A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 558: He is, kill two birds with one stone

She burst into tears in her eyes and cried, "Daddy, I'm sorry, I... I lost your face, I... I shame the whole family, please forgive me, Daddy... …please forgive me."

After the mysterious man took her away from the wedding two days ago, she hid temporarily.

She didn't let the mysterious person take her back to Moon Lake Villa until she knew her father came to K City.

Before Knox came to K City, he knew that Sophie had been forced to make headlines. For this thing that shamed the entire Knox family, Knox was very angry.

If it was not for Sophie that he had been shot, he had not been well since childhood, and he had already punished her.

At this moment he saw Sophie kneeling on the bed, crying and saying that he knew something wrong, and there was no loose expression on his too cold face.

His eyes angered, and gloomy eyes projected on Sophie's body, like a sword going to penetrate her body.

"If you were not my daughter, I would have punished you long ago."

Although Knox is French, he started to learn Chinese since urinating. Therefore, Chinese speaks very well. If he only listens to him and does not look at himself, he never thinks he will be a French.

Not only that, he has considerable research on the broad and profound Chinese culture.

Sophie lowered her head, letting the tears in her eyes slide down, "Thank you Daddy."

Knox's hawk falcon's eyes narrowed, and her dreadful eyes fell on her injured hand. "Who shot you?"

Sophie cried and shook her head. "I don't know who fired."

When the words fell, she looked up at Knox, reached out and grabbed Knox's arms, crying and said: "Daddy, there is one thing I have to tell you, I was ruined by the innocent The family is embarrassed, in fact... not all is my fault, I... I was framed by the design, the facts were reversed in the newspaper, Daddy, I am wronged, Mummy, she helped others but didn’t help me, Mummy She doesn't love me anymore."

Sophie finished crying, crying again.

Knox listened to her saying that she was framed, and asked with a somber and terrible look: "Who is the one who framed you?"

Sophie looked at the shadowy Knox and said, "Yes...Yes...Yes..."

She seemed to be embarrassed to hold on to her. She whimpered over her mouth with one hand: "Daddy... Daddy, I'm sorry, I can't say, I can't say."

Knox looked chilled and his voice was harsh and harsh, "Say."

He only said one word, but he was very deterrent.

Sophie was taken aback. She looked up and saw that her father’s expression was getting more and more scary. She quickly got out of bed and knelt directly on the ground, tears in her eyes, "Daddy, you forgive me, how do you punish me?" It’s okay. Don’t ask me about it. I won’t say it. I know I let you lose face. I’m damned. I’ll let Daddy handle it.”

Although Knox is cruel and cruel to people, he is not a heartless person.

He looked at Sophie who was kneeling on the ground with tears in the rain. After all, she was his only daughter, and his tone was not as cold as before.

"Sophie, if you don't tell the truth, I will drive you out of the Knox family."

Sophie was a little scared when she heard Knox say this. Her father's character, she knew it, said one thing, if her father said she would drive her out of the Knox family, she would definitely be driven away.

She has already lost Long Yi and lost her mummy, but she is not reconciled. She wants to take revenge on Li Xiaoman, and she must destroy her.

However, Li Xiaoman was surrounded by Long Sihao, who could not do it with her alone. She could only rely on the strength of her father Knox to deal with her.

And the mysterious man, even if he saved her at the wedding, she no longer believed him.

After the wedding, she understood that she was used by the mysterious man.

The bomb tied to Xiao Longyi was prepared for her by the mysterious man. It is also the idea of ​​the mysterious man to tie the bomb to Xiao Longyi.

All things were asked by the mysterious person to do it. He was on the surface to help her, but actually worsened her relationship with Si Hao, making Si Hao hate her even more.

She treats Long Yi like that, and Si Hao doesn't hate her for being so strange.

Therefore, the mysterious man is helping her at all.

He is a double-edged bird, not only can use her to dismantle Li Xiaoman and Si Hao, but also make Si Hao hate her more and more.

He is too mean and shameless.

Sophie was actually used by him as a pawn.

Now that she is awake, she will no longer be manipulated and used by him.

Then she looked up at Knox, tears falling uncontrollably, and wept: "Daddy, you don’t want to drive me out of the family. I’m telling the truth, it hurts... it’s the innocence that was ruined by me ...Is my sister."

Knox was a little surprised because of her words. A pair of eagle falcons looked at her with heavy eyes, and there was a trace of doubt in his somber face.

Sophie didn't dare to look directly at her father's eyes, lowered her head, and continued: "Daddy, you must not know that Mommy had a daughter with a man before marrying you."

Before Knox married Shen Shiwei, she did not know much about her, so she did not know that she had a daughter.

When he first met Shen Shiwei, it was Shen Shiwei's most painful and sad moment. When he was young, he was also a French man with romantic feelings. Shen Shiwei's most attractive thing was her watery and moving eyes, which he liked Those eyes are clear and bright.

She likes the traditional beauty of the oriental women she carries on her body. She is not enthusiastic, but very elegant and noble. After contacting her, he became obsessed with her temperament.

Although he had not inherited the Knox family at the time, there were still many women around him. Those women were very enthusiastic and unrestrained. Compared with Shen Shiwei, he was more obsessed with Shen Shiwei's elegance, restraint, conservatism, tradition .

He felt that she was very suitable to be his wife of Knox.

So he pursued her and did not ask her past.

At this moment he heard Sophie say that Shen Shiwei had a daughter. Although he was surprised, he didn't show it on his face.

Sophie saw that Knox was silent, and she continued: "Daddy, the daughter that Mummy gave birth to before you married was Li Xiaoman. She didn't know how to be adopted by an ordinary family. She took a fancy. Si Hao's money, in order to **** Si Hao from my hand, so she hurt me. Those who occupy me are called by her, not only that, she also let Si Hao reverse the black and white in the newspaper, let My victim became a wicked person, and mommy, mommy helped her not help me, Daddy, Si Hao is your chosen successor, who is going to inherit the Knox family, but he is now with The vile woman with the heart of the viper is together..."

After hearing Sophie’s words, Knox’s expression grew darker, and he looked at Sophie with falconry, “You are telling the truth?”

Sophie nodded, "If Daddy doesn't believe it, you can ask Mummy if she has a daughter named Li Xiaoman?"

Thinking of Shen Shiwei being shot and lying in the hospital, Sophie said again: "Daddy, Mummy, she was injured..."

Speaking of this, she cried again, "Daddy, the one who accidentally injured Mummy was the same Li Xiaoman, but if Daddy went to ask Mummy, Mummy would definitely safeguard her, saying that I hurt her, and Si Hao He will also maintain that Li Xiaoman, they also held a wedding two days ago."


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