A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 617: We, with dozens of enemies

Lowry is a little impatient, "Mr. Knox, don’t say these words, our president has already said that, he is not interested in the Knox family, you quickly say, you got our president’s wife Where did you go? Also, did you know that we will come tonight, so we moved our wife in advance?"

Knox’s penetrating eyes always fall on Long Sihao, who has an impenetrable look. "Glen, I still say that, as long as you promise to register with Sophie and hold a grand wedding with her. , I will naturally release your Miss Li."

Ling Hanye's lips and lips smiled coldly, "Mr. Knox, would you be too selfish?

Knox showed a cold smile, "I’m doing it for the sake of Glen, he is a capable person, and he should have a chance to show his strength, I believe he can become the best leader of the Knox family. ."

Long Sihao's silent voice stared at him, sneering coldly, "I don't need you to give me this opportunity."

Immediately his voice changed, with an irresistible voice, "I want to see Xiaoxiao."

He was not begging Knox, but in a similar command tone.

Knox most admires his domineering, awe-inspiring look.

"I won't let you see her again until you agree to my terms."

His voice was somber and his tone was firm. Unless Long Sihao agreed to divorce Li Xiaoman and then registered to marry Sophie, he would not let him see Li Xiaoman.

Both men's wills were very firm, and there was an atmosphere of tension spreading between them.

"President, don't tell him so much, fight."

Because of Sophie's relationship, Lowry now looks at Knox more and more discomfited, hoping to crash him a few shots.

Knox glanced at Lowry, who wanted to get started, with a conceited expression on his face, "Although you are all extraordinary, you are the elite of the elite, but you have few people, not my opponent."

There are two hundred guard soldiers behind Knox, and all the automatic rifles in their hands are aimed at Long Sihao and others.

If they fired all at once, it must have been raining all over the sky.

Lowry raised an eyebrow and turned the black pistol in his hand. "That's not necessarily, you all said that we are the elite of the elite. We can get one to ten, oh no, there may be dozens of one enemy. "

Lowry's voice fell, and suddenly a hand bomb flew from the rear to Knox and the troops behind him.

Frang saw it, panicked, and yelled, "Master, hurry away."

As soon as the bomb came out, the guard soldiers armed with guns to fire were just as panicked as the soldiers who had just stood outside the cottage.

And just after Knox and Fron evaded, the bomb flew to the middle of the guard and exploded with a "bang".

Several soldiers were blown up and flew, and a strong fire wave impacted many soldiers on the ground.

Long Sihao, Lowry, Ling Hanye, and the Top Ten Hunters immediately retreated to a safe position when they exploded.

As soon as the bomb exploded, ten people quickly flashed to protect Long Sihao. Then, while the soldiers were in a panic, ten people raised their guns to concentrate their firepower and shot them together.

The marksmanship of the ten men was excellent, and the speed was extremely fast. Those soldiers had become the live targets of their gun practice.

Although they were shot by guns, all of them were merciful and did not hit the soldiers. <

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