and gasped hard, resting on a tree with one hand.

Her eyes were down, and at the foot of the tree, she accidentally found Ouyang Chen's necklace.

She immediately bent over to pick up the necklace and found that the necklace was intact, she squeezed the necklace tightly, and then turned to look behind her. <

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