A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 629: She looks like an idiot in life

"I've eaten."

Ouyang Chen finished and stood up.

Li Xiaoman glanced at the fire. There were indeed rabbit bones spit out from the leftovers, but there were not many bones. The roast rabbit eaten by Ouyang Chen should be smaller than her hand.

Ouyang Chen turned to see her frowning, and his eyes fell on the bones of the leftover rabbits. He hooked his lower lip. "Today's harvest is not big, both rabbits are very small."

He actually went out before dawn, and it took more than three hours to hit two not-so-big rabbits. He was attacked by a beast halfway.

"Your little one, right? You are a big man, you can't fill your stomach if you eat so little, these two roasted rabbit legs are for you." Li Xiaoman finished watching him and was about to tear off the rabbit legs for him , Was directly rejected by Ouyang Chen.

"No need." He glanced at her thin figure, slightly tickled her lower lip. "You are a little woman with weak bones. You will have to cross mountains and mountains in a while. You can't turn over without adding physical strength."

After a pause, he said softly again: "I'm thinking for me, lest you have no energy for a while, I have to bear you."

Li Xiaoman looked at him with gratitude and smiled, "I agree with what you said yesterday, you are a very handsome and nice person."

Ouyang Chen looked at her with a smile on her face, raised her lower lip slightly, and after taking a break, she took her to climb the cliff.

Li Xiaoman has no experience in rock climbing and mountain climbing, so Ouyang Chen is not an easy task to take her up.

He had to stabilize Li Xiaoman while stabilizing that he would not fall.

As he went up, his dagger was inserted into the gap of the cliff, pulling Li Xiaoman to take a step forward, he took out the dagger again and inserted it into the cliff again, circulating in turn.

With Li Xiaoman, his forehead was sweating, sliding down his handsome cheek.

Li Xiaoman looked at him who seemed a little tired, embarrassed and embarrassed. She was in this primitive jungle, it was nothing and nothing. If it weren’t for Ouyang Chen, she wouldn’t go out here alive, she Being able to fill your stomach is a big problem.

And Ouyang Chen came here for his purpose. In order to take her out, he gave up his purpose. She felt embarrassed and embarrassed.

She really regrets it now. Before going to university, she should follow everyone to take risks in the wild and experience the life in the wild. She is now in this jungle and does not understand the way of survival at all, just like a life idiot.

Because she didn't want to drag Ouyang Chen too much, she said: "Mr. Ou, you let me come by myself, without pulling me."

Ouyang Chen didn't reply to her, didn't even look at her, as if she didn't hear her, she continued to squeeze her hand and took her to climb the cliff step by step.

It took almost half an hour for Ouyang Chen to take Li Xiaoman to climb up the graben.

Even though there was no effort, Li Xiaoman felt very tired. After climbing up, she gasped.

Ouyang Chen was sweating.

The temperature outside was relatively low, and Li Xiaoman felt cold when he came out all of a sudden, and his subconscious hands embraced him.

Seeing this, Ouyang Chen handed her his coat again, "put on."

Li Xiaoman looked at his coat, his eyes fell on his arm, and found a long wound on his arm.

She didn't pay attention to his arm just now, so she didn't find it, and she would be surprised, "When did your hand get hurt again?"

Ouyang Chen glanced at the wound on his arm and said disapprovingly: "It's normal to get injured here."

"Have you rested?" Ouyang Chen looked at Li Xiaoman and asked.

"Huh." Li Xiaoman nodded slightly, and asked with some doubt: "Why did you suddenly change your mind to take me out?"

Ouyang Chen looked at her for a while, but the answer was not even clear to him.

He was just seeing her skinny walking in the jungle full of danger, and he wanted to help her and take her out of here as best he could.

He replied: "I don't know, maybe because..."

Speaking of which, he approached her a few steps, and the phoenix stared at her from the top, and the light circulated on her face, "You personally designed a necklace that was satisfactory to me, I don't want to see you die Here, so I changed my mind."

Speaking of necklaces, Ouyang Chen unconsciously reached for his neck, but suddenly his hands stiffened and his face changed.

Seeing him look wrong, Li Xiaoman looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Chen narrowed his phoenix, "The necklace is gone."

He tried to recall that the necklaces were still there last night, and they were still there this morning. He didn’t pay attention when he hit two rabbits and returned to the graben, so did the necklace fall in the graben or when he hit the hare? He was not sure.

He looked at her, "I'm going down and looking, waiting for me here, I will come up soon."

When the words fell, he didn't wait for Li Xiaoman to answer, and he jumped off.

Although he is a film and television song amphibious star, he has followed his grandfather to survive and explore the wild and rock climbing since his childhood, so he has already practiced agile skills.

And entering the acting world is only his mother's dream, not his dream, so he has strengthened physical training in private.

His father died when he was very young, and his grandfather and mother brought him up.

Li Xiaoman saw him go down and looked down, but she couldn't see anything because she was standing on it.

Ouyang Chen did not keep her waiting, and returned shortly after going down.

Looking at his solemn face, Li Xiaoman asked, "Did you not find it?"

"You care about that necklace because of your grandpa?"

Li Xiaoman asked this because she had carefully read the information about him in order to design a necklace that would impress him.

Like him, there are first-line stars who have developed in movies, TV dramas, and music, and you can find a lot of personal information about him.

According to the information, his grandfather is the most respected, and his grandfather is the most missed.

So he only carved his grandfather's statue in the necklace.

Ouyang Chen looked at her deeply, remembering that he had asked her to design a necklace, and smiled, "You seem to know me very well."

He stared at her closely, something seemed to be changing in those amber eyes.

There was a touch of emotion that he didn't notice.

Li Xiaoman looked up at him, "I don't really know very much. I just read some information about you. Since the necklace is gone, if you like it, I can design another one for you when you leave here."

Ouyang Chen smiled lightly, and then squinted and looked up to the front, "It's not that I scared you, we can't leave here without certainty..."

Speaking of which, he stopped and turned his head to look at her. There was some change in the light eyes, and a hint of bright color rubbed into it, "That was the first necklace that touched me in a flash, so, I want to find it, Give me another half an hour."<

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