Gunfire, Long Sihao, Lowry, Ling Hanye, and the ten people immediately flashed to hide.

Knox reacted and saw his two hundred soldiers only a minute and a half in a few minutes, and he was very shocked.

"**!" Lowry saw Knox's guard swept the gun, he lowered his curse, and looked at Long Sihao, "President, those soldiers are crazy, they can't fight.

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, and his cold eyes fell on Knox.

"cover me."

The words fell, and his figure moved, flashing quickly to Knox's side, and the gun in his hand almost reached Knox's temple at the same time.

Knox was startled and met his appalling bloodthirsty gaze. The bursts of murderous intentions that sprang around his body made Knox's eyes narrow and immediately ordered to stop shooting.

The sound of the gun stopped suddenly, and the top ten hunters also stopped, and then quickly moved to protect the side of Long Sihao.

Knox glanced at the team he brought again, and now he is in a state of embarrassment.

Only a dozen of them made his two-hundred team become embarrassed. He really did not misunderstand the people. As long as Long Sihao joined his Knox family, it would be more powerful for him, and he would certainly be able to strengthen his Knock Family.

He looked at Long Sihao's cold smile, "Hehe...glen, I'm your benefactor, you won't kill me."

Long Sihao's slender index finger touched the pistol trigger, his eyes were cold, his lips sneered, "Try it."

He was merciful to Knox before, that's because he still remembered that kindness in his heart, but for his sake, even if he was an ungrateful person, he would never show mercy to him.

Knox tightened his face, his face was ugly, a little scary, he looked at Long Sihao's eyes sharper and more gloomy than ever.

"Glen, if you do something to me, you will be ungrateful."

"Mr. Knox, you will only use this to deal with our president, our president is very important, but our president loves our president’s wife more, your strength is very strong, but you also saw that our strength It’s not bad. If you don’t let go of our president’s wife, our president will take your old...”

Lowry didn't finish, suddenly footsteps came from all directions, as if a large number of teams were approaching here.

These people are naturally Knox's self-built army.

Holding guns one by one, they came from all directions.

Knox glanced and looked at Long Sihao, "glen, you are very powerful, but this is the Knox family, it is impossible for me to win me with a dozen of you, do you want to marry Sophie? , You think about it."

Long Sihao didn't take the self-built troops of Knox at all. He just didn't want his life for a while, otherwise, it would be easy for him to kill him.

The soldiers coming from all directions gradually gathered up, and their muzzles were aimed at Long Sihao, Ling Hanye, Lowry and the ten hunters.

This time the number of people has more than doubled, and it is not so easy to beat it again. After all, there are too many people.

Long Sihao glanced at the gathered soldiers and decided to make a quick decision. He narrowed his eyes tightly, and his eyes burst into a bitter chill. "I'll ask you again, where is Xiaoxiao? If you don't say anything, don't. Blame me for being ungrateful."

Worried about Li Xiaoman, he has no patience with Knox.

The atmosphere on both sides stretched out, just as Long Sihao was about to shoot, Shen Shiwei's voice suddenly came.

"Si Hao, don't shoot first."

Hearing the sound, Long Sihao didn't pull the trigger. He turned to see Shen Shiwei holding the gun in his hand and was hurriedly approaching.

The guard soldiers automatically gave way when they saw her.


Lowry was a little surprised to see Shen Shiwei.

When Knox saw Shen Shiwei, who was trapped in his room, came unexpectedly, his eyes flashed with surprise, "carry, why are you here?"

Shen Shiwei worriedly saw the eye dragon Sihao and saw that he was not injured, she was relieved, then she looked at Knox coldly, "Knox, immediately let my daughter Xiao Xiao, otherwise, I will die in front of you."

If there is no last resort, she will not use this method to force Knox.

But now she had to do it.

Long Sihao is her daughter's favorite man and her son-in-law. She must ensure his safety, and Knox is her husband. Even if she is disappointed with him now, she does not want him to be hurt.

The only way is that she is forced to die, if Knox still has a little affection for her, she will not be forced to death.

The gun in her hand touched her own temple and looked at Knox decisively, "Knox, you know me, if you don't promise me, I will shoot, I will say it again, let go my daughter."

"You..." Knox's face was ugly, both angry but worried that Shen Shiwei was actually shooting. He knew her, and she really said nothing.

The family and her are equally important to him, and neither of them wants to lose.


Shen Shiwei was still hesitant to see Knox, she was already discouraged by him. At this time, he cares about his family, not her life.

"Knox, I counted three times. If you don't agree to let my daughter go, I will die in front of you.



When she counted to two, she was not only worried about Knox, but also Long Sihao and Lowry, and Ling Hanye.

They were afraid that Knox chose his family and gave up Shen Shiwei's life.

And Shen Shiwei would be worthless if he killed his life because of this.

And the most sad person will be Li Xiaoman. If she knows that Shen Shiwei is committing suicide because of her, she will be unhappy.

Seeing that Knox still didn't agree, Shen Shiwei closed her eyes in despair, her index finger snapped on the trigger, and was about to count to three, Knox's voice rang.

"Wait, carry, I promise you, let your daughter go."

Knox's sharp eyes looked closely at the gun in Shen Shiwei's hand, fearing she would actually shoot and die in front of him.

After hearing Knox agree, Shen Shiwei opened his eyes, and the gun in his hand also moved away.

Knox was relieved when he saw this.

He looked at Long Sihao, "glen, I have promised to release that Miss Li. Should your gun also be taken away?"

Long Sihao withdrew the gun and looked cold and charmed, "You'd better not turn it back."

Knox said nothing, and motioned Fran to take Long Sihao to see Li Xiaoman, and Shen Shiwei also went with them.

Knox followed.

Li Xiaoman was transferred from the small villa building to the basement of the main castle. <

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