A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 582: Find out, who is a traitor

Director Yu saw Huo Yunene didn't train him, he let out a sigh of relief and looked at Huo Yunene respectfully. "The president Chengmeng can see me Yu Zhonghai. I was hired by Huo Shi at a high salary. My honour, performance improvement, this is the president and you have a good leadership."

"Director Yu, humble." Huo Yunene looked at Yu Zhonghai. "As long as you do things in Huo Shi, I will not treat you badly."

When the words fell, he glanced at Huang De, whose face was very solemn, before Yu Zhonghai and Huang De went out.

After the two came out, the tense nerves relaxed.

The sales director Huang De is still wiping his forehead. He admired Yu Zhonghai somewhat, "Director Yu, you only came to Huo Shi for a month, and I raised the company's performance, I..."

Before Huang De finished his words, he saw Huo Yehong walking on the front with a cane.

Huo Yehong was accompanied by Huo Yan, a housekeeper, and several senior executives of the company.

"Master Huo is here."

Huang De looked at Director Yu and then stood aside to make way for Huo Yehong.

Yu Zhonghai looked at the silver-white Huo Yehong. Although he had just arrived at Huo Shi, he still knew Huo Yehong, and he respectfully stood aside.

Huo Yehong's complexion didn't look good, and those old eyes seemed to shoot out ice, which was chilling.

He stepped forward with his cane and strode forward. He didn't stop when he passed Huang De and Yu Zhonghai.

Huang De and Yu Zhonghai both lowered their heads slightly, and when Huo Yehong passed them, he whispered to Mr. Huo and greeted him.

The two left after Huo Yehong entered the president's office.

Only Huo Yehong and the housekeeper Huo Yan entered the president's office. The others did not enter and waited outside the office.

Huo Yehong sat down uncomfortably as soon as he entered.

Huo Yan stood beside him.

Huo Yunene saw that his grandfather had come to the company. He got up and walked across to sit opposite Huo Yehong. A pair of cold ink eyes calmed down a little when he looked at Huo Yehong. He did not feel that he was there. What a surprise.

He said first, "Grandpa came today to hold a new product launch event in front of us yesterday?"

Huo Yehong narrowed his old eyes and looked at Huo Yehong with anger in his eyes. "Yunene, Grandpa believes in your abilities, and he will leave the company to you, but this time..."

Huo Yunene saw that Huo Yehong was a little disappointed with him. He frowned, his dark eyes flashed a cold color, "Grandpa, I suspect that the company has a traitor. Someone leaked the new product we are about to release to vi."

Huo Yehong also thought of this. Vi didn’t hold a new product launch in the morning, and didn’t hold a new product launch in the evening, but grabbed the day before them, and the new original stone that vi is about to launch is also jadeite. Coincidentally, vi is obviously intentional.

Therefore, the company has a traitor, this is certain.

He sinks his face and asks, "What are you going to do about this? Vi's "Pearl of the Orient" and our "Green Elf" original stones are both emeralds. They are ahead of us and have taken the lead. It is very unfavorable for our new product launch tomorrow. The company's new products are confidential before they are released. How do you know vi? You must investigate all of these."

A thought of Huo Yunene's cold charm flashed a cold color when he thought of the person who leaked company secrets. "Grandpa can rest assured that this matter is under investigation."

Huo Yehong's eyes narrowed even more, "No matter who is found, it must be severely punished. I don't allow anyone to play ghosts in Huo's."

"Even if Grandpa doesn't say that, I won't let go of the person who leaked company secrets."

Huo Yunene's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he looked at Huo Yehong, "Does it need to be held tomorrow?"

Huo Yunene asks this because he feels that vi has been the first to release new products, and it happens to be jade jewelry, and what Huo Shi will release tomorrow is also jade jewelry. If they hold a press conference as scheduled, they must be suspected of following the trend.

He saw the new products in the vi "Pearl of the Orient" series. Every piece of jewelry is designed with rich ingenuity and eye-catching. It seems that it can touch the hearts of consumers more than their Huo's "Green Elf" series of jewelry. .

And being seized by vi, he intuition will be very successful tomorrow.

Huo Yehong pondered for a moment, the expression on the old face became unfathomable, "Cannot cancel, tomorrow's press conference will be held as scheduled, and the new product will be listed in the United States a month later."

Hearing that he held it as scheduled, Huo Yunene watched him for a while, and no longer objected.

"Find out who is the traitor as soon as possible."

Huo Yehong stood up after watching Huo Yunene finished, and left with a cane.

But after two steps, he turned to look at Huo Yunene and asked, "Who are invited by tomorrow's press conference? Can Si Hao and Manman have invitations?"

As soon as he heard Li Xiaoman, Huo Yunene's eyes flashed a thick loss and sadness.

"I will ask them to send them invitations."

Huo Yunene finished his first round and looked up at Huo Yehong who could not see the anger. "Will Grandpa attend the press conference tomorrow?"

"Ho's new product launch conference, of course I have to attend in person."

When the words fell, Huo Yehong walked out of Huo Yunene's office with Huo Yan's help.

Huo Yunene sat down at his desk after he left. He rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, his eyes fell on the photo frame facing him on his desk, and the photos in the frame laughed. The bright and moving woman is Li Xiaoman.

He picked up the photo frame and touched the eyebrows and lips of Li Xiaoman in the photo with his long fingers.

The corners of his eyes were getting wet, and his dark eyes were full of pain and regret.

If he had cherished her well, how good would it be?

How good would it be if there were regret medicine in this world?

Manman, how nice would it be if you stopped hating me and hated me one day?

Manman, I was wrong, sorry, I personally pushed you to another man.

He put the photo frame on his chest and closed his eyes. Two tears of sorrow and remorse slipped across his handsome face.

Manman, I really love you, what should I do to make you no longer hate me?

When he was sad and regretted alone, he didn't find anyone entering his office and was standing at his desk.

"I knew why it was today."

Suddenly hearing this slightly cold voice, Huo Yunene was slightly startled, and opened his eyes wet with tears.

Standing at his desk was Long Junche. When he saw him, he was a little surprised, but guessed why he came.

He squinted slightly, "You came to vi to hold a new product launch one day in advance?"

Long Junche took a deep look at him, walked to the sofa area and sat down, his legs leaned gracefully against each other.

His slender peach eyes narrowed slightly, "I'm not here just for this matter."

Huo Yunene also got up and walked to the sofa area to sit down, "So what are you doing for?"


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