Knox heard that Shen Shiwei was injured and his somber complexion changed. Yesterday he asked the maid Sarah Shen Shiwei's whereabouts as soon as he arrived in K City. Sarah gave him the answer that Shen Shiwei went to a wedding.

"the host."

At this time, a balding French man came in, Fron, Knox's big housekeeper.

With a mobile phone in his hand, he respectfully nodded, "Master, with your phone, it's about Mrs."

Fran is fifty or sixty years old, and although he speaks Chinese, he speaks awkwardly.

Sophie was nervous when she heard Frang said that the phone was related to Shen Shiwei.

Knox Falcon glanced at Sophie, then turned and left her room, and Fran went out after nodding her head respectfully to Sophie.

Sophie reached out and stood up on the bed after seeing him go out. Although she was Knox's daughter, she didn't quite understand the character of his father.

I couldn't guess whether her father believed or didn't believe what she had just said.

But regardless of whether her father believed it or not, she had to make sure that everything was caused by Li Xiaoman.


The next day, Knox went to the hospital because he knew that Shen Shiwei had been shot in the hospital.

People are happy and happy, and Shen Shiwei looks much better today than she did yesterday. She leaned on the head of the bed and smiled at Li Xiaoman, who was cutting apples for her, with a smile of relief on her face.

Xiaolong Yi also holds an apple in his hand, but he cut it for Xiao Yanyan.

Long Sihao temporarily went to the company because of the company's business today, and asked Lowry to stay here.

In addition to Lowry, there are more than a dozen bodyguards in the ward, in order to protect the safety of Li Xiaoman, Xiao Yanyan, and Xiao Longyi.

Li Xiaoman peeled the apple and cut it into small pieces before feeding it to Shen Shiwei.

When Xiao Yanyan saw it, she opened her mouth and smiled at Xiao Longyi sitting next to her. "Brother, I also want you to feed me like mommy feeds grandma."

Xiaolong Yi heard the words, glanced at his mum Li Xiaoman, and then cut the cut apple into small pieces to feed her sister Xiao Yanyan.

Lori looked at the scene of family harmony in the ward. He rubbed his eyes exaggeratedly, "Woo... Madam President, I was so moved, so warm and harmonious!"

His voice fell and there was a footstep outside.

He leaned against the door of the ward at this moment, and when he heard the sound, he turned out of the ward unconsciously.

When he came out, he was shocked because he saw Knox who came to visit.

Also with Knox were Fran, and black foreigners with more than twenty people.

These black foreigners are all people under Knox, all of them are trained, and their skills are not comparable to ordinary bodyguards.

Lowry shifted his gaze from those black foreigners who had grown up to the cold-faced Knox, then nodded politely and asked with a smile, "Mr. Knox, why are you here?"

Knox did not return to Lowry, his penetrating eyes fell on the dozen bodyguards behind Lowry that blocked him from entering the ward.

Lowry saw his eyes fall on the bodyguard behind him. He didn't ask any more, but turned back to let the bodyguard blocking Knox clear.

Immediately he entered the ward and walked directly to Li Xiaoman. He looked down at her and said, "Mrs. President, Mr. Knox is here. I think it is better for you to avoid it."

Li Xiaoman was a little surprised when he heard that Knox was coming. She lowered her eyebrows and then looked at Shen Shiwei and said, "Mom, I and Yanyan allen go out first."

When the words fell, she stood up and looked at Xiaolong Yi and Xiao Yanyan, "Yanyan, allen, let's go out first."

Xiao Yanyan puzzled, "Why should we go out?"

When Li Xiaoman was about to return to Xiao Yanyan, the twenty or so fierce black foreigners from Knox walked in like soldiers.

As soon as they entered, they quickly divided into two rows and stood neatly on both sides.

Standing like a real soldier.

Knox came in after they stood, and followed Fran behind him.

Xiao Yanyan's more than twenty black foreigners looked at Xiao Longyi and lowered her voice, "Brother, a lot of black crows! But they don't look like good people!"

Xiao Longyi's eyes fell on the black people. After looking at them, he looked up at Li Xiaoman again.

At this time, Li Xiaoman was looking at the incoming Knox and saw him looking dignified and unsmiling. The whole person gave a sense of darkness. She couldn't help but frowned, Knox didn't look like a good kind, he How about her mother Shen Shiwei?

She was a little worried about this matter, but now it is not easy to ask much at this time.

She looked at Shen Shiwei and saw her looking at Knox with surprise on her face. She whispered, "Mom, let's go out first."

When the words fell, she looked down at Xiaolongyi and Xiaoyanyan, "Go out with mommy first."

As she took Xiaolong Yi and Xiao Yanyan to turn around, Knox's sharp gaze fell on Xiao Longyi's face, which was very similar to Long Sihao.

His expression was slightly alarmed, and the eyes of the eagle falcon-like light brown eyes narrowed a bit, but he did not stop Li Xiaoman.

Lowry also followed after Li Xiaoman went out.

Knox walked to Shen Shiwei's bed and looked at the injured woman. The expression on his cold face was loosened a little, and his eyes showed concern.

Shen Shiwei concealed the surprise on her face, "Knox, when did you come to the k city?"

Knox sat down, "Yesterday."


Outside the ward, Lowry speculated that Knox might leave in a moment and a half, and looked at Li Xiaoman, said: "Mrs. President, Knox may not have left so quickly, and you have not rested for several days. You and Xiaobo, and the small president go back first, you can come back tomorrow."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman looked at the eye ward and then looked at Lori nodded, "Okay."

Lowry drove Li Xiaoman, Xiao Longyi, and Xiao Yanyan back to the Shuiluhu Villa, and then called Long Sihao to tell him that Knox had gone to the hospital to see Shen Shiwei.

After Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao and Xiao Longyi recognized each other, they had been staying in the hospital because of Shen Shiwei's shooting, so today Xiao Longyi came to the villa for the first time.

Seeing the big amazing luxury villa, Xiaolong Yi's small eyes were full of surprise, but he didn't cry out as surprised as when Xiao Yanyan first came to the villa.

He completely inherited the character of Long Sihao who did not change his face when he collapsed that day.

Starting from entering the villa, Xiao Yanyan pulled him warmly to visit left and turn right.

When strolling to the garden of the main building, Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan and said, "Yan Yan, you go with your brother first. Mommy is a little busy."


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