She reached out and pushed Long Sihao.

Long Sihao squeezed her chin with both fingers, and tapped twice on her lips before turning over and lying next to her.

When Li Xiaoman was ready, Long Sihao stretched out his hand and took her into her arms, her chin resting on her forehead. "Xiao Xiao, let me hold you for a while, and I really want to be with you all the time."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to see how he looked and how charming he was, resting his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "I also want to be with my husband every minute, every second, But we still have a lot of things to do. The mysterious person doesn’t come out one day, and we can’t live a peaceful life one day. Allen is five years old, but I heard him say he hasn’t been to school yet. The matter was resolved to send allen to school."

After listening to her saying that many things had not been resolved, Long Sihao remembered the words that Knox asked him to divorce his Xiaoxiao within half a month.

He will never divorce his Xiaoxiao to marry Sophie, so this time, he is bound to be the enemy of Knox and the entire Knox family.

He knows the strength of Knox. He has a self-built army under his hands. If they do, they are very likely to lose both sides.

But as long as Knox dares to hurt his Xiaoxiao and his children, he will destroy the entire Knox family at all costs.

He hugged Li Xiaoman, and the eyes of nostalgia fell on her charming face, "Xiao Xiao, I will solve these things."

Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, "Uh."

"Don't go to the studio for the time being."

"I listen to my husband."

When the words fell, she looked at him and smiled softly, "Get up."

"it is good."

Long Sihao got up first, then picked her up and went straight into the bathroom.

After breakfast, Long Sihao went to the company as usual, and Li Xiaoman received a call from Lowry when he urged the two little guys to do their homework.

"Mrs. President, have you read today's newspaper? There is shocking news today."

"What shocking news?" When answering the phone, Li Xiaoman stood up and walked away.

"Mrs. President, when I heard you say this, I knew that you didn't read the newspaper today, and Sophie was washed by her father Knox."

Li Xiaoman didn't understand it, and asked in doubt: "Lot, please explain, what does it mean that Sophie was washed by her father?"

"Mrs. President, you will know if you look at today's newspaper. I have to call the wife of the President. There is one more thing to report. Just now I received a call from Director Yu Zhonghai. He said that Huo Shi has confirmed that a new product launch will be held three days later. , Located at the Yahong Hotel where you held the Jewelry Exchange Party last time.

"Three days later?"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, "Did I do everything you did last time?"

"My wife, the president, can rest assured that everything is done according to your orders. Huo's new product launch will not be held smoothly in three days. We have prepared for so long, this time we will be able to give Huo a very heavy Blow."

"That's good."

Li Xiaoman responded, and then asked again: "How is vi prepared?"

"I contacted Vice President Zou of vi, and their company's new products are waiting for a press conference and then go public."

Li Xiaoman tickled his lower lip, "Very well, then Trotter will help to contact Vice President Zou of vi later and let their company hold a new product launch the day before Huo Shi."

"Let vi rush to hold a press conference the day before Huo Shi, I understand, the wife of the president is wise."


After hanging up the phone with Lowry, Li Xiaoman asked Uncle Cheng to send a newspaper today.

Only after reading the newspaper did she understand why Sophie was whitewashed.

It was a big misunderstanding in the newspaper that Sophie was occupied by twelve gangsters. It was another woman similar to Sophie who was really captured, and the media made a mistake.

And the newspaper also clarified that the **** photos of Sophie exposed before were not Sophie's own photos, but were ps.

The newspaper not only transferred Sophie's misappropriation to another innocent woman, but also apologized by the major media that had reported the incident before.

The media clarified in the statement that Sophie was not captured, because they reported the wrong person.

Originally occupied by others, Sophie, who was exposed by indecent photos, suddenly became a white man. She had to say that her father Knox was really not small.

He can wash even this kind of thing.

No matter how many people believed Sophie's whitewash in the newspaper, Knox's goal was achieved.

Even if this news spread to France, it would not damage the reputation of his Knox family.

After Li Xiaoman put the newspaper down, his eyes flashed firm.

Sophie treated her and Long Sihao's son like that, and their son suffered so much grievance, she would not let her go easily.

Today's newspaper Sophie also saw it. After reading the newspaper, she went directly to the study to find her father Knox.

Knox also had the newspaper in his hand, and when Sophie came in, he put the newspaper aside and looked at her like ice.

Sophie walked to the desk in front of Knox, smiled, and bowed deeply, "Daddy, thank you for clarifying me about my occupation. I finally don't have to worry about the public opinion."

Some time ago, she was revealed to be occupied by gangsters, and indecent photos were circulating. She has been criticized and ridiculed by many people. Her heart is very painful and resentful, and she will almost collapse.

Once today's newspaper came out, no one would judge her as a person who was taken over by turns.

Knox's sharp eyes shot at her, his face tense, giving a terrifying feeling.

"I’m for the reputation of the entire Knox family, sophie, this is the last time, if there is another time, I will drive you out of the family, you are my only daughter of Knox, your words and deeds represent With the entire Knox family, I will not allow the reputation of the family to be damaged."

Sophie heard the words and lowered her head, her eyes flashing a strange color, "I know."

When the words fell, she looked up at Knox again and asked, "Daddy, you talked to Si Hao a few days ago. Si Hao did not agree to marry me. Then what do you plan to do next..."

Knox looked at her deeply. "I gave Glen half a month. If he does not divorce his wife after half a month, I have to let his wife and children disappear from this world."

Today, Shen Shiwei was able to get out of bed, and she heard Knox’s last words as soon as she walked to the door of the study,

"Knox, what did you just say?"

Surprised and angry, she entered the study, and a pair of clear watery eyes looked at Knox in disbelief.


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