A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 616: Sin, but fortunately it didn’t kill

Ten people exchanged their eyes and threw ten "bombs" at the same time.

The guard soldiers standing outside the small villa building saw bombs flying towards them, and immediately shouted: "Get down."

Immediately, the dozens of soldiers got down and fled in haste.

They were in a mess, and the Fire Rose, who was good at throwing darts, saw two darts while swiftly moving his hands, and accurately shot two soldiers.

But Chut, who was good at archery beside her, also shot three arrows out, and accurately shot three guard soldiers.

Baisha is best at shooting silver needles. After shooting three arrows, she shot three silver needles in a row, and also shot three guard soldiers.

"Ahhhh..." The soldier fell.

The bomb did not explode on the ground, but the guard soldiers around the villa building had all been in chaos. It was a good time to take the initiative.

After receiving instructions from Long Sihao again, Red Snake and others jumped out while they were in a panic.

When the guard soldiers saw the ten of them, they hurriedly raised their guns and fired them. The fire rose was a whiplash, entangled one of the soldiers, and vigorously flicked the soldier up, and immediately took the whip, The soldier screamed and threw the other soldiers to the ground.

Red Snake and others saw the situation, took advantage of the victory, and before they fired, they handed over the guns in their hands and knocked them down.

Downstairs, there were dozens of guard soldiers, all with guns in their hands, but they were so frightened that they forgot to raise their guns because they were so fierce.

When the five people standing on the top of the small building of the villa saw this, they reacted and immediately shot.

When Lori and Ling Hanye saw each other, they took out the silencer guns, and shot them one by one precisely.

Seeing that the five people had smoothed out, Ling Han looked at Long Sihao, "Long Shao, Luo Luo and I are covering you, you go upstairs to save your Xiao Xiao."

"You be careful."

After saying this, Long Sihao put the gun in his hand to the hall, and then flashed upstairs in a very fast shape. Any soldier who blocked him was either hit by Lowry or Ling Hanye, or hit by him.

But none of them hit the point, leaving those soldiers alive.

Long Sihao used the fastest speed to get to the second floor. The four soldiers at the door saw Long Sihao, and before they could raise his gun, they were knocked down by Long Sihao.


After pushing the door open and entering the room, he glanced around and looked at the woman lying on the sofa.


He quickly stepped forward and leaned down to lift the woman on the sofa. The woman on the sofa suddenly jumped up and shot him.

Long Sihao was agile and promptly escaped sideways.

The woman saw that Long Sihao hadn't hit him, and fired again. Long Sihao saw that she was not Li Xiaoman, and kicked the gun in her hand with one foot. At the same time, he stepped forward and the gun in his hand Touched on the woman's chin.

He narrowly narrowed his eyes like a night, and looked at her horrifyingly, "Who are you? Where is Xiaoxiao?"

The woman wears the same clothes as Li Xiaoman, the same hairstyle, and the same figure, but that face is a very ordinary strange face.

She was slightly frightened by Long Sihao's infiltrating gaze, "Master... has shifted her long ago, you can't find her."

The master in a woman’s mouth naturally refers to Knox.

Knox secretly transferred Li Xiaoman before Long Sihao came.

Hearing the woman saying that Li Xiaoman was transferred, Long Sihao's eyes were cold, and the expression on Junmei's face was terrifying, "Where was Xiao Xiao transferred?"

Long Sihao's gloomy and horrifying expression scared the woman, and she said with a trembling voice: "I... I... I don't know, I just... waited here on the order of the master."

Long Sihao glanced at her with a cold look, and then lifted her out.


The woman screamed, first hit the wall and then rolled to the ground and fainted.

Long Sihao glanced around the room and immediately left.

The guard soldiers downstairs were almost resolved, and the wounded soldiers on the ground fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lowry folded his hands together and muttered in his mouth, "Sin has been guilty, but fortunately it hasn't killed."

He raised his eyes and saw Long Sihao coming downstairs by himself. He asked suspiciously, "President, why did you come down alone? What about the president's wife? Will she refuse to follow you?"

Ling Hanye was puzzled when he saw Long Sihao coming downstairs by himself, "Long Shao, your Xiao baby is not upstairs?"

Long Sihao narrowed a pair of narrow eyes, and there was a murderous storm at the bottom of his eyes. The big hands squeaked, and his voice said coldly: "Xiaoxiao was transferred."


Lori widened his eyes in surprise, then frowned, "This Knox is too cunning, he will not know that the president you will come tonight, so transfer the wife of the president in advance?"


Long Sihao Junmei's face was covered with frost, and he wished to smash Knox's body.

If it weren’t for the sake of Knox who had rescued him, it was because he dared to capture him that Xiao Xiao was trapped here, and he would have already killed him.

Ling Han night's eyes shot cold, "Knox is too cunning."

His eyes turned to Long Sihao with a solemn tone, "Long Shao, what are you going to do next?"

Lowry narrowed his eyes, "I want to say, let Cohen go back to the headquarters to move people, tonight directly took Knox's nest, he dare to transfer the wife of the president in advance, he must give him a lesson."

Cohen ranked sixth among ten people, walking the fastest, although not exaggerated to the eaves and walls, but the rock climbing speed is extremely fast, especially when he runs up, the speed can catch up with a car, and he is still a Very good aircraft pilots, if you want to return to the headquarters of lr to move people, of course, the fastest speed of the helicopter.

At this time, a heavy footstep sound came, as if a large number of teams came over.

Ten people who heard the sound of Red Snake, Fire Rose and so on immediately responded very quickly around Long Sihao.

Lorry saw a large number of teams coming over, and the look on his face was dignified. "President, there is a large team coming, fight or not?"

Lowry had already put the gun to the court, just waiting to fight against Knox's self-built army.

Long Sihao saw Lowry blocking in front of him, he pulled him away and stood at the front.

His deep eyes aimed at the moving team, neither ordered to fight nor ordered not to fight.

At the forefront of those teams was Knox, and Fran walked beside him.

Long Sihao has not ordered any action, standing on the spot waiting for Knox to bring his team closer.

After Knox approached, his sharp eyes glanced at the wounded soldiers who had fallen to the ground around the villa building behind him. His eyes were tight, and he applauded rarely. "Glen, he smoothed out the soldiers here so quickly. , I did not misunderstand you. With your strength and ability, if you become the leader of the Knox family, you can definitely expand the family."<

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