A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 581: Don't want to be an enemy

"Mommy, you..."

Sophie turned and saw Shen Shiwei walked in with anger on her face. She concealed her surprise and looked at her.

When Knox saw Shen Shiwei heard his words, his sharp eyes became a little complicated.

"Knox, Si Hao's wife Xiao Xiao is my biological daughter. If you hurt her and her children, I will sever the relationship with you."

Knox listened to her cut off the relationship, and frowned, then immediately looked at Shen Shiwei and said, "If Glen Ken divorced his wife and then married Sophie, I would not hurt those around him."

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie, "Sophie, didn't you say you gave up Si Hao and wouldn't destroy his relationship with Xiao Xiao anymore?"

Sophie glanced at Knox and looked at Shen Shiwei, lowering her head, "Mommy, I... I didn't lie to you, I really didn't want to destroy their feelings, Mommy, look at Daddy for you I clarified what I was occupied."

When the words fell, Sophie showed Shen Shiwei the newspaper in her hand.

After Shen Shiwei took it, she looked at Knox. She could understand why he washed Sophie. He was for the reputation of the Knox family.

"Sophie, you go out first."

"Okay." Sophie took a deep look at Knox and came out of the study room with a reply.

After Shen Shiwei went out of Sophie, she looked at Knox with a cold expression and asked, "Why do you have to divorce Si Hao and my daughter?"

Knox looked at her a little surprised, "carry, sophie is also your daughter, I cultivate Si Hao is hoping that he can inherit everything from me, he must marry sophie, you have always known this, you have not objected , Why should we object now?"

"I didn't know that Xiaoxiao was my daughter before. I owed her so much. I want to compensate her. I won't let anyone take her happiness, nor let anyone hurt her, Nock. Sri Lanka, you can’t do it either. Don’t force me to break up with your husband and wife.”

Shen Shiwei's complexion froze, and she refused a bit.

Knox looked at Shen Shiwei with a firm look, and changed the subject, "carry, it changes when you come to K City."

A complex emotion flashed in Shen Shiwei’s eyes, and the gaze to Knox was mixed with disappointment, “Knox, it’s not me who changed, it’s you that changed, since you became the leader of the Knox family, you’re slow Slowly changing, you are no longer the gentle and romantic French man I first met. You now only have the reputation of the Knox family, only your status, and you enjoy the right to be able to make waves in the Knox family. "

Her words seemed to touch a string in Knox's heart, making him frown almost inexplicably, and there was a trace of looseness in the tight face.

A little helplessness flashed in his light brown eyes, "carry, I changed, but I must change. As the leader of the huge Knox family, I must take the reputation and growth of the family as my responsibility. To keep my position, I cannot be too benevolent. I must become dark and deep. Only in this way can I keep my position and keep the entire Knox family from being invaded and disrupted by others."

Shen Shiwei listened to him and said nothing to him.

She glanced at him disappointedly, her expression rigorous, "Knox, I say again, if you dare to hurt my daughter, I will not let you go, we have been a couple for more than 20 years, I don't want to end Become an enemy with you, you can do it yourself."

When the words fell, Shen Shiwei turned and left the study.

Knox looked at her leaving back and fell into deep thought. In addition to the Knox family, Shen Shiwei is extremely important to him, but as the highest leader of the Knox family, he can only use the family’s Benefit first.

The reason why he wants Long Sihao to inherit everything from him is the ability and the powerful organization behind him.

He believes that Long Sihao has become the heir of the Knox family and will surely make the Knox family stronger.


Huo held a new product launch three days later, but its competitor, Vi, held a new product launch the day before.

Vi and Enli Jewelry are both competitors of the magnificent jewelry of Huo's, but vi and te have a good cooperative relationship.

vi business categories cover diamonds, gold, k gold, silver ornaments, colorful treasures, etc.

The new product unveiled at the press conference this time is the new product of its "Pearl of the Orient" series.

On the day of the press conference, every new product displayed on the display rack was bright and beautiful, and dazzled, making people stop by. Its new product is a green emperor with green emeralds. The classic design style shows nobleness and mystery. Loved by many participants.

Huo held a new product launch on the second day, but vi held the press conference the day before, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of Huo Yehong, who is in power.

Since Huo Yunene came back to take over Huo Shi, Huo Yehong rarely went to the company. Today, he learned that vi was holding a new product launch in front of them and went to the company in person.

Huo Yunene is sitting in his president's office, his face is not good-looking.

vi The new product launch meeting held yesterday was very successful, and it was naturally reported today.

He held a newspaper in his hand, and threw it into the face of the design director Huang De who was standing at his desk.

"Huang De, you tell me what's going on? Why did vi hold a new product launch one day earlier than us? Why are their new products also jade jewelry? Who revealed what new products we are going to release this time?"

When the newspaper hit the design director Huang De's face, Huang De closed his eyes with a fear on his face.

After the newspaper landed, he stooped down to pick it up and looked at it carefully before looking at Huo Yunene with a cold face. "President, this may be a coincidence, vi has always been our competitor, so..."

"Coincidence?" Huo Yunene looked at him coldly, his eyes cold and his lips sneered. "I don't believe there is such a coincidence. It must be that your design department leaked the information in advance to let vi know that we will release the new product this time. The original stone is emerald, so they will hold a new product launch in front of us. It takes time to develop new products, indicating that they have known this for a long time. I will give you three days. You’d better find out who is the traitor as soon as possible. , You can leave me if you can't find out."

"Yes, the President is assured, I will find out who leaked it as soon as possible." Huang Delian even responded, reaching for the sweat from his forehead.

In the past, although their president was irritable, they still did not fire people casually, but now their president fires or is demoted, and some people are uneasy.

Also with Huang De in Huo Yunene's office is Yu Xiaohai, the director of the internal sales department arranged by Huo Liman in Huo Shi.

He saw Huang De wiping sweat constantly, but he stood straight, his mouth closed tightly, and he would never admit that he was a traitor who leaked the news.

He was calm on the surface, but still a little scared inside.

Huo Yunene finished training Huang De and put Leng Yan's eyes on Director Yu Zhonghai. Seeing him standing straight, like a soldier, he squinted a pair of cold and charming eyes. One-month sales performance..."

Speaking of which, Huo Yunene paused and looked at Director Yu closely.

Director Yu saw Huo Yunene staring at him, and his heart was both hairy and frightened, thinking that Huo Yunene would say that sales performance had dropped and was ready to be trained by him.

Huo Yunene's tone was a little better than before, without anger, but the voice was still cold, "This month's sales performance has improved significantly, it seems that I dug you from te. Yes, you really are a personal talent."


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