A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 579: Grievances, stay alone

She lifted her tears and cried, looking at Shen Shiwei, "Mommy, I'm in pain, I'm really in pain, I can't survive anymore, I really thought about suicide more than once, but... I'm afraid I'm dead Daddy and Mom Mimi will be sad. I have already hurt Mummy's heart. I don't want to hurt Mummy anymore."

No matter how sad Sophie was crying, Shen Shiwei didn't believe it at all now. She really regretted not believing her daughter.

Because in her eyes, she did not see her regret.

Sophie saw that she said so much, but Shen Shiwei was indifferent. She let go of Shen Shiwei's hand and lowered her eyes, "Mommy still doesn't believe me, since mommy doesn't believe me, I kneel until mommy believes me Until now, Mommy won’t let me get up, and I won’t get up."

Shen Shiwei still ignored her, but closed her eyes, a tired state appeared between her eyebrows.

In the face of this daughter, she is really tired. When will she be honest and honest?

Sophie saw Shen Shiwei ignore her, her expression was very lost and sad, she bowed her head and kept kneeling.

After nearly half an hour, Shen Shiwei opened her eyes and saw that Sophie was still kneeling, her face was full of tears, and her eyes were also red with tears. After all, it was her biological daughter. , A trace of Yu Xin could not bear it.

She looked at her closely, her eyes sharp, "Do you still love Si Hao?"

Sophie saw that Shen Shiwei was finally willing to talk to her. She raised her head violently and held Shen Shiwei's hand again. With tears in her eyes, her voice was crying and she choked: "Mommy, whether I love it or not Si Hao, I won’t go to destroy his relationship with Li Xiaoman anymore. I won’t try to get Si Hao back again. I know wrong, I really know wrong, I’m sorry Si Hao, sorry Li Xiaoman, I am even more sorry for allen. I have raised him for five years, but I have not loved her well. I am not a good mother. I am just using him. He is so small. ..."

Speaking of which, Sophie “slapped” a slap in her face.

Seeing this, Shen Shiwei's eyes narrowed a bit, but he didn't stop.

"Sophie, I am very disappointed with you now. What you have done hurt my heart. I am heartbroken. I hope you can really know what you are doing wrong and stop doing Xiao Xiao and Si Hao."

Sophie held Shen Shiwei's hand tightly, watching her nod her head firmly, her expression was firm, "Mommy, I assure you, I will never do anything to hurt them again, Mommy, can you forgive me ?"

Shen Shiwei looked at her sharply, "Unless you really know what is wrong, and let me see your changes, I will not forgive you."

When the words fell, Shen Shiwei pulled out the hands held by Sophie and said lightly, "You go out, I'm tired."

Sophie saw her mum talking very coldly to her, and no longer claimed to be mum to her, she knew Shen Shiwei did not love her.

The mom who loved her didn't hurt her anymore. She was heartbroken and dissatisfied.

She bit her lower lip tightly and said again: "I will prove to Mommy that I really know that I am wrong, and I really regret it. I will not disturb Mommy to rest."

After Sophie finished speaking, she stood up and left Shen Shiwei's ward very displeased.


Water Heron

Li Xiaoman and Xiaolong Yi chatted for a day, knowing that he had suffered a lot of grievances in the past five years, and he felt more and more distressed in his heart.

Because she wants to make up for him, she cooks herself in the evening, all he cooks is what he loves to eat.

After supper, she took him to take a bath again, personally helped him wash, and before going to bed, she went to Xiao Longyi's room to accompany him to sleep.

As for Long Sihao, a person in their bedroom left to wait for her not to come and waited for her not to come, only tossing and turning until dawn.

This has been the case for a few days. All of Li Xiaoman's center of gravity was on Xiaolong Yi. As for Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan, the "poor" father and daughter were almost "forgotten" by her.

After keeping the vacancy for a few days alone, Long Sihao was already in a trend of running away, but his Xiaoxiao could not see his darkened face.

Long Sihao, who had not slept well for several nights, came today and took Li Xiaoman, who had not been awake, into their bedroom, then closed the door, undressed, and went to bed.

Li Xiaoman, who was crushed under him, came to his senses only after Long Sihao's impact.

He was rarely so gentle with her, and the too hard impact made her a little uncomfortable. She frowned slightly, staring at Shui Yingliang's beautiful eyes, and looked at him pitifully, "My husband, it hurts." "

Long Sihao's enchanting eyes looked at the little woman who was shouting pain. The dark eyes of the pupil flashed a bit of pain, and his movements were gentle.

His handsome face is still dark, "Xiao Xiao, do you know you have a husband?"

There was a trace of complaint in his low voice, a trace of grievance, and a trace of loss.

It's really uncomfortable to be ignored so thoroughly.

Looking at Long Sihao's darkened face, Li Xiaoman thought that she had focused on Xiaolongyi these days, ignoring him and Xiaoyanyan, and felt a little guilty in her heart, and she lowered her eyes.

"Don't be angry, my husband, I'm wrong. I shouldn't ignore my husband. I just want to compensate our son."

Seeing her apologize, Long Sihao raised her lips a little, and outlined a beautiful and charming arc. The dark and dark eyes were stained with a smile, which made his narrow and dark eyes glow a little.

Sorry for her sentence, I was wrong, and can instantly resolve all the grievances in his heart.


He whispered emotionally, his scorching big palm supporting her slim waist, lowering his head to kiss her lips, and the intensity of his impact was getting stronger and stronger.

He kissed wildly fiercely, as if to **** her lips and tongue into her belly.

All of Li Xiaoman's thoughts were kissed away by him, and there was only one thought in his mind, accompanied by madness.

Every time he went deeper, she flew to the clouds.

After the two reached the peak again and again, the passion in the bedroom gradually calmed down.

Li Xiaoman's forehead had a thin sweat on his forehead, and his cheeks seemed to be drunk with red tempting eyes, blurred eyes, and tempting lips.

Long Sihao was still lying on her body, a pair of narrow and charming eyes looked at her gasping, the lips smiled with a charming smile, and the voice was hoarse, "Wife, how is your husband's performance today than before?"

Li Xiaoman's confused eyes were filled with affection for him, and he smiled softly, "My husband is great, always great, I'm going to make breakfast for allen."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, "Is the daughter-in-law tired?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and squinted. "No matter how tired, we must get up and make breakfast for our baby son! Husband, will you get up first?"


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