Unknown Lin Momo, Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo, Han Jinxi, Long Junche, Huo Yunene and others all looked at Long Sihao in disbelief, looking at the small face of him and Xiaolongyi circulation.

Lin Momo believed in Long Sihao very much, and she was very surprised when she saw Sophie appearing with Xiaolong Yi.

She pointed at Xiaolongyi, looking at Long Sihao, who was always calm, and asked, "Long President, what's the matter with him?"

Long Sihao looked at Lin Momo, then looked at Xiao Longyi again, his eyes narrowed with pampering, and he smiled softly, "He is my son."

Hearing his words, the guests on the scene were in an uproar, and there was a lot of discussion.

Lin Momo saw Long Sihao in the face of Li Xiaoman, calmly and calmly admitting that Xiao Longyi was his son, she looked surprised, and looked at him like a monster, Then he looked at Li Xiaoman, but he also saw that her family Manman was not panicking.

Huo Yehong, who was originally sitting, saw that Long Sihao admitted that Xiao Longyi was his son, and his sharp eyes also fell on Xiao Longyi's small face, which was very similar to Long Sihao. Shocked.

Has he a great grandson?

Great, Huo Yehong has great grandson.

Huo Yunene saw Long Sihao admit that Xiao Longyi was his son, rushed forward, squeezed his fists tightly, and then went to beat Long Sihao.

His eyes were full of anger and looked at Long Sihao and said angrily: "Long Sihao, I thought you were sincere to Manman. You even betrayed Manman. You even have sons with other women. You are right. Kiman?

Long Sihao looked indifferently looking at Huo Yunene who wished to rush over and beat him, slightly tickled his lips, "This is something for me and Xiao Xiao, you can't be controlled by an outsider."

It was said that Huo Yunene almost rushed up and beat him, but he resisted, he raised his eyes to Li Xiaoman, "Manman, he has betrayed you, do you want to marry him?"

Xiao Yanyan, led by Lin Momo, blinked her small eyes and looked at Huo Yunene with an angry face, "Second Uncle, this is a matter of mommy and dad, you can't control it, mommy married dad. Married."

Although Huo Yunene was angry with Long Sihao, he was not angry with Xiao Yanyan. He watched her tone soften. "Yan Yan, he is not a good father. You betrayed your mummy."

Li Zhenhua has always been very optimistic about Long Sihao. When he saw a son suddenly appearing in him, he was also a little disappointed in him. He looked at Long Sihao and asked, "Si Hao, what the **** is going on? How do you and Does anyone else have a son? You let Manman..."

"Uncle." Li Xiaoman interrupted Li Zhenhua and said with a smile, "I believe Si Hao, he will not betray me."

Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman, his face worried, "Believe? Manman, Si Hao, he admitted that it was his son."

Shen Shiwei, who had been silent for a long time, gazed at Sophie sternly, and said angrily, "Sophie, have you done enough? Allen is the son of Si Hao, but Allen is not your son."

For the first time, Xiao Yanyan saw Sophie head-on, and she was somewhat similar to her mommy. She looked at Shen Shiwei curiously and asked, "Grandma, who is she?"

Shen Shiwei glanced at Sophie, her face full of anger, and then looked at Xiao Yanyan and said, "She is your aunt."

"Auntie?" Xiao Yanyan's eyes widened. "Isn't that Mummy's sister?"

Sophie looked at Xiao Yanyan with a disgruntled expression, and made a bad word, "Little bitch..."


Shen Shiwei saw that Sophie was called Xiao Yanyan that way. She shouted angrily and looked at her coldly and sharply. "No Yanyan is allowed to say that."

Sophie saw that the mum who loved her was biased towards Li Xiaoman. She squeezed the hand that did not hold Xiao Longyi, and looked at Shen Shiwei with an angry look, "Mommy, you are now leaning towards Li Xiaoman. Don't help me anymore? I am your daughter."

After watching Shen Shiwei finish, Sophie looked at Long Sihao again, warning and threatening, "Si Hao, I brought our son. I won't let you and Li Xiaoman hold a wedding today, If you want to tie it, you will tie it with me, otherwise, I will make you regret it."

"Hehe..." Long Sihao grinned coldly and looked at her with cold eyes, "Let me regret, how do I regret?"

Sophie did not return to Long Sihao, but looked at Li Xiaoman with an angry look, sneering: "Li Xiaoman, Si Hao and I already have a son, you know that you left here, otherwise, I It will definitely make you look good."

Lin Momo saw Sophie's arrogance so much more arrogant than that of Xia Lin at that time. She was about to ventilate Li Xiaoman, and Li Xiaoman made her first step.

She can't wait to pull Xiaolong Yi back from her hand to her now, she doesn't want to talk to her again.

"Sophie, don't act anymore, you know very well in yourself that allen is not your son at all, he is my son."

When she said this, there was another uproar at the scene.

Lin Momo pointed at Xiaolong Yi, who was tightly held by Sophie, looked at her in surprise and asked, "Manman, do you say he is your son?"

Li Zhenhua also looked at Li Xiaoman puzzled and asked: "Manman, what's going on? He is your son, why don't I know about it? When did you give birth to your son?"

Li Xiaoman said to Li Zhenhua, frowning, "Uncle, I gave birth not to a daughter but to a son five years ago. The son of me and Si Hao were stolen by Sophie with a suffocated baby girl."

Those present were surprised when they heard what Li Xiaoman said.

Sophie was also surprised to hear Li Xiaoman's words. She actually knew the truth.

But what if she knew the truth? Her purpose today is to destroy the wedding, as long as the guests believe her.

She narrowed her eyes tightly, "Li Xiaoman, don't defile me. When will I replace your son with a dead baby girl? Allen is my son and Si Hao."

Li Xiaoman saw that the facts were in front of her, Sophie was still pretending to be there, still quibbling, she squinted at him, "Sophie, you said that allen is your son, so how could you be broke or virgin some time ago Body? How did you give birth to allen?"

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie with disappointment, and now she is still pretending, how could her daughter become like this?

She really became that she didn't know anymore.

She looked at her with disappointment and looked stern, "Sophie, Xiao Xiao and Si Hao all know the truth. Allen is their son. You used the means five years ago and stole Xiao Xiao's son. You are now It’s time to return her son to her. Si Hao loves Xiao Xiao..."


Sophie waited for her to finish and interrupted her, "Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, only Xiao Xiao in your eyes, I am your daughter, don't you help me even help her? Allen is my son, that is my son."


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