A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 557: Did he attend the wedding

"President, this matter has a bit of eyebrows. I questioned the guests who were present at the wedding that day. Several guests said they saw a man wearing sunglasses fired a shot, but they said they had never seen that man, so for now. I don’t know who it is yet."

After hearing this, Long Sihao continued his investigation by saying something, and then hung up.

Just as he turned to prepare to push the door into the ward, Li Xiaoman just came out of the ward.

"Are you asleep?" Looking at Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao's voice was deep and gentle.

"Huh." Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, looked at him and asked, "Have you found Sophie?"

They just held a wedding two days ago just to elicit Sophie, but did not expect that she would even tie a bomb on Xiaolongyi's body, although the bomb was not real, but she did that enough to prove that she was a heart-wrenching and inhumane Viper woman.

Even though Xiao Longyi was not her biological son, she had raised him for five years, and she was so cruel.

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman and said truthfully: "Knox is in K City, she was protected by his father."

"Knox is coming to K City?" Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao in amazement, Xiumei frowned a bit, she heard Lowry said that the Knox family is a big force and very strong The family, Knox, who is the leader of the Knox family, is even harsher. If Knox is an enemy of her Si Hao, with Knox's strength, it should be difficult to deal with him.

If their wedding day was not to elicit Sophie and the mysterious person, they would have to fight the grass and snakes, and they did not arrange too many bodyguards at the wedding scene, otherwise, Sophie and the mysterious person would not escape so easily.

Long Sihao looked down at her, raised her slender hands, watched her eyes fondly and spoiled, "Xiao Xiao, you can rest assured, I will not let Sophie go like this, I will let her be treated Some punishment."

After a pause, his tight narrow eyes looked at her distressedly, holding her face and looking left and right, with a concern, "Xiao Xiao, you haven't slept well in these two days, go in and rest for a while."

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at him distressedly, "Si Hao, it's not that I didn't sleep well, but you didn't sleep well. You haven't closed your eyes in these two days. Go back and sleep for a while."

Because of the thrilling scene at the wedding, Long Sihao is now very worried about them.

He looked at Li Xiaoman with petting smiles, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry about her husband, her husband's health is good, there is no problem at all without a few days of rest."

"Si Hao." Li Xiaoman's eyes glanced at him affectionately, then he plunged into his arms and hugged him tightly, "We make you worry."

In fact, she also knew in her heart that her Si Hao was not worried about her and their children. The event at the wedding had a great impact on him. He is now reluctant to leave them in one step, fearing what danger they might encounter.

The mysterious man can't be caught one day, and her Si Hao won't be relieved one day.

She remembers the mysterious man who said that if she dared to marry Long Sihao, he would kill her.

She thought that the mysterious person would deal with her at the wedding, but he just took Sophie, and did not treat her, which made her puzzled but puzzled.

The mysterious person is like a time bomb, and there is a possibility of explosion at any time. She is very afraid that the mysterious person will start with Yanyan and Xiaolong.

So she must get him out as soon as possible.

But he was too mysterious and knew all about them, which made her suspect that the mysterious person was someone around them again.

Lowry is definitely not, Ling Hanye also believed, and the rest is Su Yi.

When she thought of Su Yi, she suddenly flashed a terrible light, and a mysterious person flashed in her mind.

She thought about the back of the mysterious person again and again, only to realize that the figure of the mysterious person was very similar to Su Yi.

She thought about what Su Yi would look like when she put on a ghost mask and then put on a black trench coat.

Seeing her frown, Long Sihao looked at her and asked, "Xiao Xiao, what are you thinking?"

Li Xiaoman put away his thoughts, looked up at Long Sihao, and asked tentatively: "Si Hao, what do you think of Su Yi? Did he participate on our wedding day?"

On the wedding day, she seemed to see Su Yi, but she didn't seem to see him.

Because her thoughts that day were all on Xiaolong Yi, she didn't pay attention.

Seeing her suddenly asked Su Yi, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed complicatedly, "How come he asked him suddenly?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him and raised his eyebrows lightly, with a light smile on his lips. "Just ask me, I know the character of Lowry, and I understand Ling Hanye, even that Su Yi doesn't know very well."

In her impression, Su Yi never seemed to have spoken to her.

She rarely sees him laugh, every time he is such a silent person, he does not speak out, and often will be ignored and forgotten.

Su Yi, who is now in her impression, is a man who doesn't talk, is very quiet, and is very gentle.

Because she knew that Su Yi and Long Sihao had been born and died, so now she has some doubts that the mysterious person is him, but she did not say it directly. After all, Su Yi is the life and death brother of her relatives husband. he.

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman deeply and frowned, "Xiao Xiao, I don't know him very well."

Li Xiaoman heard Long Sihao saying that she didn't know Su Yi very well. She gave him a surprised look and asked no more.

She took his big hand, looked up at him distressedly, her eyes soft and affectionate, "Go in and rest for a while, let's be together."

"Okay." Long Sihao watched her respond softly and went in with her.

This ward is an advanced VIP ward with complete natural facilities, including a reception room, accompanying room, bedroom and so on.

Shen Shiwei is in the bedroom, Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi are in the **** room, and Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao are resting on the sofa in the reception room.

After Long Sihao fell asleep in Li Xiaoman, he took her into the **** room and slept in bed.

Seeing Xiaoyanyan and Xiaolongyi sleeping calmly, his eyes overflowed with tenderness and pampering. He leaned down and kissed Li Xiaoman, Xiaolongyi and Xiaoyanyan on the foreheads.

Immediately he left the **** room and called Lowry again, telling him to tell Knox that Shen Shiwei was shot in the hospital.

Moon Lake Villa

Knox is now in Sophie's room, and Sophie seems to be sick, and the doctor is giving her an injection.

She lay flat on the bed| with a pale complexion and trembling lips. The hand that was hit by someone at the wedding two days ago was wrapped in white gauze and was already saturated with blood.

The doctor who gave her the injection was French, and he respected Knox very much. At first glance, he was the family doctor that Knox brought from France.

After the doctor said a few words to Knox in French, he left Sophie's room.

Knox is very tall, with light brown pupils shining brightly, and with an unseen deep, ink-like horoscope, and a cold expression on his face, as the leader of the Knox family People, a strong and dark temperament has precipitated on his body.

At first glance, he knew that he was not an ordinary person. His eyes were too sharp, and he seemed to be able to see through many things in the world.

He walked to Sophie's bed, striding with a heavy and trace of anger.

Sophie, who had her eyes closed, noticed that someone was standing in front of her bed, and gradually opened her eyes.

When she saw her father Knox staring at her with a somber and cold face, she turned pale and hurriedly sat up and knelt on the bed|.


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